
You can search “Start selling jars from Hokage,” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Finally, it was only a short period of one month.

Jenos can no longer bring the pressure of life and death to the hungry wolf, but he escapes easily.


Jenos has never encountered this kind of powerlessness.

Be able to clearly sense a little bit of become-stronger on the other side, and then surpass him a little bit.

Why is this?

Is it just because you are looking for strength?

But if he wants to be strong, he can also give everything.

Jenos returned to Yu Family, and finally couldn’t help asking Chen Mo, wanting to know why the hungry wolf became stronger and stronger, but he could only look at it all.

“There are many reasons.” Chen Mo’s sitting posture is very correct. “People are different. Potential, determination, Willpower, opportunity, when you were still weak, these few determine everything. The potential of Hungry Wolf is stronger than you, and the determination is stronger than you. Even Willpower is stronger than you. From the first meeting without killing him, your failure is doomed.”

After all, one is the big villain who almost defeated everyone in the end.

One is a supporting role who has been beaten.

Without opening the jar, the stronger and the weaker, who has high potential, is obvious at a glance.

“Could it be that I can only accept this?” Genos couldn’t help but said, his eyes full of unwillingness.

“Do you want to beat him?” Chen Mo asked.

“Yes!” Jenos said without hesitation’s answer!

“Compared with revenge, that kind of wish is stronger?” Chen Mo asked again, even giving an example, “For example, let you give up revenge to gain power to surpass him, even beyond Potential, are you willing?”

Jenos couldn’t answer immediately this time.

From the day he became a human being, revenge has been his goal.

He constantly trains himself.

Constantly looking for weird people to fight.

Until now, revenge is pushing him forward.

And defeat the hungry wolf… it seems completely different.

The kind of pain is not the hatred of the destruction of the homeland, but the pain of watching myself being chased up a little bit, or…it is the longing for that kind of strength, the kind of constant becoming-stronger growth.

“What kind of emotion do you have for Saitama?” Chen Mo started to talk again, “In this period of time, you have also gone out to fight with Saitama many times. The weird people you can’t beat are in Saitama’s strength is as weak as a bubble. After witnessing all this, how do you feel towards Saitama?”

Are you feeling for Saitama Teacher?

Jenos looked towards Saitama.

Recalling everything that has been experienced in this period of time.


That’s also longing.

He longed for the invincible power of Saitama Teacher, the kind of back that seemed to be inaccessible no matter how hard he tried, as if every place on Saitama Teacher’s body and every word he said contained The truth of power is what power should look like.

“It seems that you already want to understand.” Chen Mo said with a smile, “This is the only thing I value in you. It is not the heart of revenge, but the longing for power. As long as there is this With longing, you will never stop, and you are qualified to receive my gift.”

Just for revenge, naturally is not enough.

But looking forward to power is enough.

So, the hungry wolf still has revenge.

This question, in Jenos’ mind at this moment, actually has an answer.

Vengeance is only the goal, but the hungry wolf is the man he really yearns for.

“So, can Jenos get those jars too?” Saitama seemed to understand, and looked Chen Mo asked.

Jenos also reacted violently, suddenly showing a happy expression.

Longing looked Chen Mo.


Chen Mo is still just a shaking ones head.

“The direction is right, but the fire is almost too late.” Chen Mo said with a smile, “You continue to fight with a hungry wolf, feel his heart, and see what attitude he has in the face of power .”

“Yes.” Although Janos was disappointed, he did not at all question Chen Mo’s words.

“That’s right.” Chen Mo said again, “If you feel that you can’t beat the hungry wolves, you can ask the rest of you to help. I believe Bangu, and the undocumented Knight, will be happy to help you.” /p>

Jenos’ eyes widened suddenly.

Find the rest of the people for help?

He never thought of such a thing, after all, in his opinion, it was his own battle.

However, if this is Mr. Chen Mo’s suggestion…

“I’ll think about it.” Jenos hesitated, finally said.

“Why don’t I go help.” Saitama seemed to be interested all of a sudden, “I will try.”

“Don’t kill me all at once.” Chen Mo’s not at all comment on this.

In this period of time, he sold a few more jars.

Now, in this world, the only ones worthy of his attention are Jenos and Hungry Wolf.

The importance of Hungry Wolf is even greater.

“Don’t worry, I will be very careful.” Saitama seemed to be a little excited after a long time, and even stood up abruptly, “Let’s go, Janos, we will meet that person.”

What else can Janos say.

After all, this is the Teacher I respect most.


He also faintly wondered, the hungry wolf, who is shouting to eliminate all heroes, no matter who will not surrender, what will happen to the Teacher with invincible power Kind of reaction.

That is the 2nd day after this day.

The hungry wolf who defeated the A-Rank hero once again ushered in his old opponent.

Jenos the reformer.

“You really are soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed.” The hungry wolf has no intention of fleeing at all. He looked at Jenos in front of him, looked at it, and showed a mocking smile, “Can you still Don’t understand? Now you are impossible to catch me, so go back and upgrade the mechanical parts on your body and come back, but at that time, I will become stronger!

The hungry wolf has figured out the strength of Janos.

And to the blessing of Jenos.

He now also understands what grade his strength is in the League of Heroes. Basically, it may be a bit worse than S-Rank, but against A-Rank, there is no probability of failure.

“Do you really think that you can continue to become-stronger like this until you leave everyone behind?” Janos looked at the hungry wolf and squeezed the fist tightly, but there was not much and The same envy and jealousy as before.

Because he also strengthened his heart.

In any case, keep going on the become-stronger this path.

As for the hungry wolf.

He will personally surpass him.

Faced with Jenos’ question, Hungry Wolf just grinned and gave a silent smile.

“Yes, I think so.” He stretched out his palm and squeezed his fist, “I will continue to become-stronger until I surpass everyone!”

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