Sequential Evolution

Chapter 305 The truth about the war between gods

Slender, thick, hairy human arms poked out from behind the wall.

A palm as big as a dining table was pressed against the ground, and its five sharp black nails tapped the sandstone floor tiles rhythmically.

Nie Xingan was frightened for a while, this C-level lord was too cunning and insidious.

If they hadn't followed Lin Tianyi into it, as usual, with just that one blow, they would have been completely wiped out, completely sucked into the mouth of the lord BOSS, and completely reduced to a delicious meal in the belly of the giant monster.

Who would have thought that this monster could be so insidious, with its entire body hidden in the wall.

Spiders evolved in nature are indeed good at waiting for prey. One of the cave-dwelling earth spiders is very good at weaving a round earth cover. After waiting for the prey to approach, it lifts the cover, pulls the prey directly into the hole, and covers the cover. Have a great time.

The huge spider stretched out four human hands, with two palms resting on the ground, and its sharp, thick-armed fingers tapped the floor tiles regularly.

The third hand that stretched out supported the protruding human body, giving people the feeling of a human being tilting his head and holding his cheek, curiously looking at the uninvited guest who broke in here.

Under that half human body, there are no legs, and the two largest compound eyes of the spider are connected from the belly down.

His body leaned forward, where his crotch should have been, and he opened his huge mouthparts wide enough to swallow a bus, chewing stone sculptures, bones, plants summoned from evil storybooks, and moving machinery.

The huge spider lord looked at the group of them, and Lin Tianyi also looked at the C-level Warcraft Lord in front of him.

The human upper body skin of this monster is droopy and not shiny, giving people a feeling of decay and old age.

He has a beard on his face, and his gray-white hair is half-length, curled close to his scalp. He is wearing a faded blood mink cloak, and a medieval-style crown on his head. On his old face, The triangular eyes almost covered his eyelids, and only from his straight and big nose, it could be seen that this man might have been a very handsome king when he was young.

Hehehehe, who is the Necromancer among you? He is very cautious and cunning. He has a bit of the demeanor of my king back then. Stand up and let me take a good look at you.

He opened his mouth, revealing a mouth full of mottled black teeth, and his voice was hoarse and a little lazy.

He is clearly a monster, and his words are gentle, but he gives off an unquestionable aura of being in a position of superiority.

Lin Tian took a step forward and walked into the lord's room calmly. He had good eyesight and could clearly see the stone wall reliefs before the monster came out.

Although there was only a back figure in the relief and no frontal face, Lin Tianyi knew that this man was the person in the relief.

He was going to chat with the monster and see if he could get out some useful information about the gods, the ruins dungeon, and the formations engraved under its feet.

Lin Tianyi put his right hand on his chest and bowed slightly:

It seems that you were once a monarch, so what should we call you?

The spider monster was quite surprised by Lin Tianyi's question. He straightened his body and took out his other leg from the wall. He supported his huge body and straightened up a little. There was a look of reminiscence on his old face and he smiled. said:

Young man, you are different from the other adventurers who came here to disturb my sleep. At least you know some etiquette and don't scream monsters every time you open your mouth.

I'd like to chat with you for a while.

You can call me, the sleeping Lord of Shadows, the King of the Abyss, the last emperor of the Gaas Empire, Regis.

When Jiang Ya heard the words Gaas Empire, she couldn't help but exclaimed:

Gayas Empire?! The empire of the end of civilization, more than 1,700 years ago, the last empire of mankind that survived the end of the gods.

Oh?! It's been more than 1,700 years now. Remember the last time I asked the adventurers who came here, more than a hundred years have passed. I slept so sweetly this time.

Regis made a surprised sound, his tone was a bit reminiscing and relaxed.

Lin Tianyi asked his question and said:

Your Majesty Regis, I am a young man with a thirst for knowledge. I can ask you what happened that year and why the seven gods in this world fought to the point of Ragnarok. Let this The world has come to an end.”

Reghiss seemed to be lost in memories and was silent for a while before slowly speaking:

Even as an emperor, I have thought about your question for hundreds of years before I gradually understood it. After all, I am not a god, and I don't even have extraordinary power. As a mortal, I only know the end of the world. It’s arrived.”

However... as I gradually merged with [God's flesh and blood], some speculations gradually emerged in my mind.

This is just my personal opinion and may not represent the true full picture of history.

The hoarse voice echoed in the lord's room, and Lin Tianyi inadvertently learned a question he really wanted to ask.

This Regis was indeed fused with the flesh and blood of the god and became such a nondescript monster.

He spoke leisurely, and the secrets from more than 1,700 years ago came to his face.

You mortals, oh! Of course, including me at the time, you will never understand the true thoughts of the gods. I only know that the day the war between gods took place, it should have been because of a gathering among the gods. Originally, it was supposed to be A step towards greater prosperity for the entire continent.”

Drabes, the most powerful god among the seven gods, teamed up with his companion Ritaya, the goddess of beauty, and Morakul, the god of wealth. After exploring the star world, he returned from traveling and made invitations to the other four gods in an attempt to bring the seven gods together. The palaces were jointly transferred to the outside of the star realm, that is, above the Blue Star, Moon Star, and Red Star. And declared...

Claim that they have discovered the truth about this world.

Found the future of the Seven Gods.

Having said this, the last emperor Regis laughed, and a hint of sarcasm twitched his beard on his old face.

You have also seen that the future of the Seven Gods is nothing more than this. The gods have ushered in dusk and the world has fallen into doomsday.

The divine war begins.

The world is destroyed.

The nobles of the major empires scrambled to use various means to hide in a crack in the space. They were like cockroaches and mice crawling into the cracks in the wall, surviving by devouring the flesh and blood spilled by the gods.

You will definitely not believe that the one who betrayed our world was not the Evil God Tyrant of the Abyss, nor the Demon King Tosilos, but the three righteous gods who have the most followers and the strongest power and have been protecting the entire world.

At this point, Regiss seemed to have opened up his chatterbox, neither vomiting nor being happy.

Haha, what a righteous god, what an evil god.

In their eyes, human beings are just ants, ants that provide them with a steady stream of food and offerings.

To use an inappropriate analogy, the righteous gods are shepherds who raise cattle and sheep, while the evil gods are wolves who stalk flesh and blood. In essence... they both want to eat people.

Lin Tianyi and others listened quietly.

Lin Weier's feelings were the most profound. As the dual being of the God of Good and the God of Evil, He knew a proverb that was spread throughout the continent.

The starry sky is pollution, the starry sky is blasphemy, and the starry sky is an abyss.

Regis's smile gradually became distorted:

When one day, the shepherd went crazy and not only wanted to kill the wolves, but also wanted to eat all the sheep in one go. Instead, the evil gods stood up and began to protect the world, and their choice was nothing more than I’m just worried that there will be no cattle or sheep to eat in the future.”

Do you think it's funny or not?

“Isn’t the historical truth a bit shocking?”


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