Sequential Evolution

Chapter 362 Entering District 51

Following the route drawn by Secretary Shen, Lin Tianyi quickly arrived near the metal fence.

Arriving at this location, the surrounding buildings are even rarer. Compared with the bustling and bustling ghost market before, this place is more like a suburb, with unfinished buildings and ghosts.

A lot of lord monsters living here are dormant around, as if there is something worthy of their nostalgia hidden nearby.

Is it strange energy?

Is it the corpse of a god?

Or something else.

So that they are both afraid and can only hide around greedily.

Lin Tianyi clearly felt this strange energy, surging, abnormal, and distorting the air.

Like the scorching sun, the dry desert is steaming and distorting the environment, and there is a sense of abnormality everywhere.

The magic metal vehicle drove here, and its body began to distort and make strange creaking noises.

Seeing this situation, Lin Tianyi stopped the car in time and collected it with a ring. Such a good means of transportation would definitely be used in other trial dungeons in the future. He did not want to let this car be scrapped here for the sake of convenience. .

After all, the magic dimensional shoes consume Lin Tianyi's own power, while the magic metal car purely burns energy crystals. There is an essential difference between the two.

Walk to District 51.

With his super eyesight, he could see an entire urban community in the distance, completely isolated by barbed wire.

The light from Double Eyes and Vientiane Dark Gold flashed away, and he immediately saw clearly the material of the metal wire fence in the distance.

This wire mesh seems to be woven from a very special material. The reason why it appears in the form of a metal mesh is mainly to serve as a barrier and reminder.

As he got closer to Area 51, the surrounding distortion field and repulsive force became stronger.

It was as if there was a strong wall of air resistance blocking Lin Tianyi's approach.

Every time he lifted his feet, it felt as if there were two 500-pound sandbags tied to them. Not only that, the forward angle of his body at this time had exceeded 45 degrees, making him look like he was jumping. Michael Jackson dance.

The distance of just one thousand meters, with Lin Tianyi's current physical fitness, actually took nearly five minutes.

It's not that he doesn't want to use the magic dimensional shoes to flash and teleport, but that he has to adapt to the huge pressure, gravity, and repulsion here.

Finally arriving at the barbed wire fence, Lin Tianyi quickly saw a blood-red sign erected on the other side across the barbed wire fence.

This place is dangerous. The team explored it 17 times, but no one survived, including the great priest of Songcheng - Chen Tuan.

The bottom of this signboard is covered by a huge metal magic ritual, and the words on it are simple and powerful.

Chen Tuan, the great priest of Songcheng?

Is it famous?

Judging from the name, he should be a super strong man.

Lin Tian shifted his gaze and found that no matter which direction he looked, this huge metallic red warning sign would follow his gaze like the moon above his head.

How far did the Seven Deadly Sins Fruit Civilization develop 1,700 years ago? This red signboard alone is definitely a legendary treasure.

Lin Tianyi stretched out his hand and touched the metal iron net. He found that the closer he got to the iron net, the stronger the repelling force was.

His body slowly rose into the air, and the strong repulsive force actually pushed him backwards for more than five meters.

Without hesitation, he activated his energy and blood. Behind the dragon scale armor, surging blood-colored mist surged. The huge propulsion force combined with the magic dimensional shoes allowed him to approach the sky above the metal iron net again.

Unfortunately, the repulsive force still gets stronger the closer it gets.

Lin Tianyi frowned, and the sharp dragon-horned swords appeared in his hands. He slashed hard, and the fierce bloody sword energy failed to attack these iron nets like a rainbow piercing the sun. Instead, it flew at a very fast speed. Quite slowly, the moment it came into contact with the iron net, it dissipated quietly like an egg hitting a stone.

Magic ritual!

This barbed wire fence is indeed extraordinary. It should be a magical ritual arranged by multiple super-level magicians.

If you want to force a breakthrough, you must destroy this iron net.

Lin Tianyi can almost conclude that the core of the world must be hidden in this fragment of the past in Area 51.

How to get in?

Faced with this magical ritual, Lin Tianyi chose the roughest, fastest, and most effective way to enter.

There is no doubt about the combat effectiveness of the Night Watch Army, but what they have to face is Leslie.

This legendary high priest of the GBL cult was able to intercept four forbidden art missiles and remain unscathed.

You must know that in the original God War, the human participating countries who were wiped out by Gluttony used massive amounts of forbidden missiles to help their gods fight and successfully caused damage to the body of the God of Gluttony.

Lin Tianyi was unable to evaluate Leslie's true strength. He only knew that the advantages he created must be maximized.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to take out a large number of six black sticks and pierce them on his body. As the power enhancers were inserted into his body, six clones of Lin Tianyi, who was covered in black with six black sticks, gathered together.

The appearance changed, the clothes changed, and the huge vermilion word 'forbidden' suddenly lit up on the spell ring.

Lin Tianyi stretched out his hand and quickly formed a seal. He stretched out his palm with his nails completely turned black and shouted:

All things are guided by heaven.

Wanxiang Tenyin Wanxiang Tenyin is a special ninjutsu that centers on oneself and exerts a strong attraction to the designated target.

Under the interaction of the terrifying suction and huge repulsion, Lin Tianyi's body was under unspeakable pressure.

This was the first time that Lin Tianyi enjoyed the terrifying physical strength that the ten Jinsan life transition brought to Lin Tianyi.

Lin Tianyi, who personally rated the S+ jump strength as more than 13%, finally stuck to the iron net under the huge squeeze that could easily crush the stone millstone.

As expected, the picture he saw with his heavy eyes and all-seeing dark gold did not deceive him. This iron net was just a formal expression.

The real magic ritual is the circular formation hidden inside the land!

The bones were creaking, Lin Tianyi's face was distorted, and his facial features looked funny and weird. Looking at the distorted expressions of the clones, Lin Tianyi thought of a sentence:

My painting style is superior to yours.

While feeling funny in his heart, his left hand suddenly reached behind him and roared again:

Shinra Tenzheng!!

The suction force is forward, acting on itself, and the repulsion force is backward, pushing against the tall building, and it is also acting on itself!

Behind him, a huge unit building with a large number of lord bosses hidden inside made a loud bang, causing a large number of lord monsters inside to roar wildly and flee from the building one after another.

This shameless human being wanted to enter Area 51 to die, so forget it if they didn't take the initiative to attack.

When the other party entered it, he actually blew up his own lair. It was simply outrageous...

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