Dai Daojin and Mu Nianci walked northward with the giant panda.

He didn't ride in a carriage, he just walked on two legs.

If you encounter a river that you can't pass, you can either detour or take a boat.

Dai Daojin didn't intentionally abuse himself by doing this, but he did discover the problem in Mu Nianci's sword technique. Mu Nianci's sword technique, including her spirit, has not been baptized, so she appears fragile.

On the wild mountain path, a brook rushes by. Dai Daojin stands beside the brook, and a fresh steam blows towards his face. This remote place, far away from human habitation, is indeed green with green mountains and green waters.

Dai Daojin knelt down, ran his palms across the stream, feeling the coolness, and said to Mu Nianci beside him, "Five miles east of here, there is a black forest mountain. There are bandits in the mountain. Go and kill them."

Mu Nianci was silent, and said: "Uncle, most of the people who fall into bandits are poor villagers who have to go up the mountain. They may not be the most vicious people."

After a pause, he continued: "Kill him directly, in case innocent people are killed by mistake..."

Dai Daojin held a jug of clear water in both hands, washed his face, wiped off the water drops, and said lightly: "You don't have to worry about this, I have already investigated, those bandits imprisoned the kidnapped women for fun, but they deserve death. "

At this time, a black shadow sprang out from the forest and stopped beside Dai Daojin and Mu Nianci. It was the giant panda "Ming", whoever it was.

The giant panda dropped a fat hare in its paw, and was about to come over to rub Dai Daojin's calf.

Dai Daojin saw the blood on its paws and mouth, and knew that this guy came back after eating outside. Seeing that it was about to rub its bloody mouth against his leg, Dai Daojin kicked it away with his foot.

He casually pointed to the stream next to him.

As for why giant pandas eat blood food, because Dai Daojin would not carry bamboo with him, Comrade Guobao was very hungry, so he naturally ate blood food.

Seeing that he was rejected, Guobao shook his head aggrievedly, ran into the stream, rolled over, and went to play by himself.

Here, Mu Nianci skillfully cleaned up the hare, lit a fire, and roasted it.

After eating, Dai Daojin went to the stream to wash his hands, took out a handkerchief and wiped them clean.

Mu Nianci covered up the remaining embers, and after dealing with it, he stood there silently holding a long sword.

Dai Daojin looked down at the tiny fish in the stream without turning around, and said calmly, "Go, I'll wait for you to come back here."

Mu Nianci grasped the long sword in his hand tightly, but the knuckles turned white due to too much force.

The giant panda "Ming" lying on the ground stared at a pair of dark circles, looking at this and then at that.

Mu Nianci lowered his head for a while, then looked up at Dai Daojin's back, then turned and left.

Along the mountain road, Mu Nianci used lightness kung fu to sprint forward. On the way, he adjusted his mind and breath, and his whole body became more and more cold.

Suddenly, I saw two people coming towards me on the mountain road ahead.

Mu Nianci went up to meet them, saw the direction the two came from, and asked, "Do you know where the Black Forest Mountain is?"

One of the two was skinny, with a stern look, and a short sword pinned to his back; the other was muscular, with a fleshy face, and a thick-backed broadsword on his back. When he met Mu Nianci who suddenly appeared in front of him, they all stared at him. Yiliang, when had they seen such a handsome little lady before.

The tall man turned his head to look at the skinny man, and then looked at Mu Nianci who was holding a long sword.

Mu Nianci frowned, the obscenity in the strong man's eyes was clearly visible, and the skinny man's eyes were like snake cores with poisonous tongues, it was very uncomfortable to stare at him.

The brawny man laughed and said, "Little lady, what are you going to do in Heilin Mountain?"

After all, Mu Nianci and her adoptive father have been wandering in the arena for a few years, and she still has a sense of observation. Knowing that these two people are definitely not good people, she said coldly, "What do you want me to do?"

Mu Nianci's words were blunt, and the strong man was not annoyed when he heard it. It's not like he hasn't seen young chivalrous and female chivalrous men with long swords. These young people may have a long history of family education, but their experience is too little. , and the eyes are high and the hands are low, and it is not uncommon for them to fall into their own hands.

The brawny man smiled and said, "We are also going to the Black Forest Mountain, how about the girl go with us?"

Mu Nianci responded quickly, "Are you bandits from the Black Forest Mountain?"

The thin man remained expressionless and did not speak, only the strong man was answering, but when he heard Mu Nianci talking about the bandits in Heilin Mountain, a gloomy look flashed in the eyes of the thin man.

The strong man shook his head and said with a smile: "Girl, don't accuse good people, no one around here knows that the good men in Black Forest Mountain have always robbed the rich and donated to the poor, and never made things difficult for the poor passing by."

Puzzled in Mu Nianci's eyes, "Is this true?" Could it be that my uncle made a mistake?

The brawny man took a few steps forward, getting closer to Mu Nianci, smelling the scent of the mountain wind blowing to his nose, his throat was dry, and his heart was full of desire, seeing this young girl was alone , I couldn't bear it any longer, and laughed obscenely, "Is it true or not? You'll know if you go with my brother."

The strong man said, and quickly grabbed Mu Nianci's right shoulder with his right hand.

When Mu Nianci was in Shushan, Dai Daojin would occasionally "sneak attack" her skills while practicing martial arts every day, so as to exercise her reflexes. Compared with Dai Daojin's martial arts, the bandit's martial arts was not so good.

Seeing that the strong man's right claw was strong and swift, Mu Nianci's eyes turned cold, but he didn't panic, and immediately grasped the hilt of the sword with his right hand.

"Clang" groaned softly.

The long sword was unsheathed, and the sword flashed like water, and the blood suddenly appeared.


The strong man hugged his bare right arm and screamed, but Mu Nianci cut off his right palm with a sword.

Mu Nianci was startled, looked at the strong man's arm that was still bleeding profusely, and then looked at the long sword in his hand that was glowing coldly, feeling a little dazed.

When she was learning swords with her uncle in Shushan, except for every time the uncle took the initiative to give her a move, every time she sparred with Dai Daojin, she always lost with one move, so Mu Nianci knew that the uncle would not give her the first move. The opportunity of the second move, so every shot is to go all out.

And losing with one move for a long time also made her always think that her martial arts were low, so she didn't dare to slack off in her daily practice. Dai Daojin was also happy to see her like this, and he didn't explain it.

Therefore, Mu Nianci was a little stunned when he cut off the strong man's palm with a single sword.

She was stunned, but the skinny man was not. Seeing the miserable appearance of the strong man, he immediately pulled out the dagger from his back, rushed towards him, and stabbed Mu Nianci fiercely.

When Mu Nianci came back to his senses, the dagger had already come to his chest. Looking at the flashing blue light on the dagger, he immediately knew that it was poisoned and he must not be stabbed by it.

Footsteps stomped on the ground, body swept back, and at the same time swung the sword with his right hand, hitting the dagger.


The two swords struck each other, making the sound of gold and iron clashing.

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