His battle with the 18th is temporarily over.

This kind of thing will happen, completely unpredictable.

However, the seventeenth looked strangely at him.

“Kill all humans? Why do we do this?”

“Why did you say?” Trunks was shocked.

How does he know why, in his world, these two cyborgs did just that.

“I don’t want to destroy the world, nor do I want to kill human beings.” The 16th, who has not said a word, suddenly walked over step by step, with the expression of asceticism on that tough face, “Me and There is no difference between all the life on this planet, whether it is a tree, a squirrel, or a human.”

“Really?” On the 17th, turning his head and looking at him, “Unfortunately, in a few minutes, everything you said will be gone except us.”

“Wait—!” The 18th seemed to react suddenly, “If you say that, wouldn’t there be no new clothes forever?”

She was shocked, even more shocked than she had just failed to beat Son Goku.

Because she only realized now how bad it would be without the world and without humans.

It must be stopped.

On the 18th, looked towards the huge “Black Sun” in front of him, as if he wanted to do something.

However, the Sixteenth came to him first.

Raise fist.

Huge energy is gathered on fist.


A loud shout that seemed to resound through the world, and then the next moment, the rays of light swallowed everyone’s sight, accompanied by an unimaginable impact of energy, most of the members even closed their eyes.

Only a few kept staring, trying to see what happened.

However, it is not visible at all.

rays of light swallowed the line of sight, energy destroyed the sense.

The only thing that can be known.

It is the world, it seems that it has not been destroyed.

Finally, everything gradually subsided, and what appeared before everyone was a huge pit hole larger than the largest lake in the world, and the rays of light of the starry sky spread all over the sky, and the sun and Moon even appeared at the same time.

Part of the atmosphere was completely destroyed.

What happened?

Even if everyone is linked together through the spirit net of the bee-eater, there is still no answer.

Because none of them can see it.

But Son Goku saw it.

“It’s amazing.” Son Goku looked a little surprised on the 16th, “You covered this chaotic and quite violent energy with a gas wave, and hit the universe together?”

These words seem to be an explanation for what has just happened.

However, all the members suddenly opened their eyes.

“What you said…is it true?” Although Altria tried to restrain herself, there was still obvious shock in her voice, “cover with energy…and knock it out?”

The “Black Sun” just now is a “monster” that incorporates hundreds of member tricks.

From different worlds, with different power rules.

Even enough to annihilate the entire planet, and a little will not be left.

But was it solved in this way?

No matter how incredible it is, this seems to be the answer.

Ilgamesh still looks arrogant, but the tight fist seems to show that he is not at peace.

Compared with such an enemy, what is the Spiritual God of the past?

He thought of the illusion that Chen Mo had shown him when the Star River waved annihilated and the universe collapsed.

Originally, he had always targeted those existences, firmly believing that there will come a day and become the king of Supreme.

However, even the humanoid in front of him is far beyond him.

This is the real world of the Chamber of Commerce.

At this moment, they, even though they are much stronger than their past selves, have entered the door opened by the Chamber of Commerce, and here, they are just ants among ants!

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