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“Has the weirdo solved?” Chen Mo saw Saitama who was chatting with Janos.

“A super weak weird man.” Saitama looked disappointed, “The Heroes’ Association told me what was very strong, but I still have expectations.”

“It’s not weak.” Chen Mo knows which weird person Saitama is going to deal with. “That is a weird person who can destroy several cities at will. If the entire world is not dealt with, it will be dangerous. It should be said that your strength is too strong. Stronger.”

This time seems to be the king of the deep sea.

Even S-Rank heroes can easily defeat weirdos.

Didn’t expect was still solved by Saitama.

Chen Mo thought that it should be damned undocumented Knight’s destiny.

It seems that the destiny of this world has changed beyond recognition.

“Yeah, I’m too strong.” Saitama sighed, his face full of loneliness.

For him, this is really not something to be happy about.

“You know what, I feel like I’m still becoming-stronger.” Saitama couldn’t help complaining to Chen Mo, “Obviously training has been stopped, but strength become-stronger seems to be unable to stop. It is really uncomfortable. Is there any way you can stop me from becoming-stronger? If this goes on, I am really worried that one day if I move a little bit more, I will accidentally blow Earth.”

Saitama is now fighting, and he doesn’t dare to fight seriously anymore.

The serious style of the series has been judged by him as a trick.

Just a serious punch, absolutely no one can resist on this planet, even in his feeling, this fist is enough to cut most of the planet’s atmosphere in half.

“At any rate, take into account your dísciple’s thoughts.” Chen Mo didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Jenos, who was on the side, had his head down, looking ashamed by this kind of “Versailles Literature”.

He is doing his best to gain strength.

But Saitama is looking for a way to seal the power.

This is really…

Blue thin.

“Jenos.” Chen Mo’s gaze looked towards Jenos, “You have got your own transfer, right? This is… the guy guy?”

Chen Mo seems to be a little surprised.

Yes, it’s the guy guy from the game life world.

Icarus is also the direction of strengthening.

What happened to this World.

First Tornado acquired the system he trained, and then Jenos acquired the system of Icarus evolution. Is this World so related to him?

“Yes!” Faced with Chen Mo’s question, Genos didn’t dare to neglect. “Myself got the job of the machine Guy by chance. This power is too strong. Obviously it is a machine, but it has such a powerful Analyze the ability and even evolve independently……”

Jenos talked about his occupation, his tone also a little excited.

You know, before that, what he longed most was the terrifying growth of the hungry wolf.

As a reformer, if he wants to become stronger, he can only look forward to the transformation of technical personnel.

This kind of become-stronger does not depend on how he feels at all. Compared with the growth of a hungry wolf, it makes him extra painful.

But now.

He can also rely on himself and continue to evolve.

Fight, analyze the power of others, and use it for yourself!

“It seems that you are very satisfied.” Chen Mo has already seen Janos’ mood.

“Yes! Thank you very much!” Janos shouted loudly.

“This is your own qualification.” Chen Mo chuckled and shaking one’s head, “The potential of the machine Guy is not just that simple. The power you live now, strictly speaking, is far from the real machine Guy. There is still not a low distance to the power of ‘s. It’s a very powerful race. Keep it up.”

The power of the machine Guy lies in evolution.

Give them enough time.

Even Spiritual God can be defeated.

Therefore, for the balance of Chamber of Commerce, a certain degree of castration will be carried out for such a strong transfer. Of course, the ability to be castrated also illustrates the power of this transfer to some extent.

Chen Mo thought for a while, and decided not to waste time anymore.

“Then, in this world, the only thing left that catches my attention is the hungry wolf.” Chen Mo said to Saitama, “My journey in this world has almost come to an end, you still insist Do you want to leave with me?”

“Of course!” Saitama’s enthusiasm all of a sudden, “Can I go now? When? I have to pack things, wear, eat, drink, and it will be ready soon!”

No wonder Saitama is so excited.

It’s boring.

As he said just now, in this world, there is no who is his opponent anymore, and his power also needs cautious and solemn collection to avoid hurting this world.

Traveling to other worlds to witness Chen Mo’s more powerful experts is almost his only expectation now.

Jenos on the side opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he could only shut his mouth.

As for Saitama Teacher who wants to travel with Mr. Chen Mo to the rest of the world, he has long understood.

Even if not.

Neither is qualified to dissuade, let alone continue to follow.

Sure enough.

Even if he changes his job, his path has just begun.

“Since you have decided, wait for me for a while. I’ll go find the hungry wolf.” Chen Mo said, and looked at Jenos with his head down. “Although you can come back whenever you want to, But after all, to travel to the rest of the world, you should stay alone with your dísciple, and your friends, such as undocumented Knight.”

This period of time, Saitama has also been in contact with some people in the Heroes Association.

Although no one has a particularly good relationship.

But after all, it’s not like I used to be alone.

“No problem.” Saitama still has a look of interest, and it seems that the whole body is fully engaged in the upcoming trip.

Chen Mo shaking one’s head.

The figure disappears in place.

When he appeared again, he was already in the special prison of the Heroes Association.

The prisoners here were originally dangerous weird people.

Although weird people are basically killed by heroes on the spot, there are always some special existences that will cause a crisis if they are eliminated, and they can only be imprisoned. In addition, heroes like and hope to use these weird people to conduct research and discover the secrets of the appearance of weird people .

The hungry wolf is probably the only human being imprisoned.

Using special alloys to tightly bind every corner of the whole body, and then assisting with 24-hour non-stop electric shocks, as well as the stimulation of acupuncture point, coupled with the role of medicine, it can be said that all means are used to ensure hungry The weakness of the wolf.

If there is no accident, there is basically no probability of escape.

However, the one being held here is a hungry wolf.

Chen Mo is standing outside the Hungry Wolf Prison at the moment. The special alloy wall cannot block his sight. He can clearly see that Hungry Wolf has adapted to all this and is preparing to escape.

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