She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 108: Be a qualified assist

Meng Yuxin knew that after Chu Ci got the first grade in Chu Ci, his aunt and Xiao Han had a great change in Chu Ci, which brought Chu Ci and everyone closer, but he did not see Chu Han and Chu Ci. Have been so close.

What method did Chuci use?

Meng Yuxin's heart was disturbed.

Meng Yuxin and Chu Han met in the corridor. Meng Yuxin asked Chu Han softly, "What is so happy?"

Chu Han smiled shyly: "Chu Ci gave me something."

The point is not that Chuci sent things, but the act of sending things represents a great improvement in the relationship between the two.

"What did she give you?" Meng Yuxin couldn't help asking.

"Nothing is just a small object." Chu Han thinks that what is given is not important, but what matters is the heart.

Meng Yuxin's eyes sank, Chu Han was not like this before, he would tell her whatever he wanted.

Chu Han was in a good mood, turned his head and went into his grandfather's room. He had to speak with his grandfather every day.


Chuci is having a video conference with foreign subordinates.

Suddenly the phone rang and the caller ID was Lu Xing.

After agreeing to coach the school basketball team, they saved their contact information to facilitate contact at any time, and more importantly, to facilitate Lu Xing to create opportunities for Chuci.

Chu Ci suspended the meeting and connected Lu Xing's call.

Lu Xing's voice on the phone was very urgent:

"Chu Ci, Jiang Hu, help, Lin Nuo is sick and needs someone to take care of him. Come here!"

"Go to the hospital when you get sick."

Chu Ci was very excited when he first answered the phone, but when Lu Xing said he was sick, Chu Ci instantly lost his interest.

She is not a doctor, nor can she see a doctor. It is useless to find her when she is sick, and she can't help.

"Well, Lin Nuo has taken medicine, he doesn't need to go to the hospital, but others have no appetite at all. At this time, if someone is willing to make him a bowl of porridge." Lu Xing explained.

Chu Ci looked at his computer and pondered for two seconds.

Work to make money, busy for a few hours, earn 10 million to exchange one or two points of merit;

To cook porridge for Lin Nuo, it is possible to get three to five merit points, or even more.

It seems that the latter is a good deal.

So Chuci chose the latter.

"Give me the address, I'll come over now."

"Good." Lu Xing sent the address of Lin Nuo's house to Chu Ci with a smile.

Just after pressing the send button, I looked up and saw Lin Nuo standing at the door.

"Who did you say is sick?" Lin Nuo squinted, and the dangerous breath was approaching.

"Uh... this..." Lu Xing smiled with a guilty conscience, "Well, didn't you just say that you don't want to eat takeaway? I'll find Chu Ci to cook for you, okay?"

"Who did you say is sick?"

"Well, didn't I agree to Chuci, to create opportunities for her." Lu Xing thought, you two are on top of each other in the basketball hall. If I create opportunities for both of you, isn't that a good deed?

Moreover, his call is a fulfilment of his promise to Chuci, so that Chuci can stay on their basketball team as a coach with peace of mind.

With three birds with one stone, why not do it?

He is such a **** assist, even he admires himself!

Lu Xing is still very satisfied with his assist ability.

If his brother could tell him his crush, he might have made it for him 800 years ago!

When I go back, I have to talk to his older brother. He has to make good use of his potential as a matchmaker.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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