Li Ping was in a heavy heart. When Dai Daojin mentioned the identity of Guo Jing's consort, she nodded silently and said, "Jing'er grew up with Hua Zheng and was very close. Khan called Jing'er to be his son-in-law."

Dai Daojin nodded and said, "Ms. Guo, what do you think of Guo Jing coming back to be Mongolia's son-in-law?"

Hearing this, Li Ping straightened her face, and said decisively, "Of course not, Jing'er is a citizen of the Great Song Dynasty, so how can he be the son-in-law of Mongolia."

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "Ms. Guo's big festival is admirable."

Then he said, "You have lived in the desert for 18 years, and you are familiar with Temujin. What do you think of Temujin and Mongolia?"

Li Ping's face softened, and although she was still worried, she said slowly, "Khan is a hero on the grassland, and he takes good care of our orphans and widows. As for Mongolia? I'm just an old woman. I don't know what you mean? "

Dai Daojin did not answer this question, but instead asked, "Ms. Guo, do you think Jin Guo is strong?"

Li Ping's face darkened when she heard this, she nodded and said, "Our Great Song Dynasty is a vassal of the Kingdom of Jin, and the Kingdom of Jin is naturally very powerful."

Dai Daojin shook his head, "The Kingdom of Jin was very powerful, but that was in the past. Now the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin has no talents, is suspicious, has bad internal affairs, and the military administration has declined. Gradually unifying all the ministries of the grassland has shown signs of rising."

Li Ping was a little puzzled.

Dai Daojin continued, "However, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the Jin Kingdom is sunset, its national power is still very strong, and the Song Dynasty still dare not steal its edge. Therefore, it is still very difficult for Guo Jing to avenge his father's death. Can borrow strength."

Li Ping didn't understand military affairs, but she understood Dai Daojin's last words, and said hesitantly, "You mean taking advantage of the Mongols?"

Dai Daojin nodded.

Li Ping thought for a while, then shook her head, and said, "No, we mother and son have been in the desert for a long time, and we know that the Mongols, like the Jin people, have long coveted the splendid rivers and mountains of the Southern Dynasty. Using the Mongol power to avenge the killing of his father, the Great Khan will definitely let him go south to invade the Song Dynasty, and with Jing'er's temperament, he will definitely not agree, and the Great Khan will definitely not let Jing'er go."

When Dai Daojin heard this, his eyes showed surprise. Li Ping could have predicted these things.

Dai Daojin praised with a smile, "Ms. Guo's eyes are as bright as a torch, but there is such a possibility."

"However, Mrs. Guo, you have been in the desert for so long. Those Mongols, because you are familiar with Temujin, have treated you well. What you don't know is that Mongols are more brutal than Jin people. They attack cities and seize territories. Often, if there is even a little resistance, the city will be massacred and innocent residents will be slaughtered, and then the genocidal policy will be implemented.

Li Ping was shocked, and lost her voice, "How is this possible?"

Dai Daojin: "How can it be impossible? They are friendly to you because they treat you as their own. When they recruit Guo Jing as their son-in-law, they regard Guo Jing as a Mongolian. You live here, never go out, and don't know the situation. The Mongolian soldiers under Mu Zhen are in the west, attacking cities and conquering land, and those small countries are often destroyed after the country is destroyed, because all the people have been killed."

The astonishment on Li Ping's face remained the same.

Dai Daojin said in a deep voice, "If you don't believe me, I can take you to the place where they fought, and you will know that my few words are so pale compared to the actual scene, massacre, extermination, rape, They even throw away the belly of the pregnant woman, take out the baby inside the belly, and they like to cut off the human head and build it together for fun, and so on. For the Mongols, these things are more important than There is not much difference between tea, rice and water."

Li Ping's face turned pale.

Dai Daojin continued, "Think about it, with the brutality of the Mongols, after destroying the Kingdom of Jin, they went south to invade the Song Dynasty. What would happen if they faced the Huahua Jiangshan? What about seeing the water-like women of the Song Dynasty?"

Li Ping seemed to have thought of that scene, and her face turned pale again.

Dai Daojin said this, not to scare Li Ping. In history, "There will be no China after Yashan" is not a joke.

Inside the yurt, there was a moment of silence.

After a long while, Li Ping shuddered and said in a trembling voice, "But... But what can we orphans and widows do about these things? What's the use?"

Dai Daojin said in a deep voice, "It is useful, it is of great use. The rise of Mongolia is because of the decline of the imperial court in the land of China. If the Central Plains is a unified dynasty, how can tens of thousands of Mongolians rise? Looking at the predecessors, as long as the Central Plains dynasty Reunification, whether it is the Huns or the Turks, is nothing but a clown."

"But it's different now. The land of the Central Plains has been divided, and the Kingdom of Jin is in the north. It has already begun to decline. The Southern Song Dynasty is already decayed and sick to the bone. Even if there are good doctors and strong enemies in front, there is no time to "take medicine and cure diseases." At this time, by chance and coincidence, Mongolia ushered in Temujin again, who unified the tribes and gradually began to show his fangs."

How did Li Ping know the history, she half understood and half didn't understand, but she felt the pain in Dai Daojin's words. Even so, she still didn't understand, what did these big things have to do with their orphans and widows?

Dai Daojin continued, "The rise of Mongolia has taken advantage of the time, and now the Mongolian nobles are all united by Temujin, which has taken over the harmony of people. Most of the north is a plain, and the Mongolian cavalry is invincible, and it occupies most of the land. , if it continues to develop like this, sooner or later Mongolia will be unstoppable, and it will wreak havoc on the world with its troops.”

"Once this happens, massacres are inevitable, and the Han people will suffer a lot in the future."

"So, someone must stop it and try to save it."

Hearing this, Li Ping felt uncomfortable, but felt powerless. She suddenly remembered that Dai Daojin had mentioned that Guo Jing was the son-in-law of the golden sword. She reacted and said hesitantly, "You mean to ask Jinger to stop it? But how can Jinger have the ability?"

Dai Daojin said quietly, "If Guo Jing becomes the son-in-law of the golden sword, he will be Temujin's son-in-law. Temujin has four sons, the eldest son Jochi, this son Chagatai, the third son Okuotai and the fourth son Tuo Lei, the first three Guo Zi had a very good relationship with him, and Torre even made an alliance with him. In the future, Mongols will inevitably use troops against Khwarazm, Xixia, and Jin. Guo Jing made great achievements in these wars. By then Temujin will be old Great, no matter who succeeds after death, Guo Jing must be the top nobleman in Mongolia, with a large army in his hand, and has the right to speak. When the time comes, it is inevitable to go south to invade the Song Dynasty. , Do not massacre the city and kill the Han people, which is equivalent to saving countless Han people."

After hearing this, Li Ping stood there in a daze, staring at Dai Daojin in a daze, a little stunned.

Dai Daojin continued, "Finally, Guo Jing..."

Suddenly, a clear female voice sounded outside, and she immediately shut up.


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