
You can search “Start selling jars from Hokage,” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The paper Jenos holds in his hand is a test of hero rank.

In the eyes of a hungry wolf, it is natural to see the above content clearly.

His pupils shrank suddenly.

Because he saw it, the last hero rank was clearly written on it.


The reformer in front of me is an S-Rank hero?

“Hey, hey.” The hungry wolf’s body seemed to tremble slightly, and the corners of his mouth became larger and larger. “Are there more new S-Rank heroes recently?”

This is not a tremor of fear.

It was shaking with excitement.

The hungry wolf now has started hunting A-Rank heroes, and his injuries were brought to him by a hero who had just been promoted to A-Rank.

I didn’t expect to be able to meet the heroes of S-Rank so soon.

“It’s just that more and more people want to be heroes.” Janos put away his review paper.

“Then, what is it for the S-Rank hero to come to me?” The hungry wolf was already staring at Jenos, looking at his body.

His eyes are full of suppressed fighting intents.

It seems to be thinking about where to start better.

“I have been investigating you.” Genos was also observing the hungry wolf in front of him, “After being driven out by the Banggu master, you have been hunting heroes, from C-Rank to B-Rank And just ten minutes ago, you hunted a new A-Rank, which exposed your position.”

“so that’s how it is.”

The hungry wolf seems to understand, but it doesn’t seem to understand at all.

He doesn’t care about this.

However, Jenos’s words still caught his attention.

“You said you’ve been investigating me?” Hungry wolf smiled wildly, “This is really overwhelmed by favor from superior, didn’t expect. I will still attract S-Rank’s attention.”

“An expert I respect very much said that you have the potential to be valued by him. This is why I am looking for you.”

Jenos not at all thought of hiding his purpose, he slowly took off his jacket, revealing the vest inside, and the pure metal drive, the rays of light on his body shone slightly, showing Fighting stance.

His mechanical torso has begun to run at full capacity.

“I want to know what kind of abilities and qualifications do you have that can be valued by such a powerful existence!”

“Oh? This surprised me even more.” Hungry Wolf didn’t expect this to be the case either.

He was thinking crazy in his mind, and he didn’t think who it might be.

The old fogey of Bangu is impossible.

If Bangu values ​​him, then he will not be driven out, even more how, when the reformer in front of him just talked about Banggu, he was not as incomparable when he talked about the expert Respect expression and tone.

Forget it.

Hungry Wolf is not a person who can think so much.

At this moment, his blood and fighting intent are already burning.

The one standing in front of him is an S-Rank hero!

“Yes, really good.” Even regardless of his injuries, the hungry wolf stepped forward, squatting sideways, posing as a boxing combat posture, “I originally wanted to cook those A-Ranks first, and then Go look for S-Rank again, but since I was found, there is no reason to back off!”

“Are you not going to run away?”

Jenos is frantically scanning the body of the hungry wolf.

There are many spots of blood on it.

“I am not the A-Rank who was defeated by you. Even at the peak period, you are not my opponent. Even more how is in the present state-you will easily lose. This is obvious Things.”

“Really?” The hungry wolf moved his steps and beckoned, “Are you really only good at talking?”

“…I won’t keep my hand, even if you are valued by that Lord.” Jaenos’s drive started to spray flames behind him, and the powerful driving force drove his body to rush up at a terrifying speed.

I rushed forward!

Jenos does not think that hungry wolves are his opponent.

After all, this is a person who can suffer such a heavy injury in the battle with A-Rank.

The face, facing the face, is a full punch!


The hungry wolf took a step to the side just right.

“Your actions are too obvious, and your eyes, transform people!” Hungry and grinning, after avoiding this fist, the whole body leaned forward!

It is a classic trick in boxing.

With his shoulders carrying huge power, he slammed into the body of Janos rushing over, like a metal collision, the sound of his own impact, plus the power carried by the other side, add up , Actually knocked Jenos out and hit the wall heavily.

“It’s really hard.” The hungry wolf himself took two steps backwards.

Blood has penetrated under his bandaged shoulders.

There was an injury originally, but if you hit the fleshy body with the metal, you can get better.

However, the hungry wolf didn’t care.

Even the smile grew crazily.

Because, right in front of him, Jenos, whose whole person is embedded in the wall, has a clear depression in his chest.

“It seems that you are not really copper muscle, iron bone.” The hungry wolf laughed wantonly.

“Do you learn martial arts from Bangu?” Genos was shocked, and easily escaped from the wall, with a trace of dignity on his face, “I underestimated you, didn’t In this state of expect, you can still use boxing skills.”

Is this what is valued by that Lord?

Banggu, also got strength from the Lord.

So, the reason is boxing?

Jenos seemed to have found the cause, but in the next moment, he found that the hungry wolf in front of him had disappeared.

“While fighting, don’t get distracted and transform people!” Hungry wolf unexpectedly bent over from the blind spot of the perspective and came to Jenos’s back in the split second just now. He clasped Janos’ neck, “I can see clearly, your whole body is up and down, and only your head is your own. In this case, as long as you twist your head off, it will be over even if you are transforming people Up.”

The palm of the hand slammed hard, and in the split second, the head of Jenos was rotated one hundred and eighty degrees.

However, not at all twist it down.

“Naive, do you think you can lock me?” Jenos turned his head by himself. Not only that, but his limbs were also rotated to the point that only a reformer could do it, completely restraining the hungry wolf in reverse. .

In the eyes of the rest.

It’s as if two men are holding each other’s heads, entangled with their limbs, and solidified affectionately.

But only they know about the murderous intention of this split second.

“100% output, turned into ashes in the fire.” Jenos’s body was already lit up with orange rays of light, and all the energy began to be transmitted to the flame jets on his limbs.

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