Shaman from Afar

Vol 3 Chapter 103: The end of the dragon city (on)

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"Hello, Isaac, Isaac will wake up, can you hear it ?!"

A faintly familiar voice came from far away, but Isaac didn't plan to ignore that at all.

It was just now that he listened to the instructor Dalton Kander's stereotyped and invariable expression to finish a wonderful course-no, it should be said that it was quite wonderful and extraordinary, to a large extent. It is beyond the scope of his own understanding ... even completely different from the existing mystic system!

Of course, the gifted Isaac Grantham is not a potato with water in his head, or a fool alchemist-he is very aware of this phantom memory, because the spiritual hall is instinctive Protect their own consciousness, and come into contact with these completely strange knowledge in a way that they can accept.

"Isaac, hello, if you hear it, wake up!"

It ’s really a pleasure to see Dalton ’s tutor again ... but if I can, Isaac hopes that the person who teaches himself is the “first wizard” Logan ... after all, a great genius will always have another great one. Genius can understand each other.

He remembers the first time I saw the story of Logan in Ebden, there was a special kind of kindness ... amazing talent, unforgettable memory-the most important thing is alchemy, potions, herbs ... these Disciplines that are not influential have nothing to do with Logan's penny.

The real genius only focuses on the core of the problem, how can you care about these pedicures in the outdated ...

"Hey, Isaac, are you still alive, right? I see your saliva flowing out of your smile! If you don't wake up, you will ..."

"Noisy! Are you annoying ... uh, Lucien ?!"

Isaac, who was disturbed by a dream, crawled up frantically, and looked at the gray face with his eyes in front of him in surprise, the embarrassed guy, the excited gray pupil who would not have responded, hugged tightly Arms:

"His grandma and his grandma, Holy Cross, you are still alive, you are still alive!"

Don't be surprised to be like this ... The gray-eyed boy with bruises all over the corner of his mouth, with a helpless wry smile, gently patting Isaac's back.

Although I am also very strange, why can I defeat the dragon hunter ...

At the moment when the sword was swept at the end, Lucien's consciousness was completely comatose. When he woke up, there was only a pile of bones wrapped in broken armor in front of the dragon hunter, and a still sharp dragon hunter. Great sword.

The "knight" who used to be able to hunt the dragon was eventually defeated by his humble Ellerman little man with a more inconspicuous dagger. It must be said that it was extremely ironic.

Perhaps this is also the other party's wishes ... Lusien's eyes flashed a complex emotion, the impression that this dragon hunter is indeed different from other guards, various performances are not like a controlled puppet, every attack It is in the state of standing up that I have never attacked myself when I fell.

Living in the form of bones and puppets for thousands of years, and losing the dragon hunter of the dragon; the ultimate wish may just be a hope of a death method like a warrior, falling under the enemy's sword ...

"Wait! Wait, wait ..." Isaac, who had just looked excited, seemed to think of something suddenly: "Why am I here ?!"

"This should be what I want to ask?"

The gray pupils sighed helplessly: "Aren't you going to the Dragon King Tower with Lord Loren, how did you fall on the long bridge outside the palace of the pillar?"

"And Loren, where is he now ?!"

"Don't ask me, I don't know why!" Isaac's eyes widened, and he looked at Lusien with a proper expression: "If I insist, I only remember my last memory in Dragon King Tower It ’s a voice. "

"Some ... voice?"

"Yes, it's weird and I don't explain it clearly. I ... in short, everything that happened inside the Dragon King Tower is very strange!" Isaac showed a very embarrassed expression: "I have come into contact with a lot of knowledge that I have never encountered. Different occult systems feel the same as learning everything from scratch! "

"And then there was that voice ... I really can't remember what it said, but it seemed to leave a very strange thing in my spiritual palace, as if ... it seemed like a non-existent library , Or a memory that does not belong to you at all-wait a minute, can you understand what a spiritual palace is? "

"I don't understand, I don't plan to understand."

Tired Lucien replied angrily, frowning: "In short, we have to find Lord Loren as soon as possible, then leave from here, and return to Blood Skull Valley to meet His Highness Brandon."

As he said, the gray pupil looked at the surroundings vigilantly-from the beginning, the originally noisy Dragon King City suddenly became quiet, not only the surroundings, but even the guards were never heard behind him again. sound.

This weird death is simply creepy.

Isaac, still awake and not awake, just nodded subconsciously, and the two helped each other towards the direction of the Dragon King Tower, and limped past.


At this moment, a thunderous loud noise came from the sky!

The bruised Lucien shuddered, instinctively knocking Isaac to the ground behind him; his left hand clutched the remaining broken sword, and his silver-gray pupil stared at the huge shadow in the sky.

Damn it, why this time ...

The gray pupil who was clenching his teeth glanced at Isaac behind him with extra light, and the pressure in his heart became more and more heavy; according to the current situation, if the skeletal dragon threw down, he would never escape with Isaac Off.

The roaring dragon was still hovering above, as if it was watching its own "prey"; the two people alone on the long bridge were completely enveloped in black shadows.

So I can only do this ... with a heavy sigh, Lucien with the broken sword in front of him turned slightly: "Isaac, you heard me say, I have a plan."

"Wait a moment, I will find a way to attract the attention of the big guy, and then you will immediately go to the Dragon King Tower to find Lord Loren, and then we will find a way to leave here together."

"There is only one chance, so we must succeed! Isaac, everything is up to you. Understand? Isaac ... Isaac?"

Lusien turned around, but found that the guy behind him was completely stunned, staring at the direction of the Dragon King Tower motionlessly, and the raised right hand was still trembling slightly:

"I said ... that guy, do you feel particularly familiar?"


The stunned gray pupil turned his head instinctively, and a very tired figure appeared at the end of his line of sight, standing staggering there, looking up at the towering Dragon King Tower.

In the trembling thunder of the dragon roar, Lucien's eyes widened sharply!

"Fansis-- ?!"

The next second, a huge shadow in the sky passed over the head, and the skeletal dragon with its wings spread out chanted and flew towards the Dragon King Tower.

At that moment, the shocked gray pupil suddenly thought of a terrible possibility, a possibility he had never thought of.

It's impossible ... that skeletal dragon is not the same as the dragon hunter or the rest of the puppets ~ ~ is only the guard of Niederhogg;

But was it summoned by the priest named Farnesses? !

If this is the case, then ...

Just when he hadn't thought it through completely, the other party had already told Lucien the answer with "actual action".

With the thunder of another trembling dome, the skeletal dragon hovering above the tower opened the big mouth of the blood basin-the next moment, the whole sky was covered by the dazzling golden red!

In an instant, it seemed that even the air had become hot; the boiling dragon flame descended from the sky, like a burning waterfall rushing to the towering dragon king tower!

The sound of roaring and collapsing came, and the Dragon King Tower bathed in the sea of ​​fire was fragmented little by little, and the pure white bricks and stones gradually turned into "dazzling" golden red.

The dumbfounded duo on the long bridge looked pale, their eyes widened and their pupils shrank suddenly:

"Loren — !!!!!!" Mobile phone users, please browse for a better reading experience.

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