Sequential Evolution

Chapter 361 Huge Harvest

The [Greed] exoskeleton armor can be easily controlled by entering it from behind and blending in like wearing a piece of clothing.

The leader of the Night Watch Army pointed at a few buttons and introduced Lin Tianyi.

After introducing the complete usage of this mecha, he looked at Lin Tianyi in embarrassment and said:

Your Excellency, Commander Xu, does Commander Xu really allow the use of this exoskeleton device?

Once you get deep into Area 51, it will be very difficult to get this armor back.

A-level powerhouses can only use this armor for half an hour of combat time. They must return to the nutrient pool and seal it again. S-level powerhouses can only use it for one hour at most.

Moreover, this piece of equipment can be said to use living people as fuel. The current situation of Songcheng is not optimistic. Once a large amount of high-level combat power is consumed, for us Songcheng, it will be like drinking poison to quench our thirst.

Lin Tian raised his hand and put the [Greedy] exoskeleton armor into the black flame ring. In response to the words of the leader of the Night Watch Army, he just nodded and said:

Well, I will consider it as appropriate.

Where are the two remaining forbidden scrolls?

Hearing Lin Tianyi's question, the leader of the Night Watch Army sighed silently, then he forced himself to cheer up and said:

it's here.

With that said, he opened two boxes directly.

As the black velvet curtain that seemed to hold stars opened, what came into view were two scrolls, one large and one small.

A small scroll, only the size of a cigar, stamped with a magical seal similar to fire paint.

The large scroll is half a meter high and as thick as a child's car tire.

Without the introduction from the leader of the Night Watch Army, Lin Tianyi could clearly see the contents of the two scrolls through the Evolution Palace.

【Scroll of Visionary】

[Category: Fruit Secrets]

[Level: Legend]

[Description: A memory of a certain visionary is sealed. After unfolding the scroll, you will enter the realm of the seven sins of the visionary. You can summon powerful mythical creatures according to your own imagination and corresponding to a certain personality trait. Price of use: equivalent exchange, wealth, own potential, rights, lifespan and everything else you own. Within the domain space, unlimited activation is possible if conditions are met. 】

[Note: I have described many epic and magnificent stories in my writing, and I have made them into reality, and I can roam freely among them - Al Suhod]

[Note: It feels good to turn something in your imagination into reality, right? Pay attention, concentrate, don't think blindly. 】

[Note: Everything has a price. How about it? You only need to pay and all your wishes can be realized immediately, isn’t it fair? 】

This scroll is a relatively small one. It is simple and quick to activate. The conditions for use of equal exchange are almost prepared for the rich. As long as the price can be afforded, this scroll can almost be said to be invincible under the gods.

It was indeed a secret treasure of fruits, and Lin Tianyi's heart was beating fast.

Everyone knows that there must be many treasures in Songcheng's weapon treasure house, and some of the fruit secret level items will definitely appear here.

However, this place should be the most taboo part of the entire Old Fragment Trial Mission. The price of breaking in is quite high. Even someone as strong as Leslie just made his mind to the ghost market first and wanted to proceed step by step.

Unfortunately, he met the treacherous Lin Tianyi, and he was immediately turned around to kill with a borrowed knife + covertly assassinate Chen Cang + ambush from all sides. Finally, he added attacks from all directions. He transferred all the elites of the Night Watch Army to him, and then went to the treasure house to touch it.

But Lin Tianyi didn't expect that the secrets of a fruit world would be so rich and addictive.

Whether it is the [Greed] exoskeleton device in front or this [Visionary Scroll], it is enough for any evolver to use it as a trump card to save his life.

No matter how dangerous the trial mission is, using either of the two can reverse the outcome.

Its value is so great that I can’t even imagine it.

Lin Tianyi got these two treasures, and his whole face turned red with excitement.

That’s not much faster than robbing banks to build wealth.

The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish. The ancients do not deceive me.

Both items were included in the Black Flame Ring. Lin Tianyi, relieved, looked at the last scroll.

Not surprisingly, this scroll is still one of the few powerful trump cards left in the entire Song City.

[Magic weakening field]

[Type: Fruit Secret]

[Level: Legend]

[Description: A large-scale coverage of the forbidden magic field. The caster obtains a field of weakened magic energy by chanting for a long time. After the field is expanded, most of the extraordinary power within the field will be extracted and continuously provided to Caster alignment. Cost of use: None]

[Note: How can there be any fairness in the world? That's just a lie told by the strong to the weak. 】

[Note: Don’t be stupid, mortal. 】

Putting away the last fruit secret, Lin Tianyi announced decisively:

Okay, everything is ready. Let's go to Area 51 immediately. Secretary Shen, let's go.

Under the watchful eyes of the remaining night watch troops, Lin Tianyi and Secretary Shen successfully boarded the cable car.

At this time, Lin Tianyi's heart almost jumped into his throat.

He was afraid that something might happen suddenly.

However, this worry is undoubtedly unnecessary.

On Xu Wanmin's side, he was still controlling the night watch army and was attacking Leslie continuously.

It has become a ghost city in a wasteland. At this time, the great priest of GBL is showing his infinite power and fighting against the strong men of the Night Watch Army in the entire Song City.

Without the obstruction of these two parties, Lin Tianyi successfully returned to the ground and followed Secretary Shen into the magic metal car.

It wasn't until he left the Night Watch Army's treasure house under the watchful eye of the Night Watch Army commander that Lin Tianyi said to Secretary Shen:

You go back to the command headquarters. Leave me the route map to Area 51. I can go there myself.

When he said these words, he used the oracle effect. After the power of laziness was activated, Secretary Shen, who had just finished chanting Lin Tianyi's name, opened the door and got out of the car without any resistance.

Changing to the driving position, Lin Tianyi accelerated the speed of the magic metal car and ran wildly on the deserted street.

As the car drove towards District 51, the surrounding buildings became darker and quieter.

Lin Tianyi's driving speed was not slow, and he could see pairs of red eyes hidden in the building.

Here, there are all terrifying existences similar to the C-level Spider Lord BOSS. If their entire team follows the original mission instructions and only needs to come here and kill a few lords, they will naturally be able to gain permission to escape from the super large dungeon mission. , opening the dimensional door.

Different choices will lead to different endings. This dungeon is very large, and any action will bring different results.

Unfortunately, the current mission has been changed to killing each other. If Lin Tianyi wants to get more fruit secrets and obtain the position of Fruit Master, he can only go deep into District 51 to find the core of the world.

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