Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 218: It's up to us

At 300 meters above the Valley of Blood Skeleton, the cold wind roared.

The trunk was roared unwillingly by the skeletal dragon that penetrated the "Jiaoguang Sword", and the pale bones continued to make the sound of toothache and brain tremor; The violent tremor was violently smashed, and the collapsed towers and city walls were scattered like eggshells, exposing the inner "inner castle".

It seems that even if they have died together with the floating city, they will not hesitate!

"Are you reluctant, Wegener?"

The light and windy master Harlem van Ashamed leaned on his wand, his withered body was older and weaker than the last time the valve was opened; the runes all over his body had even occupied his face and skull top .

From a distance, it was like a faint, gray-blue light radiating from all over his body.


He responded to the angry roar of the skeletal dragon and the gray-blue dragon inflammation.

Suddenly raised his right hand, Ashamai shone brightly in blue; an invisible wall blocked Long Yan from the floating city. No matter how the skeleton dragon roared, the gray-blue flame could not get close to Ashamai.

"I can understand your unwillingness. After all, being a wizard and having the same sympathy for sickness is the same-but often the point of" not being understood "is the price we have to pay for getting" truth. "

"Therefore, I do not expect to be able to persuade you with words at this moment-I believe that when you choose to become an apostle of the evil god, you should think so too."

With a sigh, the white-haired alchemist master's gaze determinedly: "But ... I will never let you destroy your last hope."

"I will be here to beat you!"

The angry skeletal dragon continued to struggle, violently flicking the remaining bone tails and claws, and hit the walls of the floating city like a siege hammer.


There was another loud noise, and large walls turned into rubble and dust, falling from a height of 300 meters, making the whole floating city shocked.

The violent shaking almost overturned everyone, and the screams of broken bones were everywhere in the floating castle; the dwarf artisans and wizards who could still keep calm, no matter how loud the commanded chorus was. To no avail.

"Avoid it, the boiler is overturned--!"

"The landing gear was shocked and we couldn't land--!"

"The shock absorber, the shock absorber and the tower fell all over, and the outer protective walls have all been destroyed--!"

In the chaotic floating city, there were cries of mourning and mourning everywhere.

"Everyone, calm down!"

Standing in front of the operation platform, Dalton Kander constantly calculated the height of the floating city from the ground, and kept the magic circle running, so that the falling speed did not cause the floating city to collapse immediately, and almost a person supported four wizards. work.

And the price is the mental energy consumed quickly and the force of the void in the body accelerating the erosion, the cold sweat on the forehead, the exposed pupils of the bloodshot eyes and the lips that have become purple.

But his reasoning is still sober: "All the wizards, report the operation of the magic circle."

"Four-fifths of the damage of the conversion tower has been completely unable to undertake the work!"

"Thirty-tenths of the rune lines were destroyed. Also ... barely continue to operate!"

"The central tower and the magic circle are basically complete, but there is a little damage due to the shock!"

Very good, if so, it can barely land safely ...

The plan has completely failed, and further delay will only cost everyone's life; Dalton Kander is by no means a stubborn person, and he will never hesitate when he should retreat.

But ... what you can get, you still have to fight for it as much as possible.

Raise your right hand without changing the color, and hold down the console.


The flicking bone tail hit the invisible wall fiercely, and Ashamai, with her mouth closed tightly, tried her best to maintain the ice barrier that was already full of cracks, and finally did not let the inner castle of the floating city be hit more.

Looking at the skeleton dragon that is still struggling desperately, revenge, the expression of the alchemist master with the same expression is indifferent, even a little ... sympathetic.

The raised right hand clenched into a fist.

The skeletal dragon's body shuddered violently, making the first scream since its appearance.

"Ah ah ah------!!!!"

At the next moment, the original tattered body began to show "evolution" and "growth" momentum!

The broken bones gradually recovered, and new bones were born on the broken cross-section ... just like rooting, sprouting, elongation, and cultured plants, new dragon wings bloomed behind the skeleton dragon.

It's just that the growth rate is ten times, one hundred times, or even a thousand times that under normal circumstances-almost just a blink of an eye, the skeleton dragon has returned to its original state, and even the slightest trace of injury and damage can't be seen!

But the skeletal dragon revealed a painful look, and the blue flame burning in the hollow eyes shuddered continuously.

"Ah ah ah------!!!!"

The screaming screams echoed over the Valley of Blood Skeleton, as if the air was actually oscillating and spreading to the surroundings, even with the entire floating city in this sound wave, it continued to mourn and shake.

Harlem van Ashamai was in this shock, calmly observing the changes in the skeleton dragon's body.

Although affected by his own power of the void, the "vitality" is expanding rapidly, but the power from the evil **** is enough to offset the damage caused by the "growth" and "death" reincarnation.

In the final analysis, the battle with the evil spirit is the battle between the forces of the void; as a mortal ... even if the valve is opened, it can still not be compared with the millennial evil spirit in level and depth.

But ... I can't defeat the "unbeliever", but at least I can defeat its apostle ... poor Wegener.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Harimfan Ashamai, who had already described the withered, was so weak that he could barely rely on his wand to support his body, but he still clenched his right hand and refused to let go.

"Ah ah ah------!!!!"

The screaming skeletal dragon shivered violently, obviously no injuries were seen on his body but he was much weaker than before, and even the attack began to become weak.

"Wegener ... you relying on the power of the void to maintain your existence, I'm afraid you have long forgotten what it's like to be alive?"

The same weak Master Ashamai bloomed in blue light, and even if his blue muscles were exposed, he could not even suppress the trembling of his body: "alive ... means to grow, age, get sick, get injured ..."

"To live means to experience all the sufferings of this world, and then struggle ... to live hard."

"You once lived in this world, you must know everything about it? I have heard of your deeds, and I know why you died; although we are enemies to each other, I ... Harlem van Asha Mai also respects your ideas very much. "

"Since you believe that everything in this world is not created by the Holy Cross and Evil God, that mountains and lakes are not miracles, that everything in this world is objectively formed ..."

"Then please die with this life, not the void existence that invaded the world-I will mark you the cycle of life and death in the name of Ashham!"

In the moment of roaring, Harlem Van Ashama's body of futuristic culture with blue light bloomed as a little star, scattered away, and flew from all directions to the body of the skeleton dragon!


Under the flash of blue light, the little runes were carved on the pale bones of the skeletal dragon like a brand; and not one, but hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands ... innumerable.

Until the faint flashing blue light completely covered the body of the skeleton dragon.

At that moment, the blue flame shimmering in the hollow eyes gradually faded, faintly as if going to extinguish.

The pale bones gradually turned into gypsum-like colors, like burnt-out carbon ash, drifting little by little.

But the skeletal dragon didn't continue struggling anymore, without screaming sternly, but seemed to calm down and look at the alchemist who was still standing still as if relieved.

The huge dragon head approached slowly, this time it was not blocked by the ice barrier; Ashamai, who described withered, smiled slightly, and the right hand protruding gently touched the tip of the skeleton dragon's nose.

Compared with the monster in front of him, his condition is not much better at the moment, and even more dangerous-the exposed green muscles, trembling muscles, pale to invisible cheeks even a trace of blood, thin and boneless body.

Everything is proving that the spiritual power and vitality of Harlem van Ashamah have been squeezed out and nothing is left; even if it can be maintained at this moment, it will not fall down, and even thank the void that is eroding his body crazy Power.

If it continues to spread like this, he will be distorted and mutated like all wizards who have lost control of the power of the void; but Harlem van Ashham will not do that.

This alchemist master left the last rune to himself.

"I think ... this may be our end."

With an indifferent smile, Ashamai looked leisurely, only slightly weak.

The skeletal dragon was silent, just staring at the weak figure of Harlem van Asham with the remaining flame.

"Actually ... my first half of life is similar to you, maybe all wizards are similar at this point; what we see may not be confessable." Ashamai whispered:

"Because acknowledging ... takes courage more than‘ doing it ’; acknowledging your mistakes requires more courage.”

The skeletal dragon trembled slightly, and the speed of the pale and decayed body collapsed faster.

"But it doesn't matter, because the facts will prove everything, this world will soon and again recognize reality and continue to go through denial and recognition-because the past millennium has come like this, so the next millennium is also destined to be like this Go on. "

Ashamai whispered to herself, her eyes flashed with crystal: "We who belong to the past take away mistakes when we die, let new life be born in the next cycle, and let this cycle repeat indefinitely."

"Only the world of constant reincarnation can be full of motivation, rather than being imprisoned and corrupted by eternal existence!"

"Wagner, what do you say?"

Asked in a low voice.

What responded to him was a deep roar from the skeleton dragon.

At a height of three hundred meters, the two figures turned into ashes one after the other, and drifted in the screaming cold wind.

Only the little wizard, who was always behind the old man's back, stared at the fly ash passing by the wind, and there were silent tears in the blue eyes.


Staring at the bones dissipating in the sky and the floating city that landed slowly, the black-haired wizard with a stiff complexion couldn't help but sigh.

The power of the void that suddenly dissipated just after the skyrocketing ... is not wrong, it is definitely Master Ashham.

For this experienced and well-informed predecessor and elder, Loren's attitude towards him has always been subtle; in the same way, Master Ashamai has also remained detached from the black-haired wizard or everyone. relationship.

In fact, this is the normal reaction of a wizard—selfish, seemingly enthusiastic, but indifferent, and only talking about everything that is not related to himself, and will not pay any extra action.

If it were n’t for Ain, or for some empathy threats, Loren believed that the alchemist would never stand up to help himself, and at most would only give some verbal advice.

But it was such a person, but in the end, in order to protect the floating city from falling, this battle with the monster was lost all, and came forward ...

Loren's mood is somewhat complicated, I wonder if it's sad or sad.

Fortunately, though, the plan to decapitate with the Jiaoguang sword failed, but at least the floating city is still there, and Ain and Dalton are still alive ... this is enough.

Next, it is my job.

Taking a deep breath, the determined black-haired wizard raised the "Dawn" sword with one hand and stared at the "monster frenzy" that had risen to the high ground.

Behind him, the guards of the Blood Skull Valley were nervous and trembling inhalation.

"Count Marmalos."

"Duke ?!"

Suddenly, the earl and cavalry officer of the "named" lake heart city quickly turned his head: "Your knight is here, please command me!"

"Don't be so nervous, I just want to give you a combat mission."

Loren smiled slightly: "I want you to lead the Byr Knight with the Earl of White Horse Peak, and all the remaining cavalry to the east and west wings ~ ~ from there to charge the army of carrion demons. After the signal, or after attracting the enemy, retreat immediately. "

"Furthermore, I need the courageous Bayern knights to stay at least long enough in front of the defensive position to get time for the infantry to retreat and organize the defense, understand?"


Ramallos focused on his head, and before he turned around, he was stopped by the Count Baimafeng on the side: "If you let all the cavalry attract the enemy from both wings, Duke ... Then what are you going to do?"

Count Regret, who is still impressed with certain scenes during the Battle of the Centaurs, couldn't help twitching his throat: "Are you ... wouldn't you plan to be so alone and rush over from the front?"

"Well ... can't it ?!" The black-haired wizard asked subconsciously, stunned.

"You really plan to do this!"

Ramallos stunned? !

. m.

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