She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 107: Reciprocity

Chuci was stunned for a moment. Someone once said the same thing to Chuci.

She said: We Xiaoci look so good to smile, so we should smile more. But my mother was also worried that when Xiaoci grew up so good-looking, there must be many boys chasing after him, so Mom and Dad would not bear it.

This is what the kind woman said to her.

The words were faintly in my ears, but the kind woman was no longer in this world.

Chuci has not been very good at expressing his emotions since he was a child. He has always been cold and indifferent, but the two kind people have always used the most kind side to tell her that they love her very much, even if there is no between them. blood relation.

The smile on Chu Ci's face disappeared.

Chu Han thought that he was upset by saying something wrong, and explained quickly: "It's okay, even if you don't take special care of me during training, I will still bribe you!"

"It's okay, it has nothing to do with you." Chu Ci explained, and at the same time took his thoughts back from the memories.

"Oh..." Chu Han was relieved.

After regaining his senses, Chu Ci took out a jade suitable for men from the drawer and gave it to Chu Han.

"For you, in return."

The piece of jade that Chuci took out was not big, with a blessing carved on it.

The whole body is emerald green, the flesh of the jade is delicate, and the transparency is high. Under the influence of his grandfather, Chu Han still has some understanding of jade, knowing that the piece from Chuci is of high ice species, plus the color sun, the price is definitely not cheap .

"No, grandpa gave you these, you keep them."

Chu Han heard from his mother and sister Yu Xin that his grandfather gave Chu Ci a lot of emeralds, so Chu Han thought that the piece that Chu Ci took out was given by their grandfather.

Regarding the things that grandpa gave to Chuci a lot of precious jade, Chu Han felt that grandpa did it right.

Chuci has suffered so much outside since he was a child. Grandpa should compensate her. He has enjoyed the favorable conditions given by his family since he was a child, and he has been much happier than Chuci.

So Chu Han was not jealous at all about this matter.

"This is mine, not from someone else." Chu Ci said, "I don't like taking other people's things for nothing."

The jade in this drawer, except for the donut that Meng Qingyan gave her, the others are all the rough jade stones that Chuci bought by herself, and then asked a special jade carving master to make the finished product. It belongs to her completely. s things.

"You don't have to give me this if you want to return a gift. This is too expensive." Chu Han thought that he just gave Chuci a bunch of food, even if the bunch was all imported snacks, it was no better than her high-end jadeite. It's valuable.

"Expensive is for me." Chu Ci asked, "Don't you want my things?"

"No, no, no!" Chu Han quickly took the jade from Chu Han, and then said to Chu Ci with joy, "Thank you, I will keep it safe!"

This was the first gift Chuci gave him.

This seems to be a big step in the improvement of their relationship.

Chu Han smiled when he went to Chuci's room, and smiled brightly when he came out.

Meng Yuxin saw Chu Han happily coming out of Chu Ci's room.

His face suddenly turned pale, and his eyes dimmed.

What exactly did Chu Ci have done to Chu Han in the past two days, so that Chu Han's attitude towards her has changed so much?

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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