She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 111: Token of love

Although it is not big, it is not cheap at all according to its texture and color.

"You don't need to care what texture it is. You are an Aries. This lamb-shaped animal is quite suitable for you." Chu Ci said.

"Your situation in the Chu family is not good, why do you want to give me such a valuable thing?"

Lin Nuo knew that Chu Ci was in an awkward situation in the Chu family. Even if her life is a lot better than before, she is still not a wealthy eldest lady, and the pocket money that the Chu family can give her is probably not too much.

I don't know if the money to buy this jade is all her savings.

"It's not expensive. You broke your mobile phone pendant when the stadium fell last time. Of course, you have to pay you one. If you don't like it, I'll change it to another one." Chuci's tone is casual, his expression is indifferent, and he understates.

There are a lot of emeralds in Chuci, and the one given to Chu Han is bigger than the one given to Lin Nuo.

But it's not that Chuci is reluctant to give Lin Nuo a big one, but what she wants to pay is a mobile phone pendant, too big to make a pendant.

This is also when Chu Ci was leaving the house and caught a glimpse of it.

But Lin Nuo didn't think so. If Chuci was only to compensate for the mobile phone pendant he broke, she could buy a dozen or even hundreds of dollars online.

Instead of giving him such a precious jade.

So compensation for damaging his mobile phone pendant is mostly just an excuse.

"No, it's all right." Lin Nuo took the pendant from Chu Ci's hand.

Looking at the small emerald pendant on the palm, Lin Nuo couldn't help thinking: Is this a token of love from her?

Lin Nuo didn't notice it himself, the corners of his mouth raised a very considerable arc unconsciously, and the look in Chu Ci was much softer than others.


Chu Ci took care of Lin Nuo after eating, talking, and leaving after making sure that he was all right.

When he walked out of Lin Nuo's house, he found that the system hadn't prompted to obtain merit points.

"System, are you bugging? Why haven't you prompted to add merit?" Chu Ci asked.

Obviously, today, I rushed over to cook for the Sanshi wise man, take care of it, and it should be worthy of merit.

[The host is sorry, the system has not detected a qualified event. In addition, the host just spent 920 yuan for personal consumption, and 10 points of merit will be deducted. 】

The system prompts like a bolt from the blue.

Instead of getting merit points because of what happened today, she was deducted ten points of merit points by the system instead!

What's the situation? !

"Isn't the consumption I just gave Lin Nuo? Why is the merit deduction."

[The system judges that the owner’s consumption is personal consumption. 】

Personal consumption?

"Isn't my consumption given to Lin Nuo? I didn't eat a bite by myself."

[Sorry, the system considers this to be unnecessary. 】

"The wise man of the three generations is sick. Isn't it necessary for me to cook porridge for him? How about running errands for him before?"

[I am not sure about this either. 】

This cheating system... cheating her again.

Ten merit points!

Ten o'clock!

Chuci's meat hurts too much.

What went wrong?

It was all useful before.

[Please cheer up the host. 】

Cheer you up!

After working hard for half a year, I returned to the pre-liberation period.

My heart is breaking!

Chu Ci suddenly felt that Lin Nuo's evaluation of her just now was correct, she was actually not easy!

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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