
You can search “Start selling jars from Hokage,” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


On the seventeenth, he is enjoying his dying face.

It’s like before Dr. Groo died.

Unwilling, resentful, fearful.

But now, he can only see unwillingness and anger from the gaze of one side, but there is no fear at all, and there is almost no resentment.

These people really don’t know fear, and don’t fear death at all.

The smile on No.17’s face gradually disappeared.

He felt strange.

These people are not like dead men whose personality has been erased, but since they retain their own emotions, even the artificial humans that are created are afraid.

“You guys… can you really be resurrected?” In the heart of the seventeenth, more and more curiosity surged, “how on earth?”

“When I kill you, maybe I can find a way by myself!” One side passed through with a grin, the wings behind him turned into extremely sharp blades, moved towards the 17th!

His current pair of wings has been strengthened by a purple epic treasure!

Plus his original strength.

It has become his most powerful weapon today.

If it is in a place where the rest of the space is fragile, this attack can easily cut the space away.

Although there is no such formidable power, on the 17th, I don鈥檛 plan to try it myself.

He escaped easily.

Then he looked surprised and walked through.

“Are you not dead?”

“I won’t die so easily.” One party opened his hands, and the white wings slowly spread behind him, completely unmatched with the hideous smile on his face.

And the number seventeen can be easily seen through the big hole in his chest.

Even without the heart, the blood is still flowing.

Even the heart squeezed by him is slowly regenerating.

“Even if it is a race of Heavenly God, it is impossible to achieve this level.” The seventeenth looked in disbelief, and looked at the other people. “There is no information about you in the database. You really It’s incredible. Where did it come from? Why is there such a strange power?”

Yes, weird.

Although everyone is not strong enough.

But what surprised the seventeenth is that.

Everyone’s power seems to be completely different.

“This question, wait for you to ask yourself when you die!” One party passed lightly flapping his wings, moved towards the 17th and swooped over. This time, he must prove himself.

Every time I avoided, I was asked pityingly by that annoying little demon.

Are you dead again?

He is one side!

The battle, start again.

“It seems that you have some misunderstandings about me.” On the 17th, avoiding an attack from one side, he seemed extremely relaxed. “I am curious about you, but it doesn’t mean that I won’t kill you. I have already seen that each of you alone is far from my opponent, but has a strange ability to combine your strengths.”

The voice fell, and the figure on the 17th stopped abruptly.

Firmly received with the palm of Roger’s fist.

“But, I just need to solve you one by one!”

Grasping Roger’s palm slowly and hard, even ignoring the attack from behind, the palm has been aimed at Roger, who cannot escape,

“Turn your head to ashes and see if you can come back to life!”


The hot light cannon swallowed Roger’s head in this split second.

As a price.

Behind him, the white beard fiercely chopped the sword, blood gushing out, revealing the metal skeleton inside.

Everyone is watching, Roger’s badge, also slowly rising.

“It’s a pity.” Shanks lifts the head, always looking that Roger’s badge fell into Icarus’s hands, with a smile on his face, “However, the old captain finally died in battle, more than dead It鈥檚 so much better at the execution bench, right?”

“hahaha, Roger of bad luck.”

“It turned out to be the first of ten people to die.”

“Respect the undead One Piece!”

“You have to laugh at him well after you go back!”

The people from Pirate World are a group of heroic and regardless of the law and of natural morality, especially those crew members of Shanks, who have a big laughter.

Seventeen felt that killing them alone would fill the air with cheerful aura.

“Are you enemies?” Seventeen couldn’t understand at all.

Although there are enough things that he can’t understand today, the incomprehension means the incomprehension.

“The enemy? Of course not.” Shanks raised his long sword, the wings of the dragonman behind him deformed a little, but there was still a bright smile on his face, “Captain Roger Zeng Jin is me Most respected person, the last time he died, I was delighted and cried, but this time-I just want to laugh at his luck, and slashed down your head so I can go back and laugh at him!”


Shanks鈥?long sword burned with a raging flame.

Although he is not one of ten.

However, this did not hinder his attack.

Along with the long sword held high, a slash that looked like a flame, but was extremely sharp moved towards No.17, blasted away, containing the power to destroy everything!

This is his strongest blow as a dragon sword!

Although he felt the power of the attack, No.17 still dismissed it.

“This slow style, I can avoid whatever I want.”

“Ex-calibur!” The same powerful energy gathered on the other side.

“Interesting, in that case, this king is coming.” Jin Shining happily pulled out her Treasure Item.

Even, one after another a complicated array of magic appeared behind Anzurgon, and in an instant it spread over half of the sky. Even Orochimaru took out his treasure, summoned it with a muttering whisper in darkness. Yes, the black hole exuding crazy aura…

Very tacit understanding.

The members took out their own tricks one by one.

Even Number 18, who was fighting Trunks, couldn’t help but shift his sight to this side.

No doubt.

The trump cards and overwhelming majority of the members all have heaven-shaking, earth-shattering might, and even all kinds and sorts, exuding various auras.

At this moment, one after another starts.

It’s like the ultimate dark cooking that puts all the spices together.

“You…who, exactly?” The calmness on No.17’s face has completely disappeared, and his gaze swept over everyone.

However, waiting for him, simply did not answer.

Starting from Altria’s light cannon, one after another attack completely swallowed the Seventeenth, and even had a violent reaction to each other, the energy centered on the Seventeenth roared wantonly and continued to spread.

This is the first time members have done this.

Regardless of the consequences, the power from different professions and different worlds will be gathered together.

And now.

They understand the consequences of doing this.

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