Sequential Evolution

Chapter 306 The Insidiousness of Reghisis

Everyone was shocked by the story of the giant spider in human form.

It turns out that the truth of history is actually like this.

The good god goes crazy, destroys the evil god, and destroys the world.

The evil gods protect their own anchors and the world they live in for their own food and future.

This sounds a bit like real humans, who have begun to consciously protect wild animals for the sake of ecological balance.

Of course, the premise of all this is that humans do not lack food.

Just like a powerful country that launches an aggressive war, it can throw countless compatriots into the millstone of flesh and blood just to occupy more resources. As long as the ones who die are not superiors, any compatriots will not care about the destruction and disaster of the earth.

However, what Lin Tianyi couldn't understand was that even if the gods fired real fire, it would not harm the foundation.

The seven gods fell together and the world fell into destruction. Even if it is a world war, when the superior himself is truly endangered, there should be peace talks.

I'm a little confused. The gods should fall in order. Don't the last remaining gods know about peace talks? After all, doing so is not in the interests of the gods.

Lin Tianyi asked the question in his heart.

Regis's human hands touched his chin and said in agreement:

This is also something I haven't been able to figure out for the past hundreds of years.

But, I also said that in the past few hundred years, I have figured it out.


Please clarify.

Lin Tianyi behaved like a student who humbly sought advice from his seniors.

This is very important to him.

After all, he wants to be the future master of this fruit world.

He had to figure out the unusual behavior among the gods.

Reghiss answered without hesitation, his expression was serious, and combined with his huge monster body, he actually had an indescribable feeling of a wise man.

The answer is simple. The righteous gods have some kind of disease, just like some sick humans have a tendency to self-destruct.

Isn't it ridiculous?

When gods go out to travel in the stars, it is as simple as humans leaving their hometown for a trip. When they come back, their temperament has changed drastically.

I can't understand it even if I try my best to explain it. Can a high-level god also get sick?

But this is the best explanation, because before this, God Lord Drabes was indeed called righteous, great, proud, and strong.

He has the largest number of believers in the entire world. He is married to the third most powerful and most beautiful goddess Ritaia in the world. There are even rumors that Drabes is about to give birth to a son of God.

If the Son of God is born, the whole world will usher in the fourth righteous god. It is definitely the other four evil gods who should be anxious, not Drabes, who is the king of gods.

Lin Tianyi suddenly laughed:

Your Majesty the King, is there a possibility...

Regis was stunned for a moment, then laughed louder than Lin Tianyi. He immediately understood Lin Tianyi's interruption.

Hahahahaha, young man, this idea of ​​yours was absolutely blasphemous in our time, and it suits me very well, but I also clearly tell you that your idea is very human. Even if I am not a god, We can also know that the birth of the Son of God must be the division of authority, not reproduction in the human sense.

Moreover, the one who survived to the end and destroyed the entire world with his own hands was the beauty goddess Ritaya. The offspring of her and the god Lord Drabes was born in the middle of the God War, but was devoured by the tyrant.

Besides me, I am afraid that no other human being in this world will know this secret, because...

Regis was beaming as he spoke, and everyone was immersed in the secrets of history.


A thick arm without warning grabbed Lin Tianyi directly. The speed was so fast that it seemed to have broken through time and the limitations of space. At an unimaginable and unavoidable speed, he was in front of Lin Tianyi in the blink of an eye.

From this arm to the edge of the lord's room where Lin Tianyi was, it was a hundred meters long. The speed of this shot was far faster than the propagation of sound.

Even Wei'er, who is Lin Tianyi's partner and possesses the uniqueness of two gods, was caught off guard!

The cleverness of the other party is that there is no warning, and that when the conversation is full of fun, the rest of the story has not been finished.

Death, in the next millisecond.

However... Lin Tianyi's reaction was actually faster than Regis's!

It's like predicting the future, more like predicting in advance.

The black light was like thunder and lightning, flashing directly in front of Lin Tianyi.

He didn't have the speed of Regis, so he slashed this knife into the air in front of him.

Everyone, including Lin Weier, was attracted by this long, mysterious, and hidden history that was unknown to others.

The emperor Regis' husky voice, coupled with the secret story that people can't refuse, is too attractive and confusing to people, and it is too strong.

So much so that everyone except Lin Tianyi forgot that they were in the middle of a BOSS battle with a C-level lord.

What they faced was not a kind elder or a respected teacher, but a dangerous monster that devoured the flesh and blood of gods and used terrifying secret methods to survive for more than 1,700 years! ! !

However, with such an outrageous blow, the thick arm that was a hundred meters long actually seemed to be stretched out to slash Lin Tian, ​​directly exploding a large ball of smelly blood with strong pollution and blasphemy.

[The Blasphemous God-Zanbing Sword]!

perfect quality!

After hitting the target, it will cause non-healing wounds! Cut along with the soul.

Of course Lin Tianyi does not have the ability to predict the future, even if many anime characters have such skills, but with his current mental strength, even using the most basic abilities like using [Surgery Fruit] is too reluctant, and Can't stand the consumption.

He was just always on guard against Regis, keeping in mind the C-class Spider Monster, which had the ability to create mental illusions.

Of course, these alone are definitely not enough.

Lin Tian has never been a person who takes care of others.

According to his original personality, when encountering a powerful enemy with unknown strength, he should be the first to take action, not the other party.

The reason why I can listen to this monster speak so many half-truths is all thanks to the third epic ring he wears on his hand, the powerful prop [Gate] obtained from the S+-rated personal evolver Hela in the Ten Jin III mission. Dog’s evil eye]!

As early as the first time Lin Tianyi and Regis chatted, the guard dog's malice had been triggered and activated!

Lin Tianyi had been chatting with Regis, who claimed to be the last emperor of the Gaas Empire.

His eyes, consciousness, and even his mind were all immersed in this censoring eye with blood-colored vertical pupils.

He could even clearly see the opponent's entire body, even the fat belly hidden in the shadow curtain, which was engraved with a large number of magic runes and suppressed.

What's more, the thick claw was raised in the shadow, charging and aiming.

The pain caused Regis to tear away his hypocritical and kind appearance in an instant. A large amount of uncontrollable saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth, and the huge hunger could not be suppressed by relying solely on the skeleton, grass roots and vines.

He roared ferociously:

Boys, if you like to hear stories, then come into my belly and listen to my story slowly!

As he spoke, his mouth suddenly opened wide, and a terrifying cobweb that could cover the entire underground ruins suddenly spewed out from his mouth...

Haha, gentlemen, tell me the truth, did Old Spider’s move catch everyone off guard?

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