Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 217: No longer a threat


At the moment when the skeleton dragon appeared, the mood of the little wizard fell into the valley almost instantly.

Although she is very confident in the floating city she created and the light sword that she participated in the design, when the enemy to be faced is a dragon that is almost impossible to kill ...

Fear gradually climbed up to her body like the coldness of substance.


Me, do I want to be here ...

"Ayn, Ayn!"

"Teacher Dalton ?!"

The awakened little wizard, panicked and suddenly turned his head, to see Dalton Kander's face that would never be sunny, always calm and calm.

"Very well, you don't seem to have lost your mind yet." During the talk, Dalton Kander completely ignored Aynna's already panicked look:

"From now on, you have two minutes to start aiming. According to the original plan, prepare for the launch of the Jiaoguangsaber and concentrate all your attention."

Hey? !

According to the original plan, but how to implement the original plan now ...

"The target appears, the floating city stops advancing, enters a hovering state, and starts to retreat-lead it into the projection range of the Blood Skeletal Position!"

Dalton Kander's cold words interrupted her thinking: "The peripheral personnel gradually withdrew into the castle, abandoned the projectile weapons outside, and tried to avoid the enemy's attack!"

"All the wizards entered the post and began to manipulate the magic circle; the time for the first launch of the Jiao lightsaber was set at two minutes, and it is now ready to arrive!"

Feeling his gaze after coming to him, Dalton glanced slightly: "Go ahead, Ain-the skeletal dragon is also a monster manipulated by the power of the void, and the head is one of its most important weaknesses. Remember this. "


The little wizard nodded vigorously, and the calm voice of the tutor gave her great confidence and calmness.

In Dalton's command, the floating city began to retreat slowly towards the high ground in an orderly manner.

The roaring skeletal dragon finally seemed to "discover" the horn fort floating in the air. The hollow double pupils burning with blue flames stared in this direction. The moment the bone wings spread out, the gust of wind rolled up the snow Sweep away with Carrion Demon.

"Did you notice it?"

I do n’t know when Master Harlem van Ashamah has stood behind Dalton Kander, but his eyes are locked in the direction of the distant skeleton dragon.

Dalton didn't look back, his indifferent face just nodded slightly behind him, his heart unspoken.

That monster ... It didn't pounce on it as desperately as before, let alone roar like a restless beast, roaring and attacking indiscriminately, but also watching them calmly.

It is confirming the action force of the floating city and the surrounding dynamics ... This is not a "reaction" that is eroded by the void, and there is no rational monster.

Of course, there is also the power of the void that is very different from the one just now, huge and terrible ...

"It's the evil spirit apostle-well, according to the information just sent, it should be the 'unbelieving apostle' Wegener who has never been exposed." Dalton said coldly.

Ashamai was surprised: "Wegener? The wizard who proposed that 'Broken Mountain is not a miracle, but was born by the collision of two continents' more than 20 years ago ... Was he not tortured at the Imperial Capital Cathedral? ? "

"When I was still a night watchman, I once saw a secret report about this person-burnt to death as a replacement prisoner. This person was later secretly sent to the north by the church to find the site of the dragon king city; shortly after the disappearance, the night watchman The file contains information about the "unbelieving apostle" Wegener. "

Dalton's mouth could not help but move a little, humming: "Logan wearing a hat, Wegener ... I always think that the church is the best at confusing people, maybe not."

"Or ... some" truths "are more confusing than Holy Cross scriptures."

The smiling Ashamai had just wanted to say something, and the distant skeleton dragon interrupted him with a long hiss.


Almost at the moment when the two thoughts flashed, the dragon flame spewed out into a beam of light, sweeping towards the floating city.

The gray-blue flames, with the power of ruinous destruction-even at the speed of Dalton Kander's reaction, only to see the blue light flash.


Thunder, deafening.

In a flash of light and shadow, the entire valley seemed to be quiet because of this explosion; the thick smoke was mixed with flames that had not been completely burned, completely enveloping the entire floating city.

The next second, the huge figure of the horn fort broke through the smoke, and continued to slowly retreat towards the valley heights, the thick smoke wrapped into a cloak, scattered behind her.

Almost all the members of the floating city watched with a lingering fear that the outside suddenly appeared, covering the ice wall inside the floating city, as well as the layers that were already densely covered on it, like a spider web-like texture.

Only Dalton Kander, who personally participated in the design of the high-level spell "Fortitude as Ice", still has the same expression.

Since it turns out that this thing is enough to resist the impact of a castle descending from the sky, it is no surprise to block a dragon blast.

But that's all it is ... With the help of a magic circle and dozens of wizards, simply blocking the monster's dragon a few times can make the floating city fall.

The counterattack must begin immediately.

"Jiaoguang lightsaber, prepare—!"

Dalton's cold rage sounded in the floating city.


There was a muffled sound in the Valley of Blood Skeleton, and the snowflakes rolled up by the hurricane flew in the air and then scattered.

When he opened his eyes again, the skeletal dragon with its wings spread out soared above the sky, and a white shadow was drawn under the light gray dark clouds, screaming and tearing the air, rushing towards the floating city.

With this momentum, don't say any fangs or claws, just the impact of swooping down is enough to make the floating city disintegrate in the air!

The gray-white afterimage is approaching step by step.


Breathing lightly, the little wizard put his right eye on the telescope of Jiao Guangguang; gently, his right hand pressed the launch switch.

The skeletal dragon rushed straight towards the floating city, without shining, she could hit its eyebrows at this distance without even aiming.

But this is just the illusion it disguised ... In fact, before confronting the red dragon Grum, Ain noticed that the dragon could instantly change direction by the leaning of the body, making something completely incompatible with their huge posture. Sensitive movement.

and so……

"I ... caught you."

Ayin looked plain, whispered.

Bright lightsaber, launch!

A dazzling light suddenly flashed through the dark smoke, but in an instant, the skeletal dragon suddenly turned suddenly and attacked towards the bottom of the floating city.


A cluster of firelight blooms in the air, and the off-white shadows pass by the floating city.

The skeletal dragon, who had long lost his pain, gave an angry wailing-even if he had avoided the fatal blow in an instant, Jiao Guangsa still accurately destroyed the connection between its right wing and the trunk bones, with half the dragon wings The air turns into dead bones.

The skeletal dragon that was hit burned with flames, gliding from the sky towards the valley.

Looking at the huge figure falling down, a fierce cheer rang from the floating city.

"Not over yet!"

Dalton shouted: "Chornhorn, speed up the climb immediately!"


Along with the messy shouts, the entire floating city stopped moving into a hovering state; just ten seconds later, the huge air fortress suddenly began to float.

The power of the void is never a gentle and stable force ... The violent driving force from the feet and the violent vibrations from the inside of the floating city make everyone can only bear the rolling of the internal organs and move in the same place. may not.


Almost at the same time as the floating city climbed, the skeletal dragon roaring in the sky finally stopped the fall, and tried its best to wave the only one side of the dragon wing, rushing towards the floating city from below.

Although only half of the dragon wing remained, it seemed very clumsy even to hold up the huge body; although the Horn Castle floating city was still climbing, speeding up ...

But the monster is still narrowing the distance between the two!

The previous explosions and impacts have destroyed most of the projected weapons on the outer walls of the floating city; for the enemies directly below, there is absolutely nothing to do.


Unexpectedly, the firelight traversed a golden red from the battlefield, leaving a black mark on the skeleton dragon.

"Still dumbfounded, shoot!"

The wounded Lucien propped his body with his right arm, breathing heavily and looking at the stunned legionary soldiers around him, wishing to strangle them directly: "All ballistas, aim at that big bone-knock it down , Otherwise it will knock us down! "

"There is no second dragon to protect us, do you understand ?! Only we can protect us!"

The engineers who finally responded quickly turned the stone thrower, aiming at the skeleton dragon that continued to pounce on the floating city-too ​​far away, it was no longer a good idea to use a direct ballista, it could only be tried with a stone thrower .

While the soldiers in the west position were in a hurry, the east position was also ready to shoot at the skeleton dragon that was still flying.


The roaring gray pupil tried his best to hit the launch switch of the stone thrower with the battle axe in his hand.

In an instant, hundreds of black shadows screamed from the east and west sides to the skeleton dragon.

The golden-red fireworks bloomed in the air screaming in the cold wind, and the skeletal dragon flying in the sky was continuously rising and approaching between the thick smoke and explosion surrounded by "flowers".

Even if the ribs were broken, the hind limbs were broken, the spine was shaking, the smoke was roasting ... nothing could stop the pale giant figure, or even slow it down.


The skeletal dragon roared up in the sky and suddenly accelerated, the blue flame burning in his pupils seemed to be more violent than before.

Eighty meters, one hundred meters, one hundred fifty meters, two hundred meters ... Two huge black shadows in the sky, rushed back and forth to the height that people on the ground can only look up to, and still did not stop.

"It's coming, just below!"

From the lookout of Fort Horn, the dwarf craftsmen shouted shrillly: "Come, rush up, rush up, ah ..."

The moment when the screaming stopped abruptly, followed by a violent roar.


Dalton Kander, who didn't change his face, almost bent the guardrail, exposing his arms with green bars; the trembling floating city, almost every brick was whining and wailing.

The moment the skeletal dragon flew into the floating city, the enchantment of "Fortitude as Ice" shattered immediately; the torso of the skeletal dragon lying on the floating city was exposed to the front of the floating city, bowing its back, and headed into the castle.



The imposing little wizard was pressing the launch switch with all his strength; the madly rotating core of the Mithril, almost squeezed the power of the void provided by dozens of wizards.


The dazzling white light burst, and the subsequent shock and explosion lasted for tens of seconds.

In the dim sky of lead gray, a "sun" appeared in a flash.

When the light dissipated, reflected in the sight of Ain Rand was the remains of the skeleton dragon-ribs, spine, dragon wings ... the central part of the torso was almost completely "erased", leaving nothing left; and nothing left Mark of.

It seems that it should look like this by nature.

But there was no joy in the eyes of the little wizard—it was alive because of this monster.

Growling, like a zombie bone dragon again lifted the dragon's head again, although the gray-blue flame in the hollow eyes was weak, but still bright.

It trembled, and opened a large mouth of blood basins full of fangs at the horn fort, and the first to bear was Dalton Kander, who was standing at the forefront.


The frightened Ain screamed.


The flames burst ... But Dalton Kander standing in front of it was unharmed, not even half a spark

An invisible wall blocked the skeleton dragon and the floating city.

"Ice barrier ... I didn't expect that one day, I would still use the secret of the Albert guy-really changing times, when I was studying, I probably didn't expect that each school would learn from each other. ~ the opportunity to communicate. "

With a somewhat mocking smile, Harlem Van Ashamah with her wand stood in front of Dalton Kander, holding up her right hand, there were many flashing runes, loose robes and no wind. Up.

That sudden expansion of the power of the void ... Harlem van Ashham, he opened the valve? !

Dalton's complexion changed, and if he remembered correctly, he had already opened it once a few years ago in the battle of the Centaurs; this is the last few years, and actually ...

"Master Harlem Fan ..."

"Your Excellency Dalton, please go to command the floating city and give me this monster." There was a trace of resolute in the face of Harlem van Ashamai, without looking back, "Your mission is Protect this floating city, all the people promised by the Duke to go back alive. "

"As for it ... it won't be your threat anymore!"


... m.

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