Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 206: Behemoth War


Along with the thunderous thunder, Longyan, mixed with the power of the void, struck the red giant Grum-the gray-blue "beam of light" swept across the snow-white battlefield, and thousands of rotten corpses Turned into ashes.

The power of the void and dragon inflammation ... it should have been diametrically opposed to the two, the confrontation of material and spirit ... Now it is so "perfectly" fused on the body of a dragon.

The creature standing at the top of the material world is reborn by the power of the void after death-it must be said that this is full of irony.

The unavoidable crimson dragon spread its wings and shouted with embarrassment, but a pair of amber dragon eyes revealed a dignified dignity.

It is getting faster.

This ... the "monster" occupying the remains of the dead compatriots, seems to be faster than before!

Just now it was just barely able to keep up with its own speed, and it almost broke its wings several times; but now it can threaten itself with its weird "Dragon Flame".

The unobtrusive movement, the appearance of a rampage, mechanically like a puppet with armor ... gradually began to imitate his movements, moves and even dodge every time.

It's like ... learning!

The only thing that hasn't changed is to follow me from beginning to end, rushing at yourself desperately, rather risking being killed and leaving a wound on myself.

This makes Grum very angry, but also very frightened-as a dragon, he has almost not encountered any opponents of the same level except the same race; even the battle between the races is mainly based on "games". There is no such thing as life and death.


The sharp bone claws dragged the tail of the Crimson Dragon, violently pulling Grum, and the crimson figure screamed and fell quickly.

Frightened Grum immediately spread his wings, desperately slowing down the fall; the roaring skeleton dragon suddenly stopped, and then swooped insanely towards him.


One red and one white, two huge figures collided in the air, and there was a sound like a thunderous thunder; the falling Grum almost desperately dragged the skeleton dragon into his arms;

His hind paw grabbed its knee joint, and his front paw held a "neck" that grabbed the skeletal dragon, and the other just stabbed into the boneless chest!

Grum had already put his full strength into life and death; the keel stronger than steel gradually twisted and deformed in his low roar, and it was scattered like sand and gravel on the snowy ground from the air.


There was another muffled noise, and the "rib" part of the skeletal dragon was completely broken into slag, and there was little left in the exposed "chest cavity".

Perhaps it is because you can feel pain after death. The torn skeletal dragon is also struggling to death; the neck that was blocked by Grum's death and death continued to send a "clear" muffled sound; Can't always aim at the red figure.

Grabbing the neck of the skeletal dragon, Grum kicked hard with all his strength; red and white suddenly separated.



The golden red and gray-blue fire pillars collided in the air, just like gorgeous fireworks, bursting continuously, lighting up the dull dome of the lead gray.


The two fierce beasts uttered a deafening roar almost at the same time, rushing straight into the unburned flames in the air, and the fire light swallowed them all.

Only for a moment!

Both sides slammed into each other's arms at the same time. The claws of their limbs stabbed into the other's torso at the same time. collision!

Even at a height of nearly 100 meters, the defenders of the Blood Skeleton Valley can clearly feel the trembling murderousness of the two wild beasts.

"I can't hit it!"

In the floating city of the Horn Castle, a pale pale wizard stood behind the "Jiaoguang Sword", clenched his teeth and stared at the two figures flying up and down, feeling extremely anxious.

The red and white figures in the scope can only stay for an instant, and even the residual image is not counted; even if the aiming lock is completed at that moment, the two figures will interlace at the next moment, allowing all the movements just made All become useless.

If it is aimed at a target on the ground, she can still be a little more than two kilometers away; but for moving objects at the same height, especially when the enemy and the enemy are so close ...

At such a speed, even a small wizard does not dare to take aim easily-the power of the bright lightsaber was debugged by Isaac himself, which was to abandon the weapon that is convenient to emphasize the power.

One shot ... Even a huge beast like the dragon, which is extremely resistant to the power of the void, can definitely cause heavy damage!

Because of this, Ai Yin is even less afraid to start!

"do not worry!"

Dalton Kander, who has always been concise, is still the calmest person in the floating city, making the judgment in the shortest time: "Temporarily abandon the launch of the bright lightsaber, all the wizards ... Do the defense work of the floating city!"

"Mr. Dalton ..."

"This is an order!" Faced with Ain who was not willing to give up, Dalton politely said: "My order-Ain Rand, immediately go to the lower level to rest and wait for the summoning!"

As the words fell, the alchemists and wizards around him did not know whether they were relieved or the same frustration, and they sighed and turned away from their posts; only the little wizard who was left alone could only bite his teeth and had to release The launcher in hand.

After all ... the "Jiaoguang Sword" cannot be used by herself.

Five minutes later, the floating city stopped hovering and entered the state of travel, slowly accelerating to retreat to the highland behind the Blood Skeleton Valley, and at the same time sent a message with the bugle and the war flag, ordering the defensive positions of the two wing valley highlands, ready to respond to cavalry and resist corruption The corpses attacked with great force.

Harlem van Ashamah, who was standing on one side, was busy with the work in his hand, while quietly watching Dalton orderly command the wizards and craftsmen, and continuously issued one command after another, clearly and clearly like drawing a picture. Painting.

When he was all done, the smiling Ashamai slowly stepped forward: "I finally understand ... why the old smoke gun of Freswalk would treat you as the heir to the Freswalk school."

"Calmness, reason, decisiveness ... for a person who seeks truth, it is a great asset, especially for wizards."


Dalton shook his head: "These ... I didn't learn it in the wizard tower."

"Oh, where is that?"

Almost at the moment the words were spoken, the appearance of a one-armed night watchman immediately appeared in Dalton's mind, causing the corner of his mouth to twitch slightly.

Ashamah asked no more, and he and Dalton turned their attention to the two wild beasts still wrestling together in the air.

On one side is a desperate skeleton dragon, and on the other side is a scarred, angry red crimson dragon-no one is around, wantonly fighting each other on the battlefield.

Harlem van Ashham's eyes dimmed.

In Loren's established tactics, of course, it is impossible to guess that the enemy will also possess a huge monster-since it is a monster invading, then it is not surprising that even the puppet of the evil **** appears.

But everyone did not expect that the other party actually awakened a dead dragon body directly!

On the one hand, this naturally restrains the most powerful fighting force of the defenders of the Blood Skeletal Valley, on the other hand, it also makes this battle very passive-because of the loss of the dragon ’s cover, the sparse defenders have to face the data directly. Ten times as much as oneself, and even endless enemies!

In the battles between the empire and the army of monsters in the past, there was never a shortage of dragons, but they rarely used dragons as a key factor in defeating evil spirits and monsters.

On the one hand, of course, those historians and painters "consciously or unconsciously" emphasized the existence of the emperor and certain heroes, and preached that this belongs to the glory of the imperial people; on the other hand, naturally also exposed a very real problem- Without dragons, those glorious victories may not be mentioned at all.

No matter how indestructible the "black city wall", no matter how indestructible the "ride on the wall", no matter how terrible "arrows like rain" ... when your enemies are endless, these seemingly powerful forces are so pale and powerless .

An empire without dragons can still win with courage, but it is destined to be a terrible victory.

It really is ... it can't be worse.


In the loud noise of shaking the sky, the gray-blue "Dragon Flame" swiped through Grum's lower abdomen; the blood-red and red dragon scales immediately turned into charcoal-like charred black.

The croaking dragon gave a wail and spread its wings to pounce on the skeletal dragon that had no response except for the killing; his anger left his figure completely without the "elegance" at the beginning, leaving a trace in the air. Shadow.

The skeletal dragon seemed completely unnoticed. Its body was almost torn apart by angry Grum; its wings were still swollen, so it rushed towards the crimson dragon that had opened its big mouth.


There was another explosion, and the golden red flames that expanded into a sphere completely swallowed the skeleton dragon.

However, it is only the next second ...


The fireball was torn apart! A dark shadow roared out of the flames, and there was still a flame that had not completely dispersed.

Dragon inflammation ... dye the pale skeleton dragon to black.

The two roaring beasts had no intention of dodge and rushed straight at each other again.


The sound of the collision is like thunder.

All the wizards and craftsmen in the whole floating city were quieted down, and even the work in hand was involuntarily put down. All eyes were staring at the actions of the beasts in the sky, fearing that they might miss something.

The floating city in the sky stopped slowly.

"Don't you feel ironic?"

Halinfan Ashamai, who suddenly opened his side, made Dalton look away.

"Obviously it is about the battle between the empire and the future of humanity, but it has to put most of its hopes on the dragon." Ashamai smiled, not knowing whether to mock or self-mock:

"And the most important thing is that the other dragon that is fighting against us is also the other dragon ... The monster invaded, and it was renamed" Dragon War "."

Listening to Ashamai's unkind words, Dalton's mouth moved slightly.

"It is true that if there were no dragons, this war would be greatly improved, and it might even lead to our fiasco, but ..."

Dalton calmly said: "It is still humans that dominate the battlefield ... it is us-not the dragons unite us and let us form an army to fight the monsters and evil spirits here; not for the dragons but for ourselves , The willing determination to fight the enemy. "

"It's us that dominates all of this, it's ... Lorren Turin, which is the most critical; this alone makes this war the same as the war of countless monster invasions in the past."

"But ... it's also very different!"

Dalton Kant's generous speech made Harlem Van Ashamai's expression strange.

"You mean ... you really believe your apprentice, Loren Turin ... can you become the second black duke after Roland Turin?"

Dalton gave a slight pause and shook his head.

"He won't. I and many people-including you-have known him, and Loren Turin cannot be that kind of person; he is a wizard, not a knight, not a hero, not someone who can act instinctively and emotionally. ; "

"He ..." Dalton hesitated suddenly and then said very firmly:

"It's a wizard."


Another roar of a flame explosion shook the dome.

Most of the scales on Grum's chest that had pinched the neck of the dragon were ash, and the soft lower abdomen was completely exposed to the cold wind.

But he didn't care ... Both wings of the skeletal dragon had been torn apart, and the tail and hind limbs had been torn off, leaving only one head and half of the body, which he carried in the air.

Wounded wings, broken right forelegs, broken teeth and bruised eyes ... it doesn't matter; even the bleeding wounds and broken scales don't matter.

Because of you-you monster that desecrates the remains of my clan ... is dead!


Dragon flames spewed, and the flames continued to explode around the skeletal dragons; the skeletal bones, which had turned into charred black, directly caught fire and burned wantonly.

But Grum still didn't let it go ~ ~ still spitting dragon blaze uninterruptedly--even if his claws were also wrapped in flames, there was no sign of loosening.

After a quarter of an hour, the flames finally dispersed.

The right claw of the Crimson Dragon has completely turned into a black color, and the Skeletal Dragon that was caught by the claw can't see the original appearance at all. The gray-blue flame in the double pupils completely dissipated.

Just a moment, its body began to dissipate-just like burnt charcoal, a little bit of disintegration, slipping, floating.

In the end, there was only the dust floating in the sky, flying freely in the cold wind, floating ... disappeared without a trace.

As if it had never existed at all, leaving no trace.

Under the dome, only the crimson dragon remained, spread its wings, and sent an angry and sad roar to the lead-gray sky.


... m.

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