After Dai Daojin found out about this, he went to Lin'an.

More than a month later, Dai Daojin stood on the second floor of an inn in Lin'an Prefecture, looking at the passers-by, thinking about the message from Quanzhen Sect just now.

During this period of time, a major event happened in Jianghu, that is, Hong Qigong, the old leader of the Beggar Gang, abdicated, and the current leader of the Beggar Gang is Elder Peng of the Clean Clothes Sect.

People in the rivers and lakes couldn't help talking about it.

Dai Daojin wrote a letter and sent it to Zhongnanshan.


A hundred miles away from Lin'an City.

Dai Daojin looked at the small village in front of him, where the smoke was curling up from the kitchen, and he couldn't help but calm down, as if the turmoil outside was also temporarily far away.

Walking in, I saw farmers carrying farm tools from time to time.

Suddenly, a large group of black shadows ran towards him.

Dai Daojin snorted coldly, and the black shadow suddenly slowed down, whoever it was if it wasn't the giant panda "Ming".

Dai Daojin looked down, this guy seemed to be fatter than before, with dark circles under his eyes, a huge head, rubbing against Dai Daojin's trousers, looking up from time to time, with an unusually naive look.

A voice came from the front, "Master Uncle." The voice was full of surprise, whether it was Mu Nianci or someone else.

Dai Daojin looked up, seeing the increasingly beautiful sword-wielding girl in front of him, couldn't help but feel a little emotional, and nodded with a smile.

Mu Nianci walked to Dai Daojin's side. She was so tall that she almost didn't have to raise her head. She looked at the man in front of her and said softly, "Master, why are you here when you have time?"

Dai Daojin bent down and rubbed the giant panda's head, then got up and said, "Let's go, find a place to talk."

Mu Nianci, "Uncle, my stepfather and stepmother are at home, do you want to go home?"

Dai Daojin shook his head.

Mu Nianci immediately understood.

The two arrived at the back mountain.

Dai Daojin reached out to catch a fallen leaf, and said, "Nianci, my uncle is leaving."

Mu Nianci was taken aback, "Master, where are you going?"

Dai Daojin thought about what he was going to do soon, and said, "Go to a very far away place, and it is very likely that I will not come back for several years or ten years."

Mu Nianci's expression froze, he tightly held the long sword in his hand, looked into the distance, and said softly, "Master, can Nianci know where you are going?"

Dai Daojin remained silent.

Mu Nianci looked disappointed and lowered his head slightly.

Dai Daojin looked at it and said, "I'm going to do one thing, a very dangerous thing. There are many and powerful enemies. I don't know when this thing will be completed, and I don't know if it will be successful."

Mu Nianci looked up, "Can Nianci help you?"

Dai Daojin thought for a while, but still shook his head.

Mu Nianci bit his lower lip, lowered his head and said softly, "It's because Nianci's martial arts are low."

Dai Daojin smiled, and suddenly remembered the first time the two met, the little girl who had to hide behind Yang Tiexin when she spoke, had become a master of swordsmanship at this moment, and had to feel that time flies.

On the mountainside at the back, the leaves were withered and yellow. Under the tree, the two stood facing each other, with a big cat lying there.

Dai Daojin looked at the young girl in front of him, saw her expression of reluctance, and said with a smile, "Nianci, you have to remember that there are only two kinds of feelings in the world, one is to love each other, and the other is to forget each other. You walked out of the Kangzhuang Avenue in the way of the sword, I just ask you not to disappoint the sword in your hand."

"Eat when you're hungry, sleep when you're sleepy, get cool when it's hot, and turn to fire when you're cold, just have a normal mind. In this world, there is no big thing except life and death. Everything can be done with your heart."

These were Dai Daojin's words to Mu Nianci before he left.

That day when she was accepted as an apprentice, even though he was called an uncle, he was like a master like a father. He tried his best to teach her swordsmanship and martial arts, and wanted her to pass on Dugu's lineage. Today, Dai Daojin has changed his mind.

The two looked at the distance between the mountains together, silent, only the sound of the leaves being blown by the mountain wind.

Dai Daojin left. Before he left, he found that Mu Nianci's swordsmanship was at a bottleneck, and his internal strength had reached the stage of accumulating water grinding, so he told her the purpose and location of the pusqu snake.

Mu Nianci looked at Dai Daojin's back as he went away. The giant panda next to him seemed to know that his master was in a bad mood, and rubbed his head against Mu Nianci's calf.


on the official road.

Huang Rong smiled and looked at Zhou Botong, "Old naughty boy, I never expected that you are my senior brother's father."

Zhou Botong drooped his head and ignored her.

Liu Ying next to him smiled and said to Huang Rong, "Rong'er, do you know where Pei Feng has gone?"

Huang Rong pouted, "Brother, he never told me where he went, and Rong'er doesn't know where he went?"

Liu Ying took Huang Rong's hand and said with a smile, "He didn't tell you, there must be a reason for not telling you, and you don't want to be angry with him." Liu Ying liked Huang Rong very much, and wanted to treat her like a girl. The attitude of a daughter-in-law, but she also knows that her son has always had his own attention and ideas, and his son may not disagree.

But Liu Ying has her own attention, women chasing men, interlayer gauze, turned her head to look at Zhou Botong, this person in front of him has been sealed with internal strength, and he is not honest yet.

Zhou Botong naturally saw Liu Ying's gaze, he was very depressed, the zhenqi in his body was sealed in his dantian by a strange zhenqi, although the zhenqi was not very powerful, it was extremely tenacious, as if it could Absorbing one's own true qi to replenish strength, always blocking one's envoy to the dantian in the body.

If it weren't for the internal force being restrained, how could Liu Ying's lightness kung fu be able to hold on to himself.

Huang Rong smiled triumphantly, "Hmph, he doesn't take me to play, I play by myself, I have been playing with Sister Mochou everywhere for more than half a year, and went to many places. It was not until Sister Mochou returned to Zhongnan Mountain a few days ago that Rong'er separate from her."

Before he finished speaking, the sound of horseshoes stamping on the ground came from behind.

The three quickly stepped aside.

Huang Rong turned her head to look, and saw a pretty woman coming on a horse, full of heroism, superb riding skills, very chic, a few horsemen followed behind her.

The pretty woman rode her horse past the three of them, and after a while, she turned her horse's head and came back.

The woman got off the horse neatly, folded her hands and looked at them, and asked softly, "Excuse me, have you ever met a man named Guo Jing?" She spoke in Mongolian.

Huang Rong and the others saw that her face was a little different from that of the people from the Central Plains, and when they heard her babble, they looked dazed.

Among the entourage following the woman, a man walked forward a few steps, covered his chest with his right hand and bowed, and translated in Central Plains dialect, "Excuse me, my master wants to ask some of you, have you ever seen a man named Guo Jing?" people?"

Huang Rong shook her head, "Guo Jing? I haven't heard of it."

Liu Ying and Zhou Botong also said they had never met.

The attendant spoke to the woman in Mongolian, and the woman showed disappointment on her face.

Suddenly, the woman seemed to remember something, and hastily murmured again.

The attendant translated, "Guo Jing is a young man. He has six men and one woman and seven martial arts masters. He is very famous in Jiangnan."

Liu Ying listened, thought for a while, and said, "Seven people who are very famous? Could it be the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan?"

Then he asked the woman, "Among the seven masters named Guo Jing, is there one who is blind?" She has been wandering in the Jianghu these years, and has a basic understanding of the personnel and affairs in the Jianghu.

The entourage interpreted for the woman, and the woman nodded suddenly with an agitated face.

Then the entourage took his master and asked, "Do you know where the seven monsters in the south of the Yangtze River are now?"

How did Liu Ying know, so she shook her head.

Zhou Botong felt a little bored, and said impatiently, "Those seven weird guys often hang around in Jiaxing Mansion, you can go find them there."

After the woman understood, she quickly bowed down to thank her, turned around and mounted her horse, and galloped away, thinking that there were people in the team who were familiar with the geography of the Central Plains.


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