Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 100 Punishment Battle (2)

be cheated. This was Yang Wenzhao's first reaction. He immediately understood that Long Haochen had gone all out with this kind of attack as soon as he came up, and there was no probing at all. But for the sake of safety, he actually had the upper hand.

On the rostrum, the Holy Knight Commander murmured: This is the fighting and killing spinning sword. It is, indeed, his inheritance. Unfortunately, he is far from mastering the fighting and killing spinning sword and does not have enough spirit. It is impossible to bring out this self-created punishment special attack without strength.

Puff—— Yang Wenzhao's left sword suddenly penetrated the ground, and his right wrist shook instantly. A golden sword curtain erupted from the right sword. While he resisted Long Haochen's attack, a circle of strong golden light erupted from the ground. It exploded out and struck hard on Long Haochen's Dousha Xuanyuan Sword. It is the Ascension Formation.

The Ascension Array could not shake Long Haochen away. With the use of the Dousha Xuanyuan Sword, Long Haochen's fighting spirit, which had been raised to the extreme, continued to explode, and his state had reached its peak. Under the rapid rotation, the two swords formed a terrifying vortex around the body with strong spiritual power. Even if Yang Wenzhao possesses liquid spiritual power, just an Ascension Formation cannot stop Long Haochen.

But liquid spiritual power is liquid spiritual power after all, and Long Haochen's rapidly rotating figure was inevitably stagnant. Immediately afterwards, Yang Wenchao's left-hand sword inserted into the ground was lifted up instantly. The liquid spiritual power around his body vibrated rapidly at a strange frequency, and a long roar like a dragon's roar erupted.

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of the spectators, Yang Wenzhao instantly transformed into a golden dragon and rose into the sky, colliding hard with Long Haochen's Fighting Circular Sword.

Rising Dragon Strike has the strongest attack power among the fifth-level skills of the Punishment Knight. Facing the pressure brought by fighting the Xuan Yuan Sword, Yang Wenzhao had to use powerful skills to reverse the situation.


The golden dragon turned into a ball of golden light and flew out. It was Yang Wenzhao. He landed with both feet on the ground and took three steps back before he regained his balance.

On the other side, Long Haochen's rapidly rotating figure suddenly stopped. He flipped in the air for several weeks, and when he landed, he staggered seven or eight steps before he could barely stand still.

Judging from the changes in the auras of the two, it was obvious that Long Haochen consumed more energy. Although his fighting sword was powerful, it also consumed a lot of himself. Moreover, Yang Wenzhao's liquid spiritual power was powerful after all.

However, what surprised Yang Wenzhao was that just as his feet stood firm, Long Haochen swung his swords on both sides of his body, and the golden mist rose instantly, gaining momentum!

What a strong will to fight. Even Yang Wenzhao felt a surge of energy and blood in his body. He naturally understood that Long Haochen's situation would never be better than his own, but under such circumstances, Long Haochen still chose to use his skills immediately.

For the past few days, Long Haochen has been relying on accumulating momentum to improve his cultivation and understand the mystery of liquid spiritual power. His continuous deepening has made his understanding of this skill deeper than before, and the speed of accumulating momentum has also been significantly improved.

assault. Yang Wenzhao made the same choice as Han Yu that day. When he saw the momentum building, he immediately launched an attack without hesitation. His movements were more decisive and faster than Han Yu's. His swords were dragged on both sides of his body, and his whole body rushed straight towards Long Haochen with a strong golden light. As his body rushed forward, the golden light became stronger and stronger, and the rich liquid spiritual power made the golden color around his body a little more sticky.

Long Haochen stood there quietly and motionless, seeing Yang Wenzhao charging so fiercely, but there was no change in his expression.

Thrust. Yang Wenzhao chose a simple skill. His purpose was just to interrupt Long Haochen's momentum. From the previous fight with the Xuan Yuan Sword, he could tell that Long Haochen must have many secret skills. Yang Wenzhao was jealous when he saw skills like Fighting and Killing the Circular Sword. This was not an ability recorded by the Temple Alliance. It must be a self-created skill of a powerful knight.


The fire sword was raised, Shen Yu blocked it, and Long Haochen took action only when the thrust was only half a foot away from him. While the sword in his left hand blocked the opponent's attack, the lightsaber in his right hand had already slashed out.

All the spectators could clearly see that when Long Haochen swung the lightsaber in his right hand, a golden light suddenly intensified in just one second, and finally turned into a dazzling golden light ball, which was the Yaori Slash.

Accumulating momentum will never be useless. Even if the accumulating time is short, there will be a certain improvement in spiritual power. Long Haochen's Sun Slash actually gives people a sense of peace and tranquility, and the dazzling sunlight also It seems to have softened a lot, and the golden color at the core of Yao Hiruzhan is almost solidifying.


In a head-to-head encounter, Yang Wenzhao raised the sword in his left hand and used a simple pure white blade to block the attack of Long Haochen's Sunrise Slash. However, his heart was full of shock. Because, from this dazzling sun slash, he could clearly see that Long Haochen had touched the threshold of liquid spiritual power.

In fact, from the beginning of the battle, Yang Wenzhao did not attack with all his strength. He wanted to see what kind of cultivation this young man who looked much younger than himself could achieve after defeating Han Yu. In particular, Long Haochen's transformation from a guardian knight to a disciplinary knight aroused his great interest. He was absolutely sure that he could defeat Long Haochen, so his attacks were never violent and were mainly based on testing. But the more he probed, the stronger the shock in his heart. He had used all his strength with this sword just now. Otherwise, even with his cultivation level, the ordinary pure white blade would not be able to take advantage against the Dawn Sword.

Phew, Long Haochen took a step back, but Yang Wenzhao didn't move at all. However, the second strong beam of sunlight had lit up again, and it was still the same person as Yaori Zhan.

Long Haochen, who was rather slender in stature, had a somewhat heroic look on his face at this moment. Following the lightsaber, he activated the divine guard and used the fire sword to strike out with another dazzling sun slash.

What a quick connection. You know, Yaori Slash is the most powerful among the fourth-level skills.


This time Yang Wenzhao did not dare to be careless. He raised his swords with both hands at the same time and blocked Long Haochen's attack again. However, this time Long Haochen did not retreat.

With a seemingly slow but special rhythm under his feet, Long Haochen waved his light sword and fire sword at each other. Under the shocked gazes of the onlookers around him, he actually continued to change his body shape towards Yang Wenzhao one after another. Eighteen daggers were struck.

Every blow was so powerful and heavy, and more importantly, with every additional blow, Long Haochen's momentum would increase a bit. The powerful momentum full of belief in victory actually suppressed Yang Wenzhao, who was somewhat unable to exert it. The feeling of full strength.

But Yang Wenzhao was indeed powerful. He just stood there, flying his sword with both hands, and blocked Long Haochen's eighteen Sun Slashes one after another without taking a step back.

Happy. Long Haochen shouted. While shouting loudly, his body quickly retreated. Because, when Yang Wenzhao blocked his last blow, he used Shenyu Block. The golden light of the Revenge of Light has been transmitted to the sword in both hands, and he struck a cross slash towards Long Haochen who was retreating.

Long Haochen, who was retreating, suddenly stopped, his swords were also crossed, and Shenyu blocked.

Amidst the roar, Long Haochen's feet on the ground moved back three feet before he could completely neutralize his opponent's attack. The lightsaber in his right hand was raised high in an instant, and a strong holy aura appeared along with the rising white light. Holy sword.

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