She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 110: Heartstrings are touched again

"It's not easy for you." Lin Nuo said to Chuci.

"I'm okay." It's just that in the past few years, I couldn't spend money casually to survive, and other Chuci really didn't find it difficult.

Chuci never felt how pitiful he was, nor did he find it difficult.

On the contrary, Chu Ci felt that he was lucky enough.

When she was a child, she was left in the orphanage by her parents and family, but she was not the only orphanage. With so many children who lost their parents or were abandoned by their parents, she was not the only one, let alone the worst.

And the deans and friends she met in the orphanage were very friendly.

She was adopted later, and her adoptive parents and younger brother treated her very well.

She has healthy limbs, no disease or pain.

God also gave her a good mind, so that she can make money, support herself, and do many things that others can't do.

Car accidents are unfortunate and painful, but car accidents happen every day in this world, and she is still lucky compared to many people.

Maybe the only cruel thing is her fate, but Chu Ci also feels that she is not the poor one. There are more people in this world than her.

Therefore, Chuci has no reason to blame himself or others.

The word pity has nothing to do with her.

"You are very optimistic." Lin Nuo commented.

"Aren't you optimistic?" Chu Ci asked rhetorically, "Although it is not clear why you pretended to be a bad boy, I know that your bones must not be bad, and your heart is very soft and kind."

Lin Nuo is a good man of the three generations. The previous three generations have done countless good deeds, and it is unlikely that this life will become a big badass for no reason.

Lin Nuo looked at Chu Ci's clear eyes and slightly flushed cheeks, and his heartstrings were touched again.

Lin Nuo smiled: "When did you start thinking this way?"

"See your first side." Chu Ci answered truthfully.

As soon as they met, the system told her that he was a good man of the three generations. At that time, Chu Ci was pretty sure that this man would not be a heinous villain in his heart.

Beginning with the value of the face, trapped in talent, and loyal to character.

This is a sentence that Lin Nuo saw on the Internet before.

I don't know why, when I looked at Chu Ci at the moment, this sentence came to my heart.

Chu Ci said: "It's okay, you don't need to explain to me why you let others misunderstand you as a bad boy, you must have your reasons."

Chuci understood Lin Nuo's behavior very well.

Then Chu Ci asked Lin Nuo: "Do you feel better now?"

Lin Nuo turned his eyes a little awkwardly: "Hmm..."

She cared about him so sincerely, but he and Lu Xing deceived her together.

Lin Nuo felt guilty for a person for the first time in his life.

He had never felt this way before.

"By the way, this is for you." Chu Ci took out a mobile phone pendant from his arms.

When she fell on him in the gym that day, she crushed Lin Nuo's mobile phone pendant.

Just before Chu Ci went out, he saw a lamb made of emerald in his drawer, which was suitable for making pendants.

Lin Nuo happens to be an Aries, so it is also appropriate to send him an animal lamb.

Chuci has never liked to owe others, Lin Nuo fell because of her that day, so she felt it necessary to compensate Lin Nuo for a mobile phone pendant.

"Emerald?" Lin Nuo looked at the small pendant that Chuci was holding in his hand, and at a glance, he could tell that the whole emerald green animal was carved from jade.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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