Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 273: Mist

Early in the morning, the tidal flat battlefield.

After nearly an hour of fierce fighting, the battlefield shrouded in dense fog gradually became clear-thousands of elf warriors equipped with war bows and spears were strangled with Elmans two-handed swordsmen and hunters, while the front was There is often a body of the Elmans Knight on the corpse of the central elf warrior.

On the wings of the battlefield, the Elmans light infantry, who had already thrown his javelin, tried again and again to break through the rescued vanguard, and then headed into the elf warrior who rushed down the high ground.

One party is desperate to rush out, the other party is pouring in desperately.

The arrow rain like a locust roared in the mist and swept across the shadows of death, devouring the lives of every soldier who desperately wanted to kill each other; the quagmire was already filled with corpses, and the spitting blood poured into the cold In the stream, the white mist seemed to be dyed red by the vortex of death.

Finally, the surrounded Alleman Legion couldn't bear such casualties at all. The red, white, and black crosses 'flags moved back and forth in the Azores' army, and each retreat left behind A whole line of corpses.

Opposite it is the cheers that sounded again and again in the elven position!

In the approaching time and time again, the army line of the Alleman Regiment has basically withdrawn from the tidal flat battlefield, relying on the rear line to supplement the troops to maintain it will not collapse across the board; and the Azores army that won the position is in a state of grandeur The team reorganized within the bow and arrow range, preparing to launch another round of charge to completely wipe out the enemies in front of them.

Stepping on a stream full of corpses and blood, the proud triumphant samurai warrior Dann stared at the red, white and black cross battle flag that was gradually retreating with a grin, he could not be more familiar with this battle flag.

In the first siege of Golovin, it was this group of imperial elves that raided the army of Azore elves from behind, burned all the warships that transported materials, and hit the army of His Royal Highness Rodria Azore!

If he could defeat the army that had defeated His Royal Highness here and take away their battle flag, what honor would it be? !

This illusion of good luck even made Dann feel a little unreal-as the guardian warrior "unfavorable" by His Royal Highness, most of the glory was missed by himself; otherwise He will not be assigned to the most unimportant tidal flat positions.

Didn't expect that, and made myself hit the jackpot!

Of course, if you can defeat the imperial royal family, or the Duke Byrne who once confronted His Highness in Ebden, it will be a higher level of glory; but as long as you use your brain, it is not difficult to understand, if you want to defeat those enemies, you have to pay What a price.

What's more, if the greatest glory of this battle is taken away by yourself, where is the face of His Royal Highness—who would be uncomfortable to do such a thing as a servant?

He even felt a trace of regret now, regretting that he had been too cautious before, and even stiffly waited for the enemy to reorganize the front before ordering the attack-the enemy in front of him was so vulnerable that if he could attack while they were in a mess, I'm afraid the battle flag is already in my hands!

The sound of an eagle-like horn sounded again, and the sharp sword cut forward.

"The target is directly in front, the whole army is attacking, beating the flag, for the eagle king, for His Royal Highness Rodria-!"

"For Your Highness Rodria ----- !!!"


"Who gave this order to him ?!"

Grabbed the collar of the heralding soldier, and the angry Anson Zade broke into a roar: "Say! What the **** is going on, why would the tidal flat army attack without authorization ?!"

"His Royal Highness has clearly ordered that the tidal flat must be kept dead, why dare the debris of the Wei Ting still dare to do this, is he going to fight?"

"Don't dare!"

The herald soldier gritted his teeth, snorting with fear and unwillingness: "Of course we dare not violate His Royal Highness' orders, but His Royal Highness Rodria once said that it allowed Lord Dan to have the discretion of the battlefield if necessary that power."

"Is it necessary now?"

"Now is the necessary time!" With a dozen long swords pointing at him, the herald retorted: "The Imperial Corps in the direction of the tidal flat has been defeated, and now they can be wiped out as long as they win by chasing!"

"Do not seize such a good opportunity, should we let them leave and flee to the Imperial City, and continue to be enemies with His Royal Highness ?!"

"But you are also out of the tidal flat defense zone!" Such a stupid question, Anson Zade doesn't even want to go on: "Once detected by the enemy and sent a small unit to infiltrate, you can attack the highlands from the back of your stomach, Do you really understand the significance of losing the high ground ?! "

Looked at Anson Zade who was anxious, and the herald soldier just sneered.

"Then ... it's not a question of Lord Dan and the guardian samurai." The herald's expression was a little more ridiculous: "Betting on glory and ordering to hold the high ground, aren't you honorable royal court samurai?"

"Even if the high ground loses, how can it be blamed for shame and shame, how can we blame our Wei Ting ... You say yes, the chief wizard of the Yu Ting, Master Anson Zade?"

The moment the words fell, a group of frightened elf warriors had raised their swords ... but Anson Zade stopped.

"Master Zard ?!"

"Let him go."

Hardly knows what it takes to hold back the angry elf boy, impatiently pushing the herald soldiers to the ground. A "light sword" rubbed his cheeks and exploded a small piece of dirt on the grass beside him.

"Tell Dan that scum, he will do whatever he wants, I won't ask one more time but ..." Looking at the herald soldiers who were glaring at themselves on the ground, the elf boy said coldly:

"When he falls into the trap of Loren Turin, don't expect me to pull him!"

"...... Ming, understand!"

Bursts of cold penetrated into the spine, and the messenger who dare not wipe the blood on his cheeks climbed up in embarrassment.

Nodded slightly, Anson Zade waved away the elf warriors and let the soldiers leave.

"Master Zade, would you just let him go ..."

"Useless." The elf teenager shook his head and his expression became very calm: "At this time, even if we try to persuade, it is useless; the blood is on top, and the desperate guy can't save anyone else.

"If it is just a false alarm, then let them do it well; if this is Loren Turin's trick, even if we want to pull it, I am afraid it will be the same in the end."

"The ending of Wei Ting ... there won't be any changes."


"... Got it, let's go."

Watching an anxious Hunter Slayer hurried back to the battlefield, the expressionless dark-haired wizard clenched his hands involuntarily.

Unsurprisingly, the elf little prince stood on Empire Avenue and prepared a special "gift" for himself.

The humble earth walls and wooden fences are not used to defend infantry, but are prepared to restrain the cavalry; divide the Baine Legion into two, concentrate the superior forces to annihilate and annihilate in one go ... If it is not Regrel, the reaction is fast enough, I am afraid it is The Thousand Legions are about to fall into it!

Even so, the Azore elves have successfully surrounded 10,000 pioneers-including the hunter of the wings of the sky, nearly a thousand bain knights and elite heavy-loaded servants ... all of them are elite of the Bain Legion.

Especially the three hundred demon hunters ... After three years, it took countless human resources to barely build such a large-scale team that can barely fight elite warriors and monsters, it ca n’t afford such a devastating. Blow.

Even by Baine ’s “great wealth”, once the entire army of 10,000 people is wiped out, it will be a huge loss that is absolutely irreversible!

Furthermore, there are two Earl of Byrnes, who are also the only cavalry commanders who have survived; and ... Lusien ...

"So ... what should I do?"

Tilted his head, with his hands behind his back, the blond teenager stood behind the black-haired wizard, and his innocent smile grew more playful.

"If it was the former Loren, this time can't wait to rush up, right? But now dear Loren must calm down and judge the problem more rationally."

"You want me to watch them killed by that little prince, don't you?"

"Sometimes, we are making this seemingly ruthless choice." Asriel smiled calmly and nodded slightly: "We are not omnipotent and omnipotent, and we are in control of all existence ... Such existence is exactly what we are trying to fight against. of."

"If this does not stop Dear Loren, then Asriel can guarantee that Lusien will never die-of course, he is also a friend of Asriel, how could the poor Asriel watch? What about friends leaving? "

"Then ... he became your apostle completely, not dead but not alive. To a certain extent, it is your puppet, just like ... the true apostle of the evil god."

"This is his own choice. From the day I gave the mark of the demon **** to him, he knew exactly what he was going to end ... Everyone has the right to choose, right?"

"Yes, everyone has the right to choose ... everyone."

Finally, the dark-haired wizard turned to the "Dawn" sword in the corner of the camp, leaving the blond boy in place.

"Wait, wait a minute, dear Loren, what are you going to do ?! I ... others ... Asreel absolutely has no intention of stimulating you, I mean that your current power of the void has not been completely stabilized, even in this time, even A little fluctuation is possible ... "

"Then don't use it!"

Clutching the "dawn" sword in his hand, the corner of the mouth of the dark-haired wizard was slightly raised, and his eyes were as firm as ever:

"You know ... I'm a wizard, and measuring whether a person is a wizard is not based on whether he has the power of the void, but on the way and means of doing things."

"Since the little prince gave me such a big surprise, of course I have to give him a return!"


Dark red blood soaked the sea of ​​mist that enveloped the battlefield of the mudflat.

After the last defeat of the “retro” of the Elman ’s Legion, the Azores no longer encountered any scale of resistance; the red, white, and black crosses ’battle flags almost retreat to the rear of the battlefield almost panicly, even in order to Accelerating the speed of retreat left a lot of wounded soldiers falling on the battlefield.

Facing the enemies who have already "broken down," the Azore elf warriors who are pressing step by step, and even the soldiers who have left behind, sweep the battlefield in the rear to make up for the wounded soldiers, and execute the prisoners;

And the core of the main force, nearly 20,000 Azores' army was led by the guardian samurai Dan, all the way forward, approaching the Alerman Legion that was on the verge of collapse.

That ’s right, they do n’t even need to work hard now, just go all the way forward-such a group of extremely tired and embarrassed imperial people, can they still have the surplus of resistance?


The extremely excited Dan held up the sword in his hand and traversed the beautiful arcs one after another in the air-this was really the most glorious and glorious moment in his life. The emperor's embarrassed Empire paid a price.

Is beheading, or beheading, or beheading? !

Burn the body into ashes, and burn the incised head to keep incense. Whether it is dedicated to His Royal Highness or left as a souvenir, it is a good choice.

"The whole army, build up!"

Raised the battle flag, and twenty thousand Azore elf warriors quickly assembled on the flat ground-out of the battlefield full of quagmire and streams, the expressions of relief on the faces of elf warriors also appeared.

After all, being able to be down-to-earth, rather than getting muddy and fighting with the enemy, is always a matter of physical and mental pleasure.

This good mood even affected the weather. The dazzling sunlight made Wei Ting, the warrior Dan, unable to help squinting. When the two pupils gradually adapted to the sunlight, they found that the dense fog around them had begun to gradually disperse ~ www.novelmtl .com ~ With a pleasant smile, he turned his gaze to the front — the enemies of the Red, White and Black Cross War finally stopped retreating, and also gathered on the flat ground, and looked at himself far away.

And on both sides of that flag, there appeared more flags-black lion gold lion, he recognized that it was the battle flag of Duke Byrne.

Slightly stunned, Dann's face showed a sneer of self-deprecation.

This is really ... because the enemy is so weak that he has hallucinations?

"Boom ————————! Boom ————————! Boom ————————!”

With a neat step roar, the 30,000 Legions began to move forward, completing the final siege of the Azores.

Dan's smile froze in his face, and there was a little panic in his excited pupil.

No, this is impossible, impossible, this must be an illusion, it is because I am too excited ...


Grand Duke Elmand, holding up the battle flag, pointed the gunpoint of the flag gun to the front: "Go forward!"

"For the glory of the Empire ———————— !!!!!!"

When the endless cries sounded, Wei Ting, Samurai, was finally no longer confused.

Yes ... this is not an illusion.

This is real.

Is all true.

:. :

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