Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 205: It's getting dark

Boundary Mountain Fortress, the fifth day of the siege, in the evening.

The reinforcements were late.

Probably because the crazy **** battles for several days have consumed too much and the casualties are too heavy; the attacking and defending parties were very tacit and chose the "truce" on the afternoon of the same day.

The flames are burning, and the snow is flying—the dead body on the battlefield is full of silence, revealing the strangeness of the unspoken unidentified; not only the fortress, but also the Azores outside the city are too quiet; Outside of the corpse, there was nothing to plan for a night attack or offensive.

Only a small number of small armies on both sides broke out in the trenches beneath the fortress city and ended in a tragic defeat, but the "victory" elf warriors also retaliated with ballistas and arrow rain on the city walls.

As for the significance of such "revenge", it really is known.

After arranging the officers and soldiers on duty who watched the beacon on duty, Drexis walked down the city wall with a straight face. Before leaving the first defense zone, he met the same under a corner The exhausted Salika Jonah.

The wounded scimitar grandfather sat under the corner of the wall with no image, legs stretched out underneath a broken saddle, eyes half open, and bored with a whetstone he carried with him The saber is full of gaps.

The Poihian cavalry gathered around her were all in a state of languor; either stood against the wall or squatted, looked at the sky silently, drinking horse milk with them; seeing someone When he came, he didn't even stand up and squeaked at his grandpa. His eyes were all confused.

"This battle is almost impossible to fight."

This kind of decadent speech is replaced by the usual Dresis will stand up and quarrel with Salika, rebuke, and then make some remarks that "Empire will win, Azore will lose". The soldiers who insisted on fighting encouraged morale.

Change to usual ...

Tired Dresis didn't want to quarrel with her at all. He knew that compared to the one who was in charge of logistics and rescue on the city wall, it was the scimitar female grandfather who stood on the front line outside the wall and fought with the elves The biggest one.

They have not tried it, but every attempt has failed-forcible breakouts, scattered breakouts, sneak attacks, wall charges, scimitar offensive ... Salika really tried all available tactics.

But the Azore elves outside the city are as if they are not afraid of death at all. They can use the most cruel tactics and the most direct way to smash their every hope of pinning!

They can withstand two-to-one or even three-to-one casualties, and let the elven samurai wielding long swords launch a "countercharge" against cavalry of equal strength;

It can make the soldiers in the pike phalanx to bear the alchemy bombs and ignition agents that have fallen from the sky, and the stone cannons maintain a dense formation;

Seeing death like returning is actually simpler than it seems, and finding death on the battlefield is easier than imagined; but letting thousands of warriors become large-scale and disciplinary seeing death as return ... that is an extremely terrible thing.

Dracis could see the fear in the tired eyes of the brave and bruised hussars.

Salika didn't lie. It is not a morale breakdown to fight this battle again, but to continue to let the soldiers die, if you can't see the reinforcements or hope, it will change!

Only in this battle, Dresis can finally put himself in the right position-in the past, in his eyes, Loren Turin was a little clever, good at speculation, cautious, and lucky.

Now it seems that being able to hold Eboden for thirty days in front of the army of 100,000 Azores ... is really a miracle that cannot be described and described in words!

To what extent must we accurately judge and face calmly and cautiously in order to use an army that does not have half of the enemy in a city that can't organize defense at all, and insist on waiting for an almost impossible month for reinforcements?

Dracis did not know that he only knew that if this battle was fought like this, he would completely live up to the great hope and trust that His Majesty delivered all the command to himself before the war and admit his failure and incompetence!

"Tomorrow I will send another messenger to urge me."

Dresis was powerless and did not know whether he was comforting Selika or self-consolation: "The civil war in East Sackland is over, and Bayern should have received the news."

"The two support troops are mainly heavy infantry regiments. Counting time, maybe they are already on the road ... and it's almost there!"


"It's possible ... Arles has also received news that they are sending troops northwards; perhaps to wait for them, so the Baine army was delayed for a few days."


"Of course, we can't pin our hopes on the reinforcements; I will urge the alchemists in the fortress to speed up the production of more alchemy weapons; and vow the knights ... wait until tomorrow, I will ask them and you Fight alongside."


The Duke of the Scimitar nodded feebly, it should be reconciled-in fact, if it was not because of her vitality in the Centaur War, she had already sent a messenger to the Poi to help her.

With a somewhat tired look, Dresis stepped forward, pushed away a hussar and leaned on the side of Sallyka, and took the horse milk from the other party:

"It's been five days ... there is no news from Blood Skull Valley, let alone the reinforcements, not even the messenger; you said, will it be Loren Turin they ... have ..."

Sally Ka shook her head silently.


"No why-you didn't fight that bastard, you won't understand." Sallyka sighed: "This **** ... like eyes on his head, can always see what you can't see, Always know what you do n’t know. "

She said while making gestures: "How do you say-like when you are going to cut people, you should only think about cutting people; this **** may even cut the people, what should be done after the cut, what should I do if it is not Think about it all. "

"So if he does n’t come back, it proves that he thinks he ’s the most correct one if he does n’t come back, and it ’s the most correct one if he does n’t negotiate with us. Contact us. "

"But ... all in all, this guy can't die; as long as he doesn't want to die, nobody can kill him!"

Dracis frowned slightly, not knowing where Sallyka's "confidence" came from.

"I said, you won't understand." Salika spread her hands, a look like "I know": "It is impossible for anyone who hasn't fought with that guy to understand."

Looking at her clear look, Dresis, who was already full of doubts, got up to ask, but was stopped by the flag officer beside him.

"Sir Dresis, there is one thing ... you may need to ask yourself."

"Is it important? If it is not important, wait until afterwards; I will not ..."

"The subordinates think that it is better for you to get to know it immediately." The Zhangqi officer insisted, his expression a little ugly: "The two heads of the flag team are waiting for you."

"Yuhei… Engineers?" Dressis, who was confused, raised his eyebrows, and his face changed suddenly:

"You, shouldn't you say ..."

The flag officer nodded vigorously, his eyes were shaking:

"Five-day battle, our army's fuel oil, alchemy bombs, and ignition agent reserves ... have been exhausted!"



Thunderous dragon roar, tearing the dark clouds with the dark shadows-the wide wings covering the sky, the unimaginable body, the high and gritty head, the sharp claws and fangs like sword spear ...

But it belongs to a "giant dragon" with only bones and a gray-blue flame burning in his eyes.

Shocked Lucien looked up at the shadow in the sky-yes, he remembered the dragon; when he broke into the dragon city with the black-haired wizard and Isaac, he was almost Let this "skeletal dragon" burn to ashes.

Why, it will appear here ...

No, now is not the time to care about this!

The gray pupil who forcibly restored himself to sobriety, finally grabbed a sword before the corpse demon bit his throat and turned it into fragments, and continued to run wildly:

"Charge, charge! Keep up with me-don't stop!"

That's right, there is no way to stop anyway, otherwise it will be dead-losing speed, the cavalry with too much target among thousands of carrion demons, it is a perfect living target.

Anyway, Lusien absolutely did not believe that the enemy would prevent the skeletal dragon from attacking the carrion demons for the reason of "cherishing the soldiers".

"What is that, is it a dragon ?!"

"Impossible, the dragon ... Isn't it only the royal family of DeSaale that can become the dragon master, why do the evil gods and monsters also have dragons in their hands ?!"

"Well, what the **** is going on?"

But ... even if he can overcome it, it does not mean that all the Bayern knights can understand; just when they are still in a daze, the huge shadow has spread its wings and descended from the sky.


Loud bangs, explosions, screams, wailing, long hisses ... The air waves mixed in the face hit from behind, almost toppling Lucien from the horseback to the ground.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Listening to the screams behind him, Lucien didn't even dare to look back to see how many knights and demon hunters were following him.

He also knows that the "old acquaintance" is behind him, staring at himself with those blue-fired eyes, maybe he has opened his blood basin and is ready to spit dragon inflammation on himself-if that thing can be called This is what Longyan said.

So he charged, just charged, constantly blocking the decomposing corpses of the corpse demon tread city in front of him, doing everything possible to complete the task that Loren Turin handed over to himself ...

Charge, and ... fight not to die!

As long as you are alive ... As long as you are still alive, Lord Loren must have a way to defeat this monster; as long as he has commanded him this way, he must have figured out a way, as long as he strives to accomplish the completed task The best, you can win.

Certainly possible!



At the moment of shouting, a second completely different "thunder" sounded in the sky-angry crimson dragon roared down from the sky and rushed towards the skeleton dragon.

There was no meaning to say hello at all, Grum directly opened the big mouth of the blood basin to the figure on the ground, and the flame of fire like dragon swept along with the roar.

I noticed that the "threatening" skeletal dragon also raised its head, and its open wings continued to roll around the air; almost all the carrion demons close to it were torn to pieces, mixed in the snowflakes. Scattered around.


The skeletal dragon rose into the sky, leaving a very regular hemispherical crater in place, and the burst of air directly "hit" the gray pupil young man with the horse.

"Master Lusien--!"

Several demon hunters gathered in a hurry.

"I'm fine!"

Struggling to get up, Lucien frowned, gasping heavily, looking up at the "nothing to do with himself" fight in the sky.

The two wild beasts soaring in the sky spread their wings and twitched their strong fangs with their strong claws under the lead-gray clouds; the huge body continually flicked up and down to each other with a violent wind.

The smooth figure, the rough but full of power, the collision between the limbs ... flip, interlace, re-flip, re-interlace, screaming and roaring at the other party ...

As if they were not fighting, but dancing, the sky dome of Blood Skeleton Valley was their dance floor ... except that they both wanted to kill their "dance partners".

"Master Lusien, what is going on ..."

"Where are we now?"

The gray pupils coldly interrupted his subordinates: "How many cavalry soldiers who rushed down together did not leave or die?"

"This one……"

The demon hunters clenched their teeth and looked around on the battle horse: "It should be ... we should have rushed to the lowest point of the valley-only the avalanche covered the original gentle slope, and there was no way to see the road. Can't see the top of the mountain! "

"As for the cavalry, I can only see the people around me ~ ~ I probably still have the time ... er, one third?"

"Then gather them together, gather them together! Re-form the team, gather as many people as possible, and then launch another charge again, toward the valley highlands, we rush back!"

Lussien turned his horse, with a very firm expression: "Our mission is to defeat the first round of the monster army as much as possible. Now that the mission has been reached, it is time to retreat."

"Do n’t forget the Duke ’s words, trust your comrades, and protect your comrades, execute every command and step ... understand?"


Although he was unwilling, the demon hunter knew that Lusien was right-if the cavalry were all killed in the valley, the consequence would be that the infantry had to face hundreds of thousands of monsters alone.

"Then leave with me!"

... m.

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