Sleeping Kuang Shiro pulled out his sword, changed his body shape, and pulled out afterimages. Among the bamboo leaves flying, countless sword lights slashed at Dai Daojin's body.


The strong wind scatters, the saber air is cold, raising Dai Daojin's black hair.

Dai Daojin narrowed his eyes, and without taking out the black long knife in his hand, he stretched out his hand to the front left to block it.


The clash of the knife and the scabbard sounded.

The figure of Miankuang Shiro disappeared in an instant, and the lights of the swords around him reappeared.




In Duan Tianya's and Xueji's eyes, only the figure of Miankuang Shiro disappeared, countless phantoms of sword lights filled the surroundings of Dai Daojin's figure, and grass clippings and bamboo leaves on the ground were rolled up by the air current and flew all over the sky.

And the one in the black robe still stood still, holding the scabbard with his left hand and waving to block it.

The sword qi shot out, forcing the two to retreat continuously.


Miankuang Shiro reappeared, holding a knife in front of him with both hands, staring at the person in front of him coldly, panting slightly.

Attacking a person so non-stop, even he can't hold it.

Dai Daojin glanced at him, and said lightly: "What? Are you tired? Since you are tired, it's my turn."

As soon as the words fell, there was a soft moan of "唰".

The sword light suddenly appeared.

The sky and the earth where the three of them felt suddenly lit up, and then went dark again.

Dai Daojin slowly sheathed the long knife in his hand, and looked at Miankuangshiro in front of him.

Walking slowly in front of him, he said softly: "Hand over the phantom sword, and I will spare you."

Sleeping Kuangshiro looked pained, slowly lowered his head, and then it seemed that his movements were too big, causing a chain reaction, "Boom...boom" sounded repeatedly, and suddenly the whole person fell to the ground, all limbs were separated from his body.

Duan Tianya and Xue Ji looked at each other with horror in their eyes, what a terrifying sword technique.

Sleeping Kuangshiro's limbs were bleeding, his face was pale, his eyes were black, and he said with a muffled lips, "You... don't even think about it, even if I... die, I won't give... the phantom sword to a... kind of person like you. "

Dai Daojin's eyes were indifferent, he knelt down and looked at him quietly without speaking.

Duan Tianya and Xue Ji also came forward, seeing the miserable appearance of Miankuang Shiro, Xue Ji was fine, Duan Tianya couldn't bear it, hesitated for a while, just about to make a sound, suddenly his arm was pulled, and he turned his head to look Go, only to see Xue Ji winking at her and shaking her head slightly.

After a while, Dai Daojin saw that the guy had lost a lot of blood, and his eyes were a little slack, so he leaned forward and stared at Miankuang Shiro's eyes, which instantly turned silvery white, like a vortex that kept spinning.

Because he lowered his head, Xueji and the two didn't see his abnormality, they just didn't understand what he was doing.

Not long after, Dai Daojin stood up, glanced at the slightly twitching Miankuang Shiro, ignored him, turned and left.

Duan Tianya glanced at the people on the ground and knew that it was impossible to save him, so he felt a little depressed. He thought that he was partly responsible for the death of Miankuang Shiro, so he couldn't help but blame himself.

Xue Ji Bingxue is smart, when she saw Duan Tianya's appearance, she understood what he was thinking.

She took Duan Tianya's hand and squeezed it lightly. Seeing him turning his head to look at her, Xue Ji comforted her, "Tianya, this matter has nothing to do with you. You don't need to blame yourself. This person wants to kill brother. Sooner or later he will do so." Disaster."

Looking down at the dead people on the ground, he looked up at Duan Tianya and said, "Tianya, you are my brother's brother-in-law if you marry me. You should remind your brother of this matter. If you know someone is going to kill your brother, but Don't say it, Xue Ji will be angry with you."

Duan Tianya was silent, but felt better in his heart.

Turning around, Dai Daojin was no longer in sight, so he said to Xue Ji: "Let's bury him in peace."

Xue Ji knew that Duan Tianya's move was to appease the trace of self-blame in her heart, and it was not surprising that she liked Duan Tianya's benevolent and upright character, so she nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, the two dug a hole and buried Miankuang Shiro into the soil.

The next day, Xue Ji got the magic sword cheat book from Dai Daojin and gave it to Duan Tianya, but Duan Tianya didn't accept it.

Xue Ji took the cheat book and handed it back to Dai Daojin.

Dai Daojin sat cross-legged, glanced at the magic sword cheats on the table, and said indifferently: "He doesn't want to practice?"

Xue Ji glanced at her brother carefully, and explained: "Tian Ya is rather a man, he thinks that Mian Kuang Shiro's death has something to do with him, so he doesn't want to practice this phantom sword, brother, don't be angry."

After hearing this, Dai Daojin took the magic sword cheat book in his hand, and said softly, "Pedantry." But there was a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

In this world, some people's persistence may seem insignificant to you, but in the face of attractive interests, they can stick to their principles. Such people are always lovely, at least people don't hate them.

Putting the cheat book back on the table, Dai Daojin said casually: "Don't forget it, the thirteen schools of martial arts in the book are much more powerful than this phantom sword, just practice it well, and wait until you marry him , you can teach him the Yagyu family's "Killing the God with a Sword" and "Snow in the World"."

Xue Ji's face brightened, then she hesitated and said, "Father, I'm afraid he won't agree?"

Dai Daojin waved his hand, "He is your husband, and he is also from the Liu Sheng family. Besides, it's nothing more than two sword moves."

Xue Ji smiled and nodded.


A year later, Duan Tianya left Dongpu with Xueji and returned to Middle Earth.

Dai Daojin didn't follow, because the sixth round of "Nine Revolutions of Yin and Yang" was about to break through, and it was not the time.

Just three months after Xue Ji left.

On this day, Dai Daojin came to the beach as usual, holding a long knife.

He kept walking, and walked straight forward. The sea water slowly covered his thighs, chest, and top of his head. Dai Daojin continued to walk forward.

He has experienced this kind of thing non-stop for more than a year, and he has long been accustomed to it.

He didn't stop until his chest felt tight and the undercurrent was surging around him.

He stood silently for a while, then walked a few steps forward, feeling the pressure of the sea water, oppressing every part of his body, including flesh, blood vessels, bones, and internal organs.

"Nine Turns of Yin-Yang" is running, the muscles of the body are knotted, the internal organs vibrate slightly, and the bones drive the muscles of the whole body to vibrate. From the outside, you can see big muscles beating and muscles trembling from time to time. The speed was so fast that the sea water around Dai Daojin seemed unable to make skin contact with him.

A fish swims beside him, slowly swims to his side, and accidentally touches his body.

Immediately, the body of the fish shattered inch by inch, turning into a ball of blood, but it didn't take long for it to dissipate in the large amount of sea water, and the red color disappeared.

Outside, the sun was setting in the west, and the sky was slowly getting dark.

"Bang" suddenly sounded muffled, as if it came from underwater.

Not long after, a figure came out of the sea, his body was like jade, and it seemed to be shining under the slightly dark sky.

Well, he seems to be naked and naked.

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