The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 248 Suck My Internal Strength

Huang Rong and the others watched the few people riding away on horseback before turning around and heading towards Lin'an.

The few people drove for a long time, and finally arrived at a market town.

The few people just breathed a sigh of relief and planned to go to this market town to have a good meal and rest.

Just when I was about to walk in, I heard a noise and saw many people gathered together.

Zhou Botong's eyes lit up, he always liked excitement, seeing this scene, there was no reason why it would be unpleasant, he hurriedly pushed away from the crowd, and got in.

Liu Ying and Huang Rong also followed.

Squeezing into the crowd, I saw three or four quacks carrying swords, surrounding a young man.

The young man looked guilty and said, "Several brothers, don't stop me anymore. I'm really sorry just now, I didn't mean it."

One of the four men with knives said, "Boy, my eldest brother was made into this state by you, and you actually said that it wasn't on purpose. Do you think we are fools?"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to an older middle-aged man behind him, and saw that middle-aged man's face was pale and weak, and he needed someone to support him to stand still, but his eyes were extremely excited. He said, "Brothers, this kid is weird, don't touch his body with your hands, you must catch him."

Although his brothers didn't know why the eldest brother wanted to capture this kid alive, they didn't ask any further questions.

Although Guo Jing is simple and honest, he is not stupid. Looking at the man's eyes, he knew that he was eyeing his martial arts, but Guo Jing couldn't give it to him. From Guo Jing's point of view, if this kind of martial arts is obtained by such a bad-hearted person, it will definitely be destroyed. do evil.

Those few people surrounded him, but they didn't dare to go forward. Just now their elder brother touched the boy's body, and then fell limply to the ground, which made them think that this boy has demon skills.

Guo Jing was extremely helpless, wondering if he should rush out later.

Suddenly, a voice shouted, "Hey, hey, you guys are so shameless, you guys are bullying other people's little brothers."

Guo Jing looked at the speaker, and saw an old man with gray beard and hair, with a funny expression, winking and talking there.

The elder brother was afraid that someone would spoil his good deed, so when he saw Zhou Botong, he scolded him, "Where did you come from, get out of here."

Zhou Botong grinned, and before he could speak, Liu Ying who was beside him raised his eyebrows and got angry.


Draw the sword out of its sheath, the true energy in the body circulates, and the spiral nine shadows activate.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang"

All the people present, except Guo Jing and Zhou Botong, only saw a figure flash by, and all the people in the arena fell to the ground with their swords, clutching their arms and screaming.

Liu Ying put the sword back into its sheath, raised eyebrows coldly, "Get lost."

Those few people didn't dare to stay any longer, they hurriedly picked up their weapons and fled. Seeing that there was no excitement to be seen, the onlookers dispersed.

Guo Jing heaved a sigh of relief, cupped his hands and said to Liu Ying, "Thank you."

On the contrary, Zhou Botong became interested in this kid, walked around him, and said with a smile, "Boy, with your martial arts, you can easily deal with those people, why don't you do it?"

After hearing this, Huang Rong also looked at this person curiously, wondering if this person is a fool who can win but doesn't fight?

Guo Jing also saw Huang Rong's eyes, scratched his head in embarrassment, and thought to himself that this girl is really pretty.

Not daring to look any further, he hurriedly cast his eyes on Zhou Botong, and said, "Senior, this junior's martial arts are quite peculiar, if you are not careful, you will cause serious damage to your opponent, so this junior is not willing to do anything unless it is absolutely necessary. "

Zhou Botong grinned, and became more interested, and said, "I see that just now, the qi was weak and the body was weak, which is obviously a symptom of the loss of internal energy. What kind of evil martial art did you practice to have such an effect?"

Guo Jing's complexion changed drastically, this man was so powerful, he could make a lot of guesses just by looking at him casually.

Seeing the change in his face, Zhou Botong was immediately quite proud, raised his head and said, "Boy, the old naughty boy's martial arts are very powerful. I can see all kinds of martial arts. The way that man looked at you just now obviously took his fancy." Your martial arts, I want to get your martial arts." After finishing speaking, he was even more proud.

Huang Rong saw it, and couldn't help laughing, "Old naughty boy, you are so powerful, why can't you get rid of the restraint on you."

When Zhou Botong heard this, he immediately gave up and drooped his head.

When Guo Jing heard the old naughty boy say that he practiced evil martial arts, he quickly waved his hands and explained, "No, no, the martial arts practiced by this junior is the authentic Taoist mentality. This is what Quanzhen Master Danyangzi told me. Although... Although this martial arts It can absorb people's internal energy, but Daoist Ma said that there is no distinction between good and evil in martial arts, and talents can be divided into good and evil. Martial arts, if you use it righteously, you will be righteous, and if you use it evilly, you will be evil."

"I just saw that the man's mind was not upright, so I didn't give him this martial art."

Zhou Botong was surprised when he heard this, "You know Ma Yu?"

Guo Jing was stunned for a moment before he realized that Ma Yu was Dan Yangzi, he nodded immediately, and said, "Thanks to Daoist Ma's kindness, this junior has learned internal skills for two years under his seat."

Seeing the strange faces of several people, Guo Jing scratched his head and asked, "Do you also recognize Daoist Ma?"

Huang Rong laughed and said, "Silly boy, do you know who this person is?" She said, pointing to Zhou Botong.

Zhou Botong cooperated, with his hands behind his back and his head held high, looking like a tall man.

Guo Jing looked at it, shook his head, expressing he didn't know.

Huang Rong smiled and said, "He is Taoist Master Ma's uncle, the old urchin Zhou Botong."

Guo Jing was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly bowed to salute, "I have met Senior Zhou."

Zhou Botong put on an air of being an expert, and then he reacted, frowned and said, "That's not right, you said just now that you practiced kung fu that can absorb people's internal energy, but Ma Yu doesn't know this kind of kung fu." But he thought of that time in his heart , that person sucked up his own internal energy, but returned it to himself.

Guo Jing gave a wry smile, and then opened his mouth to tell the story of his passive acceptance of teaching skills.

This incident was quite anecdotal, and several people listened to it with great interest.

The old naughty boy heard that Guo Jing was passed on to his heart by someone directly, and he was basically sure who it was, the grown-up "immortal", the "immortal" who sealed his inner strength. Thinking of this, the old naughty boy felt a very strong feeling in his heart. His intuition must be him, otherwise, who else has this ability.

The old naughty boy jumped up and shouted, "It's him, it must be him."

Guo Jing was stunned, and hurriedly said, "Senior Zhou, do you know this person?"

The old naughty boy muttered and ignored him.

Immediately, his eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, he looked at Guo Jing with burning eyes.

Guo Jing was terrified by him, and couldn't help but said, "Senior Zhou, what's wrong with you?"

The old naughty boy said, "You said your kung fu can absorb people's kung fu?"

Guo Jing nodded honestly.

"After the internal force is sucked away, is this person okay?

Guo Jing thought for a while, and said, "People will only lose their hard-earned internal strength, but it's fine."

The old naughty boy shook his head and said, "You suck my internal energy away."

Guo Jing shook his head hastily and said hurriedly, "This junior doesn't dare."

The old naughty boy was in a hurry, "Dare, dare, you can only save me if you absorb my internal energy."

Not to mention Guo Jing was surprised, even Huang Rong and Liu Ying were also surprised.

Liu Ying said, "Botong, what nonsense are you talking about?"

The old naughty boy cried and said, "My internal energy is blocked. If you suck my internal energy, you can also absorb the strange internal energy in my body. In this way, I will be saved."

Liu Ying said decisively, "No, you have lost all your internal strength."

Then he said softly, "Botong, our child is very powerful in martial arts, he will definitely be able to solve the dilemma in your body." Liu Ying thought, if Zhou Botong's internal power ban was lifted, how would he be willing to follow me to see Peifeng?

The old naughty boy shouted, "Then what if it doesn't work? Besides, if you lose your internal strength, you can just practice again. There's nothing to be afraid of."

After finishing speaking, he took Guo Jing's hand and walked outside the town.

Liu Ying had no choice but to follow along with Huang Rong.

Zhou Botong held Guo Jing's hand and said with a smile, "Little brother, haven't I asked you what your name is yet?"

Guo Jing was being pulled by him, he didn't dare to break free, and said honestly, "Senior Zhou, you are Daoist Ma's uncle, and you are the son's ancestor, don't call him little brother, just call him Guo Jing."


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