In the side hall of Chongyang Palace, Ma Yu couldn't help but look embarrassed when he heard Yang Tiexin asking for help.

In Ma Yu's mind, there is no difference between the people in Quanzhen, weeding out the strong and helping the weak, not to mention that the Yang family has a deep relationship with Junior Brother Qiu.

But as the head teacher of the Quanzhen Sect, he did think a lot. When Wang Chongyang was there, he raised his troops to fight against the Jin Dynasty, but he failed later. He settled in a hut in Zhongnan Mountain to cultivate lately. After that, the Quanzhen Sect became famous all over the world and became the number one teaching in the world. Well, because of the great influence of the Quanzhen Sect, the Kingdom of Jin didn't tear its face, but it can be considered that the well water does not offend the river water.

But after Wang Chongyang's death, the Quanzhen sect inevitably declined. Over the years, Ma Yu, as the headmaster of Quanzhen, naturally felt that the influence in the world and the court was greater than before Wang Chongyang's death. Not as good.

This is the case when the Quanzhen Sect, especially Qiu Chuji, often acts chivalrously and strengthens Quanzhen's prestige in the arena, otherwise the situation will be even worse.

Fortunately, the Kingdom of Jin has had a strong enemy from Mongolia these years, and the strength of the Kingdom of Jin is not as good as before, and it is going downhill like the Quanzhen Sect.

Qiu Chuji became the master of the young prince of the Jin Kingdom. This young prince is a descendant of the Yang family for one reason, but it is also a signal to the Jin Kingdom. After all, the young prince is a Han, and the Jin Kingdom court does not know.

It is true that Qiu Chuji is jealous of evil and has a chivalrous heart, but the profound meaning of this move is not enough for outsiders to understand.

Ma Yu himself was not idle. After Chongyang Daoist passed away, his biggest task was to pass on the Taoism of Quanzhen. He traveled far into the desert and went deep into Mongolia, paving the way.

The teaching of martial arts to Guo Jing was due to the bet between his junior brother and the Jiangnan Seven Heroes. Although the Jiangnan Seven Heroes' martial arts were mediocre, they had a good reputation in the Jiangnan martial arts because of their chivalry.

If Guo Jing loses too badly in the Zuixianlou covenant, I am afraid that the Quanzhen Sect and the Quanzhen Seven Heroes are against each other, which is not good for the Quanzhen Sect.

Of course, these measures of the Quanzhen Sect do not mean that the Quanzhen Sect members are traitorous to the country and seek glory, and have no stand. They just do not want the second generation of Quanzhen Taoism to perish.

Ma Yu sighed, facing Yang Tiexin and Mu Nianci's request for help, he couldn't refuse, but he had some reservations, so he said: "Lady Yang, I Quanzhen teach everyone this matter, so naturally I have a duty to do so, but Quanzhen teach The family is big and the business is big, and the location is special, and every move will affect the whole body, so it needs to be considered in the long run."

The subtext is that the Quanzhen Sect will still help the gang, but it cannot use the power of the whole of Quanzhen. After all, Zhongnan Mountain is the sphere of influence of the Kingdom of Jin, but the Quanzhen Sect has robbed King Jin’s concubine and the young prince in the capital of the Kingdom of Jin. This is tantamount to letting the Quanzhen sect completely tear itself apart from Jin Guo. I am afraid that it will not be long before the Jin soldiers will march to the end of Nanshan.

The Kingdom of Jin couldn't take down Mongolia, so it made up its mind to take down the Quanzhen Sect within its borders, and the Quanzhen Sect would be destroyed soon.

Yang Tiexin was so anxious that he wished he could rescue Bao Xiruo and Yang Kang and reunite his family. Hearing that Ma Yu had to make a long-term plan, he said anxiously: "My real man, this matter can't wait..."

Before he could finish speaking, Mu Nianci interrupted. Yang Tiexin was so focused on saving people that he had lost his ability to think, so he couldn't understand Ma Yu's meaning.

However, Mu Nianci understood that she had followed Dai Daojin for a long time in the past few years, and she was somewhat influenced by Dai Daojin. In this world, there is no gratuitous hatred and love. Except for parents and family members, no one has the right to ask others to sacrifice to achieve perfection. Own.

Mu Nianci's background interrupted Yang Tiexin's words, and said, "Father, for real people, this matter really needs a long-term plan. Don't worry, you've been waiting for so many years, it's not too late."

After hearing this, Yang Tiexin came to his senses. Although he still looked anxious, at least he stopped talking about going to save people immediately.

Ma Yu looked at Mu Nianci carefully.

The three of them chatted, but they couldn't come up with a plan, they didn't know the specific situation in Zhongdu, and they had to find Qiu Chuji.

But Ma Yu also assured that the Quanzhen Seven Sons would definitely help, but he didn't say how many people would go.

Saving people is about saving people, Ma Yu, as the head teacher of Quanzhen, doesn't know how to talk about the whole Quanzhen sect.

Finally, Ma Yu said: "Pindao then sent someone to inform Junior Brother Qiu to gather in Zhongdu. When everyone is present, after understanding the specific situation, we will make a perfect plan."

Mu Nianci and Yang Tiexin stood up, cupped their hands and said, "In this case, thank you, Daoist. Let's go to Zhongdu first, and wait for Daoist in Zhongdu."

Ma Yu nodded, and then sent the two of them down the mountain.

Looking at the backs of the two, Ma Yu's eyes showed worry.


After getting off the boat, Dai Daojin turned to look at Feng Heng who was holding Huang Xiao by the hand. Feng Heng and Huang Xiao also left the island this time, so he wrote a letter so that Huang Yaoshi would not find anyone when he went back.

Feng Heng let out a breath, looking at the passers-by, he was a little happy, and said with a smile: "Since I gave birth to Xiao Er, I haven't left the island, and this time I can take a breath."

When Dai Daojin heard this, he smiled and said, "My wife is very quiet, so she should come out and have a look around. Although Peach Blossom Island is good, it's not very popular."

Feng Heng led Huang Xiao and nodded with a smile.

Dai Daojin said again: "Master, this time, I have to go to Zhongdu for some things. There are too many people, but it is not suitable to take you and my junior brother there."

Feng Heng stretched out his hand and pulled the disheveled hair behind his ears, and said with a gentle smile, "Peifeng, go and do your own business."

Dai Daojin thought for a while, and said: "Master, Senior Brother Qu is in Lin'an Mansion, but he is in charge of the affairs of the Sifang Escort Bureau. I'm afraid he has no time. Why not go to Taihu Lake Guiyun Village with Junior Brother Lu, he is free there. Moreover, Taihu Lake has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate, so it is a good place to go.”

Feng Heng has nothing to do, she has always had a heart, and she didn't want to trouble these children, so she nodded and said, "Well, okay, then let's go to Taihu Lake."

Dai Daojin said: "Then let's go, I will send you and junior brother to Taihu Lake first."

Feng Heng said: "No, you can go straight to Zhongdu, Xiao Er and I will go to Taihu Lake by ourselves."

Dai Daojin said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll just drop by."

After Feng Heng heard this, he stopped talking.

Afterwards, the three of them found a carriage and headed towards Taihu Lake.


The sweaty BMW travels thousands of miles a day and eight hundred at night.

Guo Jing ran all the way from Zhangjiakou to Zhongdu, which can be described as extremely fast.

After he and the Jiangnan Seven Heroes got together, the crowd accidentally ran into a woman in white on White Camel Mountain, and heard that Master Lingzhi, the Dragon King of Ghost Gate, the Four Ghosts of the Yellow River and other underworld masters gathered in Zhongdu.

The Seven Heroes of the South of the Yangtze River were afraid that these people would get together and gathered in Zhongdu. Could it be that the gold thief was discussing some vicious plan to harm the Han people?

The situation was urgent, so the Seven Heroes asked Guo Jing to ride a BMW and rush to Zhongdu first, to investigate carefully to see what these people were up to.

At the city gate, Guo Jing dismounted from his horse, took the reins and entered Zhongdu City.

Zhongdu is more prosperous than Zhangjiakou, and Guo Jing was dazzled when he looked directly at it.

"Get out, get out."

Guo Jing heard someone shouting loudly behind him, so he quickly moved aside.

Turning his head to look, he saw a few people coming on horseback from behind, the leader was dressed in Chinese clothes, handsome in appearance and outstanding in temperament.

Among the men in the desert, how can there be such a fair and handsome Mr. Jia, Guo Jing saw it and couldn't help saying: "This brother is really born with a good face."

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