Dai Daojin followed the man and walked forward. He looked left and right, and found that most of the people here were old and weak women and children, and there were very few men. Most of them probably went out with Temujin.

The man walked to a yurt near the back and shouted in Mongolian, "Sister Guo, are you there? A Han man is looking for you."

Not long after, a female voice came from inside, "Who is it?"

Then, the curtain of the yurt was pushed open, and a woman bent down and walked out.

The woman looked at the Mongolian man, then at Dai Daojin.

The Mongolian man pointed to Dai Daojin and said, "He said he was a friend of Guo Jing, and Guo Jing asked him to bring you something."

Li Ping looked at Dai Daojin and asked hesitantly, "Do you know Jing'er?"

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "Ms. Guo, Guo Jing and I knew each other in Zhongdu. He knew that I was here in the desert, so he asked me to bring you a message. At that time, Brother Yang Tiexin was by his side."

After hearing this, Li Ping looked excited and grabbed Dai Daojin, "What did you say? Brother Yang is still alive?"

Dai Daojin nodded with a smile.

These few words were spoken in Chinese, and the Mongolian man couldn't understand. Seeing Li Ping's excited expression, he hurriedly pulled Li Ping away, and looked at Dai Daojin warily.

Li Ping's mood eased a little at this time, and she hurriedly said to the man: "Tuta, he is Jing'er's friend, I was excited just now, it's okay, it's okay."

After hearing this, the man backed away a few steps, and after a few words, he left.

Li Ping then opened the curtain of the yurt and hurriedly said, "Little brother, please come in, please come in."

Dai Daojin put the horses away and entered the yurt. After entering, he turned his head to look, and saw that although the furnishings were not luxurious, they had everything, which showed that his life was still very good.

Li Ping asked Dai Daojin to sit down, and poured him a bowl of buttered tea.

Dai Daojin took a sip, it was salty and fragrant.

Li Ping's eyes were urgent, but he didn't want to rush her. Seeing Dai Daojin put down the bowl, she asked, "What's your name, little brother?"

Dai Daojin looked at Guo Jing's mother. She had slightly white hair and an ordinary face, no different from a simple peasant woman in the Southern Song Dynasty. Her eyes showed a trace of tenacity and strength. Her appearance was much older than her actual age. People in their 60s and [-]s looked like they were [-] or [-] years old. , The palm is rough and strong.

Dai Daojin couldn't help but think of another character, Bao Xiruo, who is about the same age as Li Ping, and now has fair skin and delicate body, like a beautiful young woman in her thirties.

Different people have different personalities. Bao Xiruo can read and write, but she only knows sadness and tactfulness, a cowardly personality, no assertiveness, and everything depends on others. After giving birth to Yang Kang, she only did one thing in the past 18 years -- Caressing the spear, thinking about her husband.

Li Ping is illiterate, a country woman with a big belly, but she is strong as a mother, bravely fights against Duan Tiande, travels thousands of miles alone, goes to the desert, suffers so much, pulls Guo Jing up, and instills in Guo Jing since childhood that he is willing to help others , kept his promise, and because of this, he was appreciated by Jebe and Temujin.

Li Ping taught Guo Jing to be loyal since childhood, and he was even more unequivocal about right and wrong. He often warned Guo Jing that he was from the Song Dynasty, to be loyal to the emperor and patriotic.

And these qualities are the basis for Guo Jing to go south to the Central Plains and win the favor of many people.

These thoughts flashed across Dai Daojin's mind for a moment, looking at the admirable ordinary and extraordinary woman in front of him, he said with a smile: "I am Huang Peifeng, a person from Taohua Island, and I met Guo Jing in Zhongdu. We hit it off quite well. He Knowing that I am coming to the desert, so I entrusted me to come and see you, and by the way, tell you about the Yang couple."

Then Dai Daojin briefly talked about the matter of Yang Tiexin and his wife.

After hearing this, Li Ping was excited and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Dai Daojin drank butter tea, quietly waiting for the other party to calm down.

After a long time, Li Ping smiled and said: "My sister has come to the end of all hardships, it's good to be reunited, good to be reunited." It can be seen that Li Ping is very happy for the Yang couple, but her words can't help but contain Feeling a little lonely, but thinking of her late husband Guo Xiaotian.

Dai Daojin smiled lightly, secretly thinking that Bao Xiruo is suffering, you are the one suffering.

Later, Li Ping asked many things about Guo Jing, and Dai Daojin also told him one by one.

The two mentioned the purpose of Guo Jing's trip to the Central Plains, Li Ping said: "My Guo Yang family was framed by Duan Tiande, and my husband Guo Xiaotian even died. Jing'er will avenge the murder of his father with his own hands."

Dai Daojin's eyes were dark, and he said with a faint smile, "Duan Tiande has killed the common people, so he will surely die, but he is just a thug."

Li Ping frowned and asked, "Why did my nephew say that?"

Dai Daojin replied: "In the past 20 years, the Song Dynasty has declined, and it has become a vassal to the north, and the officials in the court have bowed their heads to the Jin Kingdom, wishing to lick the feet of the Jin people..."

Li Ping listened to it for a while, but didn't understand why Dai Daojin said these things. After he finished speaking, he asked: "What does this have to do with the tragedy of our Guo and Yang families?"

Dai Daojin said quietly: "Do you still remember why Tiande killed you in that period? You were just ordinary villagers in the countryside."

Li Ping frowned, recalled slowly, and after a while, said: "I remember, the excuse of that villain at that time was to arrest the thief that the government wanted to arrest?"

Dai Daojin continued to ask: "Who is that thief?"

Li Ping said: "Although the villain didn't say it clearly, he presumably refers to Taoist Qiu."

Dai Daojin asked slowly: "Why did Daoist Qiu go to Niujia Village?"

Li Ping slowly recalled what happened 18 years ago, her eyes were in a trance, as if she had returned to that snowy day, and she said in a low voice: "Qiu Daochang killed a corrupt official in Yurou Town who colluded with the Jinren, and was killed by others." After chasing and killing them, we arrived at Niujia Village."

Dai Daojin picked up the cold buttered tea, took a sip, and asked, "And then?"

Li Ping said: "Later, Daoist Qiu, my husband, and Brother Yang beat those thieves away."

Dai Daojin was silent for a moment, thought for a while, and said: "Then you know, among the thieves, there is a man named Wanyan Honglie, he is a man of gold, and now he is Prince Zhao of the Great Jin Kingdom."

Li Ping heard this, frowned and thought about it, and said, "Wanyan Honglie? This name is so familiar."

Then he suddenly realized, "This...isn't this my sister from the Yang family, her future husband?"

Dai Daojin nodded, "Then Wanyan Honglie didn't die after being injured by Qiu Chuji, but was rescued by Mrs. Yang, and then Duan Tiande came..."

The rest of Dai Daojin didn't say much, but Li Ping understood.

Although Li Ping is a peasant woman, she is not stupid. She made a series of events before and after, and then thought of the pretty appearance of the sister of the Yang family, who saved the King Jin. Years later, the younger sister of the Yang family transformed herself into Princess Zhao of the Kingdom of Jin...

In the end, the Yang family was reunited, leaving only orphans and widows in the Guo family.

Li Ping showed pain on her face, and she couldn't accept it. She couldn't accept this fact. It's not that she didn't think that the young man in front of her lied to her. so clearly.

Inside the yurt, there was a moment of silence.

After a long while, Li Ping said in a deep voice: "It means that the real enemy of my Guo family is Wanyan Honglie, that King Zhao of Jin Kingdom?"

Dai Daojin nodded silently.

Li Ping was silent again, a little dazed, Duan Tiande, who had to deal with it with all his strength, King Zhao of the Great Jin Kingdom, a person who even the Emperor of Song Dynasty dared not offend, how could he avenge himself?

After a long while, Dai Daojin suddenly said: "Madam Guo, I heard that Guo Jing is Mongolia's son-in-law?"

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