At this time, Zhongdu is like the eye of a typhoon, attracting all kinds of people.

But the people in the eye of the typhoon didn't realize it.

In the palace, the lobby.

A middle-aged man with a black beard and majestic eyes sat in the middle. This person was Wanyan Honglie, the prince of the Dajin Kingdom. There were many figures standing in the hall, all dressed in different styles and with strange shapes, all of them were figures from the world.

Wanyan Honglie smiled and said: "It's really my honor to have the help of all heroes."

All the people in the hall are masters of the underworld, and they came here just to have a good future. Hearing what the prince said, they naturally humbled themselves first, and showed their loyalty.

Wanyan Honglie smiled when he heard that everyone was chattering, and waited for everyone to finish.Then he ordered his servants to take these people down for hospitality.

After everyone left, Wanyan Honglie looked at Wanyan Kang who was standing aside and said, "Kang'er, what do you think?"

Yang Kang followed Wanyan Honglie's ears and eyes, and grew up in a family of officials, so he naturally understood what Wanyan Honglie meant, and said respectfully: "Father, these people may be relied on to help solve some troublesome things behind the scenes, but they cannot be relied on as confidantes. People in the middle are arrogant and arrogant, can't be restrained, and are prone to bad things in big things."

Wanyan Honglie smiled and nodded, then shook his head again, and said, "Kang'er, you have to remember that people have their way, rats have their way, everyone has value in the eyes of the superiors, it depends on whether you can employ people "Although these Jiang Hu people rely on martial arts and are arrogant and undisciplined, as long as they have desires and like fame, fortune and power, they can naturally use them as inducements to make them obey their orders."

"Don't take it seriously, and don't take it lightly."

Yang Kang listened, and after thinking for a while, he respectfully said: "Father taught me the lesson, Kang'er remembered it."

Seeing that the atmosphere was too serious, Wanyan Honglie stood up, patted Yang Kang on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "You will learn slowly in the future. At your age, you have done a good job. Let's go back to the backyard and watch Look at your mother."

Yang Kang also smiled and said, "Yes."

The two father and son walked out of the hall side by side and walked towards the backyard.

After a while, the two walked to a courtyard in the courtyard of the Wangfu. Outside the courtyard, there were exotic flowers and plants, pavilions, towers and pavilions, which were very skillful, but entering this small courtyard was relatively simple. , the layout is also very simple, it doesn't look like a small courtyard in the palace, but like a shabby house in the countryside.

Inside the house, a beautiful and plump woman in purple dress is sitting at the table in the house, sewing something. I can see candlesticks, hunting bows, and worn-out daily necessities elsewhere in the house , all wiped spotless one by one.

"Mother, Kang'er and King Father are here to see you." Outside the door, Yang Kang's voice sounded.

After hearing this, the woman put down the needle and thread in her hand, turned around and went out of the house.

Outside the door, Wanyan Honglie looked at the room with his hands behind his back, a shadow flashed in his eyes, but when he saw the person walking out of the room, the shadow disappeared, his eyes were filled with tenderness, and he said softly, "Pity the weak."

Bao Xiruo greeted Wanyan Honglie first, then grabbed Yang Kang's hand, doting on his face, "Where have you been these few days?"

Yang Kang smiled and said, "Kang'er went out to find his daughter-in-law for you."

Bao Xiruo immediately showed a smile, and Yang Kang made some gags, which made Bao Xiruo very happy, and the family of three got along very well.


After more than half a month, Dai Daojin and his party finally arrived at Taihu Lake.

Returning to Yunzhuang, the middle door is wide open.

All members of Lu Chengfeng's family stood at the door, welcoming Feng Heng who was coming.

Dai Daojin sent a letter to Lu Chengfeng in advance, informing him of the news that Feng Heng and Huang Xiao were coming to stay for a short stay, and asked him to make preparations first.

Knowing that Feng Heng was coming, Lu Chengfeng was immediately excited. Since leaving Peach Blossom Island, Lu Chengfeng's family has been to the island to meet Huang Yaoshi and Feng Heng, and invited them to come as guests, but Huang Yaoshi refused immediately. up.

This time Feng Heng came here, it is very likely that Huang Yaoshi will come back later, how dare Lu Chengfeng neglect, clean up the largest and best attic courtyard in the village, rearrange it, and give all the food and clothing expenses to him. The duo prepares the best.

When Lu Chengfeng saw the carriage approaching, he hurriedly took two steps forward, and said in a respectful voice: "Unworthy disciple Lu Chengfeng welcomes Master's wife." All the members of the Lu family behind him bowed together.

Feng Heng got out of the carriage and felt a little sorry to see Lu Chengfeng making such a big noise. Knowing that it was Dai Daojin who had notified Lu Chengfeng in advance, he couldn't help but cast a reproachful look at him. Dai Daojin looked at him, smiled, and didn't take it seriously.

Feng Heng hurriedly helped the members of the Lu family up, and said, "Chengfeng doesn't have to be like this."

Lu Chengfeng said happily: "Senior Brother Huang has said everything in his heart. Mistress, you can stay here as long as you want, and you can stay here for as long as you want. When Master and other old people find Junior Sister, they will come back to pick you up."

Feng Heng smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, everyone entered the villa, and Lu Chengfeng had already prepared for the banquet.

After drinking and chatting, Dai Daojin saw that Feng Heng had made arrangements, and left Lujiazhuang on the horse that Lu Chengfeng had prepared for him, and headed straight for Zhongdu.

And just a few days after Dai Daojin left, Huang Rong and Li Mochou also came to Taihu Lake.

The two walked and played together, although Dai Daojin came to Taihu Lake before Dai Daojin, but Dai Daojin walked ahead of them.

When Huang Rong and Li Mochou arrived here, they didn't wander around anymore, and went directly to Guiyun Villa.

Li Mochou looked at the magnificent Zhuangzi who covered a large area in front of her, and said involuntarily, "Rong'er, your senior brothers are so powerful."

Huang Rong smiled and said, "Sister Mochou, which brother of mine are you talking about?"

Li Mochou didn't blush when she heard this, because she was teased too much by Huang Rong along the way, Huang Rong was weird, she couldn't talk to her, and at this time, she could only ignore her words.

The two were about to go forward, when a carriage came slowly and stopped beside them, and the two quickly let go.

In the carriage, Feng Heng and Huang Xiao, who had just gone out for a visit, got out of the carriage, and beside the carriage was their guide, Lu Guanying.

When Huang Rong saw the people getting on and off the carriage, she exclaimed immediately, and hurriedly turned her side. Li Mochou looked puzzled, and said in a low voice, "What's wrong with you?"

Seeing that her mother and younger brother acted as if she didn't exist, Huang Rong came to her senses, she and Li Mochou were both easy-going, she immediately relaxed and straightened her body.

Feng Heng seemed to have a feeling in his heart, turned his head to look this way, Huang Rong quickly turned his head to the side.

Feng Heng frowned, carefully looked at the two people standing not far away, and felt that one of the shorter teenagers was about the same size as his own daughter, took a few glances, shook his head, and then turned and entered the room.

Huang Rong breathed a sigh of relief when she saw someone entering the village.

Li Mochou asked: "Rong'er, what's wrong with you?"

Huang Rong said: "The woman just now is my mother, and the child is my younger brother."

Li Mochou said, "Then why don't you go forward."

Huang Rong said: "My mother and my younger brother will not go out of the island alone. My father must have brought them here. They are here, and my father must be here. If he finds out, he will definitely arrest me and return to Peach Blossom Island. don't want."

Li Mochou heard this, she couldn't laugh or cry, then she thought about herself, she also ran away from home, she couldn't help but be speechless.

The two stared at each other for a while, Li Mochou said: "Rong'er, where shall we go next?"

Huang Rong snorted, then smiled and said, "We must not let them find me, let's leave Taihu Lake first."

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