The skinny man felt a strong force coming, almost dropped the dagger in his hand, and stepped back a few steps.

There was a hint of ruthlessness and solemnity in the thin man's eyes, but this time he was mistaken, thinking that he was a young boy who had just come out of the rivers and lakes.

The burly man who was howling beside him had aroused his fierceness. He picked up the big knife in his left hand and rushed towards Mu Nianci, relying on a strong force to support him.

Mu Nianci saw that the strong man's steps were messy, his whole body was full of flaws, he was stepping forward on the left, and the long sword in his right hand was gently moved forward,

The burly man felt a blur in front of his eyes and a chill in his throat, he couldn't help but look down, only saw the shining blade of the sword.

Mu Nianci stepped back and drew out his long sword.

"Gudu... gudu"

The burly man made a strange sound, covered his throat with his left hand, and blood kept gushing out between his fingers. The burly man stared at Mu Nianci with bulging eyes, with viciousness, resentment, and unwillingness in his eyes.

Mu Nianci stared at the strong man's eyes and the bloody left hand, his eyes were dazed, and the long sword in his hand trembled a little.

This is her first murder.

Seeing the woman's appearance, the thin man's eyes flashed a ruthless look, but he hesitated for a moment, thinking of the end of the strong man, he who always spared his life, turned around and ran back in a hurry.

When Mu Nianci heard the movement, he looked up at the thin man who was running away, but didn't chase after him.

Looking down at the front of him, the strong man's eyes had lost their luster, and his body limply fell to the ground. The blood that flowed out gradually infected the ground under the corpse, forming a shocking dark red.

Mu Nianci's originally fair face was now pale, and the eyes of the strong man before his death and the scene on the ground were deeply imprinted in her mind, and she couldn't get rid of them.

She took a few deep breaths, the smell of blood in the air made her almost vomit out, she forced herself to suppress the discomfort in her heart, raised her feet and chased after the thin man, her steps were slightly sluggish.

Just after she left, Dai Daojin came out from behind the big tree not far away, walked slowly to the corpse of the strong man, glanced at the corpse on the ground, looked calm, and then walked forward.

On the other side, the skinny man fled back to the top of the Black Forest Mountain with all his strength, and arrived at the gate of the cottage.

The two gatekeepers hurriedly shouted when they saw the skinny man, "Second Master."

The thin man ignored them with a gloomy face, went straight into the cottage, and went straight to the big house in the middle.

In the lobby, a figure stood in the hall, holding a knife in his hand, and was wiping it carefully. This knife has a peculiar shape, a bit like a Tang knife, but shorter than a Tang knife. The color in the groove on the side of the knife is It was black and purple in color, but I don't know how much blood was stained to leave this deep blood stain.

The vicious thin man quickly stepped into the hall, saw the people in the hall, took a deep breath, and hurriedly said: "The boss, it's not good, there are strong enemies going up the mountain."

The man didn't turn his head, and the voice came, "What powerful enemy?" The voice was hoarse, like sandpaper rubbing, and it was extremely harsh.

The thin man said anxiously: "It's a woman, the third master has been murdered by him, the eldest master, you must avenge the third." There seemed to be sadness and anger in the voice.

"Oh, the third master is dead, why did you come back well?" The man turned around slowly.

The thin man glanced at the man, fearful in his heart, opened his mouth, and forced himself to say: "I came back to inform the head of the family, so that the head of the house can make preparations early."

I saw that man, his face seemed to have been slashed countless times with a dagger, without a piece of good skin, it was very frightening, if a timid person saw him at night, he might think he saw a ghost.

Even the thin man, who had seen it countless times like this, didn't dare to stop his eyes on that face, glanced at it, and then looked elsewhere.

When the man saw it, he didn't care. Since he occupied the Black Forest Village by force, he became the head of the family, and let the original head and the second head become the second and third heads. , but he couldn't control everyone's eyes and hearts, but he also knew that his face was really terrifying, so he didn't dare to look at it too much.


The master put the knife in his hand back into the scabbard, sat on the chair in the middle, and said slowly: "Tell me, what's going on?"

The thin man hastily told what happened just now, of course ignoring the fact that he ran away alone, and finally said: "Master, although that woman looks young, her skill is really strong, be careful." Although In his heart, he wished that the guy who took his cottage would die sooner, but he hoped that this guy would block that woman, and it would be best for them both to die together, the thin man thought viciously in his heart.

After hearing this, the head of the family knew that this guy was gloomy, cunning and changeable, and he couldn't believe everything he said, so he pondered and said: "Since the girl is going to go up the mountain soon, then call all the brothers and wait for the girl." He insisted It's because he doesn't have confidence, but it's all about being cautious. He hasn't avenged his revenge yet, and he can't die yet.

The thin man hurriedly said, "I'll go down and inform the brothers." After speaking, he turned around and went down.


Mu Nianci went up the mountain in the direction the skinny man was running away from, and found that the trees here were of unknown species, but they were actually black. No wonder it was called Hei Lin Mountain.

A house in front appeared in front of Mu Nianci, she couldn't help raising her full attention, looking around vigilantly, and found that the cottage was unguarded and the gate was open.

The mountain wind blows, blows up the leaves on the ground, and falls down in a whirl.

Mu Nianci walked into the gate of the village, the village was very quiet, as if there was no one there, he thought to himself: Could it be that the skinny man tipped off the news and everyone fled?

At this moment, footsteps sounded everywhere, accompanied by shouts, and the sound was noisy.

Mu Nianci turned his head to look, and saw that the gate of the cottage had been closed, and many people ran out of the house, some with knives, some with self-made bows and arrows, and some even with wooden sticks, surrounding themselves Get up, there are about thirty people.

Mu Nianci was a little flustered at the beginning, but later realized that most of these people's footsteps were sloppy, their aura was disordered, and they obviously had no martial arts. They all relied on the weapons in their hands and a brute force. main idea.

Several of these people held earthen bows in their hands, and the lethality of those bows and arrows should not be underestimated.

The crowd parted, and the two of them took a few steps forward.

At a glance, Mu Nianci recognized one of them as the thin man he had met before, and when he went to see the other, he was also shocked, and was taken aback by the scar on his face.

Seeing that the woman was already surrounded, the thin man felt relieved, and immediately said ruthlessly: "Bitch, you killed the third master, don't even think about leaving alive today."

Mu Nianci ignored him at all and stared at the man with a terrifying face in front of her, because she found that the man had a serious aura and had obviously practiced his internal skills, but he didn't dare to take it lightly.

Seeing that he was being ignored, the thin man's eyes became even more vicious, and he said loudly, "Brothers, kill this bitch to avenge the third master."

The people around echoed loudly, Mu Nianci saw that these people all looked fierce and full of hostility, as the uncle said, these people are definitely not kind.

Mu Nianci drew his sword out of its sheath, the true energy in his body surged, and he focused on his guard.

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