Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 99 Punishment Battle (1)

The first time he saw the young man in black, Long Haochen felt how powerful he was. Even if three more fifth-level knights, including Han Yu, appeared later, it did not change his judgment. This is an intuition of danger.

When the young man in black told Long Haochen that he would not summon a mount, the powerful self-confidence he exuded from the inside out was something that no proud person could possess. His deep eyes stared firmly at Long Haochen. From his eyes, Long Haochen could not see any emotion.

Facing each other, Long Haochen's eyes were burning with fighting spirit. Although he was only fourteen years old, so his figure could not be compared with that of the young man in black who was obviously over twenty years old, he was not inferior in terms of momentum.

The temperament displayed by the two people at this time was completely different. Long Haochen was like an extremely sharp sword, with its edge clearly visible. His rising fighting spirit made him like a volcano that might erupt at any time.

The young man in black was as calm as a prison, as deep as a bottomless abyss, swallowing up Long Haochen's fighting spirit.

Somewhat coincidentally, the referee was still the one who was responsible for judging the battle between Long Haochen and Han Yu that day. He shouted in a deep voice: The game begins.

My name is Yang Wenzhao. Perhaps, in the near future, you will become a very good opponent of mine. A smile appeared on the face of the young man in black, and his temperament suddenly changed. Just now, he was deep and calm, but now he was erratic. Haochen had a feeling that he couldn't capture.

My name is Long Haochen, and now I am also your opponent. Long Haochen said in a deep voice, Until you knock me down, the outcome is still uncertain. You can also summon your mount. This It’s your power.”

Yang Wenzhao shook his head calmly, Let's get started. As he spoke, his hands suddenly spread out on both sides of his body, and two golden lights seemed to spit out from his hands, turning into two identical golden swords. There is no doubt that he also possesses magical storage equipment.

Punishment Knight! Long Haochen's pupils shrank slightly, and the light in his eyes flashed. He also opened his hands, and the lightsaber and fire sword were instantly in hand.

Yes, this was a duel between disciplinary knights. When the strong spiritual power suddenly burst out, Long Haochen and Yang Wenzhao moved at the same time.

Long Haochen charged towards Yang Wenzhao like an arrow. This was the first time he took the initiative since participating in the Demon Hunting Group trials.

Aura of Faith, Gift of Guardianship, and Powerful Attack Aura, the three Guardian Knight amplification skills appear instantly. Long Haochen, who fought as a disciplinary knight, took the lead in using the guardian knight skills.

The reason why very few people choose to dual-cultivate guarding and punishing is because the two combined have too many skills. Performing any skill requires the support of spiritual power. The stronger the cultivation level and the stronger the skill, the greater the consumption of spiritual power. Practicing both protection and punishment at the same time will inevitably lead to excessive consumption of spiritual power when constantly performing various skills. Moreover, if both are mixed, it is very likely that the skills of both will not be fully developed.

But Long Haochen was an exception. His innate spiritual power was an unprecedented ninety-seven points. This terrifying innate spiritual power causes him to consume much less energy when using skills than other knights. Not only that, it is much easier for him to comprehend all light attribute skills than others.

Over the past five years, Long Haochen has studied under Long Xingyu and Ye Hua. Behind his outstanding talent, he has also put in tremendous efforts. In the entire Haoyue branch, there is absolutely no knight who is more diligent than Long Haochen.

Success requires ninety-nine percent hard work and one percent talent. Among them, the one percent of talent is the most important, but without hard work, nothing can be achieved. But Long Haochen had both.

The lightsaber and fire sword have completely turned white, pure white blades.

According to the rules of the competition, the two sides were thirty meters away from each other before the battle began. In other words, Long Haochen used four skills continuously during the thirty-meter charge. Although the consumption of spiritual power by these four skills is not very large, the total consumption is more than one hundred and fifty. Of course, this is for the average knight. The key is the speed and connection of his skills. The skills of the Punishment Knight and the Guardian Knight are used interchangeably without any lag.

Not only were the other eight contestants watching the competition attentively, but even the big figures from the Knights Temple on the podium were staring at the field for a moment.

Just when Long Haochen was still about ten feet away from him, Yang Wenzhao moved. His left foot took a big step forward, and his whole body instantly moved forward with this step. The sword in his left hand was still at his side, and the sword in his right hand was raised diagonally upward.

Just as soon as he took action, Yang Wenzhao showed his great strength. He didn't use any skills, but a golden sword light that was two feet long erupted from the sword blade, as if the sword suddenly increased in length. Because the movement was upward, the sword light first passed over the ground, creating a long ravine.

pause! In the process of charging, Long Haochen's body suddenly froze. His whole body seemed to hit the wall. His right foot hit the ground heavily and he fell sideways as if he had lost his balance. However, the fire sword in his left hand struck hard. He struck the ground, causing his body to complete a roll in the air. Just in time to avoid Yang Wenzhao's flirtation. The lightsaber stabbed forward, and the stabbing skill went straight to Yang Wenzhao's chest with an indomitable momentum.

Yes, facing an opponent whose spiritual power was far superior to his own, Long Haochen did not choose to fight hard, but chose skills.

Okay! Yang Wenzhao shouted. He did not expect that Long Haochen could use such a difficult technique to attack him. He also raised the sword in his left hand, and at the same time kicked his right foot with his left foot, unexpectedly ending his sliding step early. The whole person suddenly stagnated even more abruptly than Long Haochen.

Ding. Long Haochen's lightsaber collided with Yang Wenzhao's left-hand sword in the air, but Yang Wenzhao was surprised to find that Long Haochen's sword didn't have much force. Being lifted up by the big sword in his left hand, Long Haochen took advantage of the situation and spun his body at a faster speed. The two swords were raised at the same time and slashed towards Yang Wenzhao.

Yang Wenzhao did not move, nor did he try to make any dodge movements. The sword with both hands made a small oscillation in the air.

A series of clanging sounds exploded in the air. In just one breath, Long Haochen's attack collided with Yang Wenzhao's countless times. Long Haochen's double swords were like a huge meat grinder. More importantly, he was constantly taking advantage of the collision and borrowed Yang Wenzhao's defensive power to increase the speed of his own rotation. This will make your attack frequency faster.

Gradually, only a layer of golden halo could be seen spreading from the spinning Long Haochen, and his figure could no longer be seen clearly.

There was also a look of surprise on Yang Wenzhao's face. The vibration frequency of the two swords could only follow Long Haochen's attack. However, Long Haochen's attack became more and more fierce, as if Infinitely general. In this short period of time, he had resisted countless swords.

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