
You can search “Start selling jars from Hokage,” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Shrink bones, this is what Hungry Wolf is doing now.

It’s completely beyond everyone’s imagination.

This is not a problem that can be solved by shrinking one centimeter or two centimeters. At least it must be reduced to more than half to break free from this level of alloy chain.

And this is only the first test.

In Chen Mo’s eyes, the hungry wolf at this time has begun to show signs of weirdness.

The weirdo in this world is actually the product of personal Willpower distorting reality under the unique rules. Willpower is the first and needs some other elements, but in any case, this is also a “all possible” world.

At the moment.

The hungry wolf has reached the final step.

His bones are constantly moaning, and even the blood is squeezed out a little bit, flowing under him, covered by a tight alloy, but concealing the surveillance observation.

And in the split second that broke free to the shackles.

peng~ peng~ peng~.

A few strong winds smashed all the surveillance cameras in an instant.

Suddenly, the alarm was loud.

The whole prison is understood with news that the hungry wolves escaped from the bondage. Fully armed troops rushed in and notified the nearby S-Rank to come. One of them was originally held here. S-Rank hero-sexy prisoner.

“How is the situation?” Chief-In-Charge remotely looked here through the command channel.

“The report indicates that the suspect Hungry Wolf used self-mutilation methods to escape the shackles and the surveillance has been destroyed. However, according to previous surveillance video analysis, the amount of bleeding from the suspect Hungry Wolf is close to 30%.”

“Thirty percent?” Chief-In-Charge thought about it for a while, then decisively ordered, “After the sexy prisoner arrives, immediately arrest!”

Although the hungry wolf is indeed an important prisoner, the strength of the hungry wolf in the records of the Heroes Association is actually not strong.

Even Janos can’t win.

Not to mention, he is still in a tightly guarded prison, and he has already lost serious blood.

This wave is very stable.

The sexy prisoner arrived, and the prison door opened.

What appeared in front of everyone was a hungry wolf that had restored its original main body shape, gasping for breath, and his mouth was full of blood.

And on the ground.

A trace of blood being licked.

“you guy.” The sexy prisoner also rarely used a serious tone, half-eyes narrowed, “Did you drink your own blood?”

“Why… can’t it?” The hungry wolf raised his eyes, and in the depths of the eyes, there was a green light glowing like a real hungry wolf.

“You should know it’s useless.” The sexy prisoner spread his hands, the muscles under the prisoner’s clothing bulged up, “What a disobedient guy, it doesn’t matter, I will love you well ღ(´ ・ᴗ・`) Comparing heart.”

The hungry wolf’s expression is amazing.

“Go open! Die gay!”

He even actively moved towards the sexy prisoner rushing over.

Unknown power, below the limit that he didn’t even notice, surged slowly from the inside of his body.

No one noticed Chen Mo, standing on the side.

But Chen Mo can see clearly.

The weirdness of the hungry wolf has been advanced.

This won’t work.

Chen Mo in this world did not look for any weird people to become members, because he discovered that all weird people no longer have basic rationality, and the genes of destruction have been engraved in their souls and Willpower, and they no longer belong to themselves The soul is not eligible to become a member.

So, you have to stop it.

Chen Mo half-eyes narrowed.

Mind movement, invisible rules, were imposed on the hungry wolf, preventing his one step further from becoming weird, in other words, preventing his rapid growth in a twisted way.


The hungry wolf is sad.

The power of the eccentric is no longer surging, and he still retains the form of existence of a “normal person” after all, so he, in this state, is not an opponent for a sexy prisoner anyway.

He greeted not only physical destruction, but also mental torture.

As a normal man, facing an enemy like a sexy prisoner, his aesthetics is undoubtedly receiving serious tarnish.

Finally, the hungry wolf reached the limit in the sexy prisoner’s strong pectoralis major, collapsed to the ground, and was detained again.

Chen Mo, who had witnessed all this, began to feel pity for him.

Sure enough, humans have their limits. After preventing the hungry wolf from being a human, he will not be able to create miracles that humans cannot reach.

Everything is calm.

The hungry wolf was detained again, and the alloy on his body not only became stronger, but also became searchable. Unless the hungry wolf continues to be a human, there is absolutely no possibility of escape this time.

At this moment, he stared at the familiar ceiling and fell into self-doubt.

“Do you want to understand?”

A voice appeared abruptly.

The hungry wolf turned his head.

It was a man in a black suit with a cat on his shoulder, sitting not far from him.

“When did you come in?” Hungry Wolf swore that when he woke up, there was absolutely no such man in the room.

And the chair he was sitting in.

When and where did it appear?

“Look, this World, there are always many things you don’t understand.”

Chen Mo looked He raised his hand and waved it lightly. In just a blink of an eye, the hungry wolf found himself sitting opposite Chen Mo, holding a fragrant repel in his hand.

“Talking like this may make you more comfortable.”

“…is really interesting.”

The hungry wolf is indeed a hungry gu gu, grabbing a chicken leg and gnawing away, leaving only bones.

But when he took the bone out of his mouth.

I found that what I was holding was another whole chicken leg, still exuding heat.

It’s so strange.

Although Hungry Wolf is not a person who accounts for such trivial matters, everything in front of him reveals weirdness. People who appear suddenly, scenes of sudden changes, and chicken legs that seem to be endless forever.

Is the illusion beginning to appear because of the serious injury?

Are you dreaming?

“This is not an illusion, nor is it a dream.” Chen Mo seemed to have fully understood what he was thinking, calmly said with a slight smile, “It’s just something you can’t understand, like you don’t know Why did I lose the battle just now.”

“…If you are defeated, you are defeated.” The hungry wolf continued to gnaw on the chicken legs, and he could feel his own strength being restored little by little.

Since being imprisoned here, he has not actually eaten a full meal.

Food is only used to maintain his minimum survival.

“I think, I have proved one point.” Chen Mo extended the hand, pointing to his head, “You can’t hide everything from me, including your deep in one’s heart, your real thoughts.”

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