She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 105: Chu Han's apology

Chu Han, who was really uncontrollable, took advantage of the break between classes and sent a text message to Chu Ci:

[When did you practice basketball? 】

Chuci was resting in the classroom. Her classmate Lin Nuo skipped class in the afternoon. Both desks were occupied by her. She could sleep comfortably before returning from the same table.

The vibration of the mobile phone woke her up. She glanced at the mobile phone and found that it was a message from Chu Han.

Chu Han usually likes to send messages to her, chatting like an old mother.

The central idea is three points:

1. Study hard;

2. Cherish life away from Lin Nuo, a bad boy;

3. Get along with your family, tell him what you think, and don't be awkward in your heart.

Since Chu Ci got the first place in the exam, Chu Han's main thoughts are only the next two points.

[Before, with friends. ] Jian Yiling replied.

Chu Han looked very excited: [Why haven't you said that you play basketball so well before? 】

Chu Ci was already at the level of a professional player, a level that Chu Han envied.

[You didn’t ask. 】

Uh... Chu Han looked at the news that Chu Ci returned to him, feeling that he was really a bit stupid before.

He did not ask, because he took it for granted that Chuci would not do anything.

After Chu Han pondered for a while, his finger typed three words in the input box: [Sorry. 】

Then click Send.

After sending it out, Chu Han felt that only these three words might not be clear, so he added another:

[I kept saying that you didn’t learn well before, sorry. 】

After sending out, Chu Han was inexplicably worried.

After a long pause, Chu Han didn't wait for Chu Ci's reply, so he sent another one: [I will treat you to a seafood dinner this weekend, OK? 】

Chu Ci still didn't respond, Chu Han was really anxious.

[If you are angry, just say it, I am indeed wrong, you can beat or scold me. 】

[From now on, you will be our coach. If you are really angry with me, can you fine me more? 】

[Don’t ignore me [please][please]]

There were a hundred claws scratching in my heart, and I didn't even think about it in class. I wish I could rush to the Chuci class to find her and ask if she is still angry and can forgive him.

After Chu Ci returned the two pieces of news from Chu Han, sleepiness struck, and then fell asleep.

When I woke up, I saw a bunch of unread messages on my phone, which were all sent by Chu Han.

Looking through the record, it was all words of apology.

[Just fell asleep. ] Chuci replied.

Chu Han was lying on the table depressed, thoughtless in class and thoughtless of doing anything.

Finally received the news of Chu Ci's return, and ended up just falling asleep.

Chu Han's heart was about to break.

Following Chuci, I came back again: [I will teach you and the basketball team members. 】

Since Chu Ci agreed to Lu Xing, she would not be lazy. She would be lazy if she could, but what she promised would still be done well, and she would not be lazy.

Seeing Chu Ci's reply, Chu Han let out a big sigh of relief.

In the evening, the family driver came on time to pick up three people home from school.

Chu Han followed behind Chu Ci, smiling silly.

Meng Yuxin didn't know what had happened, only felt that today's Chu Han was a little different.

I don't know if it was her illusion. She felt that Chu Han and Chu Ci had become intimacy a lot, and Chu Han's attention was all on Chu Ci.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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