She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 104: Chuci actually fell on Lin Nuo

Chuci moved flexibly, but Lin Nuo was like a copper wall and an iron wall that was insurmountable.

The two played a game.

Dodge left and right, block left and attack right, repeatedly testing.

Chuci found the flaw and quickly dribbled to attack.

Lin Nuo smiled wickedly at the corner of his mouth, and the flaw was deliberately given to Chu Ci.

He immediately turned back to defend.

The bodies of the two slammed, and Chu Ci's right foot and Lin Nuo's left foot stumbled together.

Speaking late, then soon, Chu Ci was unstable and fell straight to the ground.

Lin Nuo stretched out his hand to pull Chuci.

As a result, he fell along with Chuci.

The two fell to the ground.

Chu Ci pressed on Lin Nuo.

Chu Ci's face hit Lin Nuo's chest, his face hurt, especially his nose.

Lin Nuo's chest is very strong, with strong and tight muscles, and falling on his chest is no better than falling on a wooden floor.

it hurts. Is this man made of iron? Chu Ci instinctively touched his wounded nose.

So soft. Are girls so soft? She is still so soft. Lin Nuo was panicked for a moment.

Lu Xing, who turned back to get the mineral water for the players, ran into this scene as soon as he walked in and stayed in place.

Fuck, this Nima is too exciting!

I know that Chuci is interested in Lin Nuo, and that she is very courageous and proactive in pursuit.

But Lu Xing didn't think that Chu Ci was so bold as to hit Lin Nuo directly!

Both Chuci and Lin Nuo also saw Lu Xing.

"Sorry, sorry!" Lu Xing quickly apologized.

Lu Xing turned around and ran, running fast.

This Nima is too exciting!

He actually broke the good deeds of these two big brothers, a real sin!

After Lu Xing ran away, Chu Ci turned his head and looked at Lin Nuo...

Such a close distance, this delicate posture.

Lin Nuo smelled the faint scent of Chuci, not the fragrance of perfume, but the scent left by the very light laundry detergent, which was very natural.

Chu Ci was not as nervous and flustered as ordinary girls, she calmly got up from Lin Nuo.

"Sorry, I lost." Chuci conceded. She fell first. Lin Nuo did it to help her. It would be too ugly for her to refuse to admit that she lost.

Chuci left the basketball hall.

Lin Nuo slowly propped up his upper body and waited until Chu Ci's figure disappeared completely before he got up from the ground.

One hand touched the position of his chest and heart.

Here, the jump is faster than usual.


When Lu Xing and the others returned to the gym after training, Lin Nuo and Chu Ci were no longer there.

"Where is Chuci?" Chu Han found out that Chuci was no longer in the gymnasium, a little disappointed inexplicably.

"Probably... let's go back first." Lu Xing touched his nose and said in his heart, which corner he might be hiding with Lin Nuo...hehehe.

Of course Lu Xing could not tell Chu Han this.

"By the way, Xiao Han, I heard that Chuci is your sister? Kiss?"

When there was no one else around, Lu Xing asked Chu Han this question that puzzled him.

"My dear, but I don't know why she didn't live in our home before. I don't know this very well..." Chu Han thought of this, still feeling uneasy in his heart.

"Then you will be blessed in the future, having such a great sister." Lu Xing really envied Chu Han a little.

But he has an older brother not bad.

Chu Han changed his clothes and went back to class.

After sitting down on the seat, Chu Han's mind was still full of Chu Ci.

Especially Chuci's dunk with a handsome face.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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