Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 274: Keep your promise

It's over, it's all over.

Didn't even have to look at all, just as the empire's marching horn came from the direction of the tidal flat battlefield, Anson Zade had realized that the 20,000 Azores army "holding" there was afraid that it would be wiped out.

This is indeed the case-when the thick fog cleared, only 20,000 Azores army found that they had no direct contact, broke into the encircling net of the Alleman Legion and Byrne Legion, and it was surrounded by three sides.

And the only thing that might make Anson Zade feel solace is that the first reaction of the panicked elf warriors was not at a loss, or collapsed on the spot, but they did not hesitate to execute the offensive order and launched towards the front of the net. A rush.

Although this does not make any sense.

The screams of screams and offensive roars were overwhelmed by the endless explosions-although the imperial capital did not have much defensive force, but it had the massive military supplies that Connold had accumulated and was enough to arm the 200,000 troops.

This naturally includes powerful pyrotechnics and alchemy bombs from Byrne, and equipping these pyrotechnics and alchemy bombs with a trigger tossing rope is not very difficult for the alchemists in the imperial capital ...

In the thunderous thunder, the elf warriors rushing in the first row were almost wiped out, and only a few guardian warriors with special "Samurai Way" were spared. Hundreds and even thousands of elf warriors were covered with flames. They screamed and fled; or they had already turned into coke in the explosion and drifted into the air with thick smoke.

And the remaining elf warriors with strong flames, explosions, and billowing smoke before they rushed out of the fire, ushered in the double arrow rain of Bain's heavy crossbowmen and Ellerman hunters; the roaring black shadows came from three sides , Falling down like layers of iron curtain, interrupted the momentum of the Azore elves.

And when they also remembered to fight back with a bow and arrow, they realized that their arrows had already been consumed in the previous pursuit battle.

Behind is a sea of ​​fire, and in front of it is like a rain of locust arrows-in less than five minutes, the flat battlefield has been covered with dense corpses, and this time all fell down are the warriors of the Azores .

Without exception!

The dreaded guardian warrior Dann desperately waved his long sword, blocking the parry while not forgetting to stare at the opposite figure of the red, white and black cross, the heartbreaking roar, to come with the other party One-on-one "fair showdown" one at a time.

Replied to him, only Yuli Wiltz's silent sarcasm ... and the war flag waving forward.

By the time the Elmans two-handed swordsmen and the Byron phalanxe charged, the 20,000 Azores army was on the verge of collapse; when the flames dissipated, the defending warrior Dann, who was still stubborn in the corner, finally had to order retreat .

And in the ears of elf warriors whose morale has collapsed, the word immediately becomes "Everyone's Escape".

In spite of this, the broken elf warriors displayed a level that completely exceeded the imperial soldiers-even when retreating to escape, they still maintained a certain organizational system and small-scale formation, alternately covering each other back and forth, and even the soldiers took the initiative to stay Intercept the enemy to buy time for the clan.

For this reason, it was difficult for the army of the Empire to chase down the Azores in the past many confrontations, and sometimes even the corpse could not be retained.

But this time is different.

Because the direction of the Azores' retreat is full of mudflats and streams.

Anson Zade, standing on the high ground camp, can clearly see how quickly the staggered retreat of the guardian elf army left the battlefield and how it was bitten by the imperial army chased up in the tidal flat. The first floor was peeled, strangled, hunted, dragged to death, dragged down ...

In a blink of an eye, 20,000 troops have already been destroyed; the battlefield of the tidal flat has re-erected the battle flag of Elmans and Byrne.

Collapsed or fled, and retreated all the way to survive, leaving only thousands of broken soldiers; behind them, the imperial soldiers who had occupied the tidal flat battlefield were still desperate to pursue.

"... So, it's over?"

A royal court warrior standing beside Anson Zade, staring blankly at the corpses everywhere, and the destructive tidal flat battlefield, as if he could not believe everything in front of him:

"Twenty thousand troops, and so many guards of the samurai warriors, so easily ..."

"So easy?"

The elven boy who returned to God glanced coldly at him.

"Pay attention to your words, Your Excellency, the commander of the empire soldier opposite is Loren Turin." Anson's words were mixed with a trace of resentment: "A few months ago, he also used so little force to turn Rodrigo so easily. His Royal Highness stayed outside Ebogen Port for a whole month! "

"It was this self-righteous arrogance that made Dan ’s miscellaneous defeat of the guard court; as a proud warrior of the court, even if he had his own pride, he should not make such a stupid mistake!"

"I'm so sorry, I was underestimated!" The Warrior Yuting knelt down on one knee quickly: "Then ... Lord Zade, the Warrior Warrior fiasco, what should we do next?"

Listened to the words of his subordinates, the elf boy's mouth was drawn.

That's right, Wei Ting's miscellaneous is over, what should I do?

The mudflat battlefield was defeated across the board. With his toes, he could guess the next tactics of Loren Turin—concentrating his superior forces to attack the highland hinterland from the mudflat direction, with the frontal legion's two-line attack.

Of course, this is only one of the possibilities; if it is Anson himself who has such a good opportunity, he thinks that he should use the tidal flat-directed army to suppress himself on the high ground from the back of the belly; while the frontal attacking army turns the gun head, Attack Empire Avenue from the highlands.

After all, it was the top priority. Once Empire Avenue was captured and the connection with Eboden was cut off, this army of Azores elves became a complete lone army.

Although the appointment with the little prince of the elf is only a highland, but Anson Zade asked himself if he would let Loren Turin siege the Empire Avenue without any care, he would never let go of the highland guard.

Is dead ... If the battle situation really becomes like that, you are definitely dead.

No, I'm afraid it's not just myself ... Ansen Zade, who is cold and sweaty, suddenly thought of a very terrible situation.

Once the highland loses its defense, Loren Turin, who has captured it here, will surely seize more than a dozen launchers carried by His Royal Highness Rodria's army; if these things fall into the hands of Loren Turin, and his army also has A group of alchemists ...

No, absolutely not!

"Reserve team! Immediately send a reserve team to take care of the group of withdrawing Weiting debris; don't need too much, more than a thousand elite!" The frightened elf boy shouted:

"Tell them that they must stay on the tidal flat and never retreat. If you lose your position, then you will be guilty of death!"

"Follow your orders! But Lord Zade ..." The expression of the imperial warrior was very embarrassed: "Most of our troops are confronting the Empire who attacked the highlands, and there are less than five thousand left in the reserve army; if they are divided again With a thousand troops, the rotation strength may be ... "

"No reserve army needed!"

The anxious elven boy waved his hand violently: "Send all the troops to press on the whole line, be sure to defeat the Empire in the shortest time-first defeat the 30,000 people who are attacking frontally, and then turn around to face the other 30,000 who attack from the tidal flat, only This one way! "

First defeat 30,000 on the front, then 30,000 on the back ... No matter which one, it is impossible to be an enemy that can be defeated quickly.

The cold-spirited Yuting Samurai meditation in the heart, but did not dare to say it.

And the next second, the elf boy in front of him made another decision that made him thrilled.

"The wizard who orders the army, all the launchers are aimed at the imperial people on the front of the hillside, even if they destroy the launcher, they will not hesitate to give me uninterrupted launches!"

"Why, what do you say?"

"Yes, we have only one way to completely defeat them now!" Anson Zade's expression with a trace of madness:

"With a launcher-even if they are burned to death and killed, as long as the 30,000 Empires on the hillside can collapse across the board, it is a victory!"

"But, if this is the case, we will certainly hurt us by mistake ..."

"No, let's execute the order!" The elf teenager shouted, his pupils full of madness:

"All this ... all for the sake of the life and death of the Azores—!"


The moment when the beam of light rose above the high ground, either the Azores or the imperial soldiers thought they were wrong.

Because of some ancient tradition, or the honesty is completely technically impossible, the two armies will not continue to use the projection weapons that would only appear in siege battles after the battle.

In addition to the reason for poor head accuracy, what is more important is that this kind of attack destined to be out of sight, the casualties and frights caused to oneself must far exceed the enemy-charge forward in front of the explosion and fire Things are much easier said than done.

But the loud noise of the explosion, the vibration and the glaring firelight ruthlessly told all the elves and imperial soldiers on the battlefield, really!

The beam of light that fell like a meteor from the sky, like a sickle of death, burst uninterruptedly on the hillside; although because of random projection or deliberately, four-fifths fell on the empty space of no one;

But even the remaining one-fifth is enough to completely turn the chaos of fire into a world of purgatory!

The brilliant sparks burst in the center of the fiercest battle lines on both sides of the battlefield, and the sky-high fire pillars rose up between the torn and cracked gravel and mud. The terrifying temperature and the strong impact of the waves burst to the surroundings, even with the surrounding mud The soldiers who were at war with both sides disappeared in an instant.

The highland battlefield that has just ushered in the clear skies from the thick fog is once again shrouded in dark clouds; no matter whether it is an elf warrior or an imperial soldier in the dark, every face is written with inexplicable panic and panic-they are not afraid of death , And even dared to stare at the oncoming stone artillery, iron crossbow arrows, and kerosene attacks, but they would still be frightened by various emergencies.

And fear ... often can easily defeat a powerful legion that was invincible, and never fought back.

"Boom —————— !!!!!!"

When the flaring explosion exploded in front of her, Fitlonay only felt like her chest was smashed by a blunt device; when she woke up again, there was already a dark ruin beside her, corpses and misery everywhere Screaming, **** soldier ...

There were also a few officers who were surrounded by themselves with a terrified look.

"Retreat, Her Royal Highness, we must retreat!"

The head of the legion standing beside him was yelling desperately, but tinnitus Fitlonai couldn't actually hear what he was talking about, but his expression already explained everything.


After saying this lightly, the expressionless Fitlonai stumbled and nearly fell. Fortunately, the panicked legion chief helped her in time.

"Your Highness, you can't fight this way anymore! The battle is not this way!" The regimental commander was already crying, and the officers who gathered together nodded: "If we fight this way again, we will have to fight with the gang of long ears. The same is done! "

But Fitronai didn't listen at all, and still asked himself, "Where is the Byrne Legion, where is the Byrne Legion?"

"Bine ... The Bine Legion has retreated, they have all withdrawn, and now we and the elf lunatics are left on the high ground! Right ?! Right ?! Right ?!"

The commander of the army looked at the officers around in terror, and the officers in terror also nodded desperately.

Don't need to watch at all, Fitronai knew he was lying ... but she didn't have the idea to take it through.

"Now that the Byrne Legion has retreated, then the Sacran Legion will launch the attack alone ~ ~ Puffing lowly, Fitrona desperately using his sword to support his body shakes:

"The fog has dispersed, and before the noon hour, it cooperated with the Elmans in the direction of the tidal flat and captured the highlands."

"His Royal Highness ———— !!!!!!"

The head of the army with a crying cry "Pun!" Knelt to the ground, tearful eyes staring at Fitlonai: "You kill me! Even if you kill me, I can't bring so many people together Go to death-this is not war, this is suicide! "

The cold long sword rested on the neck of the regiment leader, and the expressionless face of the Princess Princess looked at him intently.

The other party did not lie.

"……I understand."

Seeing Fitronai slowly withdrawing the long sword, the chief of the army finally let out a breath-he was fed up with the high princess, if you know that the other party is the second heir to the empire in name, if she has been dead Command yourself, is that really ... huh? !

"His Royal Highness, what are you going to do ?!" The head of the legion that had suddenly recovered looked at the sword with horror, and stepped step by step, Fettroney, who was staggering towards the high ground, was full of cold sweat.

"As you said ... suicide."

Didn't look back, and Fettrone, who was staggering, spoke, and there was no trace of emotion in the plain watery voice: "I promised that Loren Turin will not lose the highland battlefield as long as I am alive."

"I ... will stick to this promise."

. m.

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