Shaman from Afar

Vol 3 Chapter 102: Faith and Oath (Part 2)

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A sudden loud noise interrupted the tombkeeper. The violent tremor made the black-haired wizard raise his head alertly, and the left hand instinctively tightened the "bright silver" around his waist.

"What's that voice ?!"

With the sudden shaking, the entire surrounding starry sky seemed to be dimmed a lot, and the originally dense "stars" were decreasing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"It's just a lost person walking with you, attacking the boundary wall of the Dragon King's Tower-the last of the Dragon King's Tower, and it is the only protective means." The tombkeeper said indifferently, and he couldn't hear any tension in his voice. Emotions:

"It seems that he has found the correct node position of the broken wall."

The stray man who walked with me ... Fansis? Loren frowned, although this "adult bishop" was indeed a trouble, but he didn't think the other party had this ...

and many more! Is it possible ...

"It seems that you have already noticed that I don't need to explain too much." The tombkeeper turned his head calmly, and the hollow pupil swept across the face of the black-haired wizard:

"Although I don't know what the reason is, your" friend "did gain some kind of power similar to" evil **** "and also controlled a dead dragon."

"No need to worry, Lord Loren Turin, the Dragon King Tower's broken wall was originally designed to guard against dragon air strikes. Even after thousands of years, the nodes are destroyed, and it is not so easy to break."

He noticed that the tomb-keeper of Loren's face said "comfort": "Before this place is completely attacked by him, we still have enough time to complete the next thing, you don't have to worry at all."

"What's next?" Loren raised his eyebrows, and his tight heart didn't relax.

"That's why you are here." The tombkeeper stared at the dark-haired wizard motionlessly:

"Breaking the gap between the two worlds, unrestricted use of the power of the void key ... valve."

At that moment, Loren hid the bright silver behind him, squinting his expressionless eyes at the tomb-keeper who was also watching him.

"I said, Lord Loren Turin, you don't need to be nervous-from the moment you walk into the Dragon King Tower, I already know your purpose."

The trembling roar came again, and the surrounding stars were dimmed again.

"So can you tell me, your answer?" Loren exhaled gently, lifting his waist and put his hands behind his back: "I agree to take it away, or ..."

"Destroy my unpretentious ... guest who visits?"

The gravekeeper shook his head: "I think such a big decision is not so simple to make."

"Then please, you are simpler, because the person outside absolutely has to kill me at all costs." Loren shrugged: "While I'm dead, even turning Niederhog into ashes can't stop him from taking it away. 'valve'!"

"Even if you can defeat Farnesses, there is already an Apostle of the Evil God who has discovered this-it will not be long before Ned Hoog is no longer a secret, and these guys will flock to resurrect their Evil God Master to!"

Perhaps understanding the seriousness of the dark-haired wizard, the tombkeeper fell silent; Loren gave a smile that was hard to detect.

The most persuasive person in this world is really "fact" ...

"Indeed, this is a question worthy of serious attention." The gravekeeper nodded slightly, his voice soft and flat: "But ... as far as I know, you seem to have a connection with a certain evil spirit, don't you?"

"In this case, what is the difference between letting the" valve "fall into your hands and those of other evil **** apostles?"

Loren, who didn't change his face, carried his hands on his back and kept playing with bright silver; his eyes narrowed in a line were staring at the gravekeeper.


The loud noise came from outside continuously, and there was another long silence.

"You should know that I had given one of the" valves "to Logan many years ago and taught him everything I knew." The tombkeeper said softly: "That is to guide the next era. Wizards, do n’t go down the wrong path ... "

The dark-haired wizard had a chill in his mind, which seemed to be a bad sign.

"In this case ... In order to make up for me, or to make up for the mistakes made by the Dragon King Tower, I can naturally give you a second" valve "."

"Huh?" Loren froze.

What is this scenario?

"Holy Cross ... The highest achievement of the Dragon King Tower is also the most wrong decision." The gravekeeper's expression seems to be sighing: "Your judgment is not wrong, if you let its power continue to expand, an unshakable ' The 'Holy Heaven' will inevitably be born here. "

"Holy heaven? But you didn't mean ..."

"According to the level of the Dragon King Tower, of course, it is fully capable of controlling the situation within an appropriate range-although it is very selfish to say this, we were originally planning to build a country that is absolutely controlled by us and has no resistance to the voice . "

The tomb-keeper shook his head: "But it is very unfortunate that at the speed of your present development, before the Holy Cross completely wiped out the entire void, and before it came to this world, there should not be enough power to contain it-at least when there is no external force With the help of you, you can never be the opponent of the wisdom of the Dragon King Tower! "

"As a wizard, my reason and sentiment do not allow myself to witness this happen."

"But before that, I still need your help." Suddenly, the ethereal voice of the gravekeeper became serious: "If Niederhogg's existence is no longer a secret, then it can no longer exist. Go on. "

"Sir Loren Turin, I need you to completely destroy Niederhogg!"

At that moment, Loren's expression completely froze: "Wait, but your mission is not ..."

"Protect‘ Last Knowledge ’-I ’m done." The gravekeeper ’s slow voice revealed a hint of relief: "Do n’t you find out, where did your friend go?"

"Isaac ?!"

"Oh, his name is Isaac? It seems to be a good name." The skull in front of him suddenly sighed: "In the time we just talked, he has completed the elementary void research of the Dragon King Tower-even in my Times, this is also a stunning level. "

"For such a genius with super memory and far beyond ordinary people ’s thinking ability, Dragon King Tower has a very special way to store a large amount of knowledge that he has not yet understood in advance in his spiritual hall, so that he can change Complete study and research quickly. "

"Think Library, at least I named it that way."

This time Loren really didn't know what to say. Raised his eyebrows, his face was shocked.

"... Actually, I had a similar idea a long time ago; because of the mission, I had to wait hard." The tombkeeper sighed softly: "The most important thing is that as the" tombkeeper ", I am completely tall with the dragon Tavi stayed together and there was no so-called 'self-destruct' option. "

"And now, I can finally declare the end of the Dragon Kingdom."

After a moment of silence, the dark-haired wizard slowly raised his head, his eyes were very serious, and he looked up at the skull in front of him: "I don't know your name, sir."

"But you are indeed a respectable, great wizard!"



With the roar of the collapse and the thunderous roar of the skeletal dragon, the last minaret near the Dragon King Tower has also been completely fragmented and turned into ruins in the smoke.

Opening the wings with only the skeleton ~ ~ the huge shadow hovering over Niederhogg, the shadow with a heavy sense of oppression constantly passing over the tower.

Successful ... I succeeded.

Farnesic, already sweating and sweating, used his limbs to support his body with difficulty. He stood on the long bridge in a trance and looked at the Dragon King Tower close by. His dark eyes were full of fanatic emotions.

That's right, dark eyes ... At this moment, his entire face was covered with black lines, and the chest where the heart was located from head to toe was not eroded.

In a trance, Farnesis, walking under the shadow of a skeletal dragon like a walking dead on the long bridge, murmured:

"My Lord, I have walked the road of thorns;

I was covered with dirt, exhausted, and desperate.

I have nothing to ask for ...

My Lord Holy Cross, please redeem me--! "Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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