Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 902 Haoyue’s Counterattack (Part 2)

The Demon God Emperor's voice echoed in the air. The originally calm huge bodies of Austin and Griffin seemed to suddenly realize something and started struggling crazily.

Nine huge heads, like nine super divine weapons, were frantically hitting the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation.

The power of the God of Punishment is so terrifying that even if it hits more than sixty demon pillars, it is still unable to resist it. Watching, the originally so powerful Demon God Pillar gradually collapsed in the face of this oppression. The first cracks appeared were the three cores in the center, the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon Pillar, the Moon Demon God Pillar, and the Star Demon God Pillar.

As those cracks appeared, Austin and Griffin's struggles became more and more intense. The terrifying aura of destruction seems to be possible to break through the restraints at any time.

Long Haochen raised the purple-gold heavy sword in his hand, and looked calmly at the God of Scourge, who was ten thousand meters long, extremely powerful, and even terrifying. He murmured: Haoyue, I brought you to this world. Now, let me take you away. Maybe, in another world, we can still be brothers. Little tears, come out.

With a flash of green light, the god spirit Ye Xiaolei flew out from Long Haochen's chest in an instant. Her petite face was also full of tears at this time, but she had no intention of stopping Long Haochen. Because she knew very well that what Long Haochen did was the only way now.

Long Haochen nodded to Ye Xiaolei and said softly: Xiaolei, you have merged with my power of light. Even if you are not attached to anyone, you are already an elf of God and will not be affected by changes in the environment. And perish. Take care.”

As he spoke, he raised his right hand, and a layer of purple-gold light covered Ye Xiaolei's body, resisting the huge pressure in the air caused by the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation and Austin and Griffin's bodies. She slowly walked to Cai'er.

Perhaps, this is the best ending. A smile appeared on Long Haochen's face. At this moment, everything in the past was no longer important to him. He had so much reluctance and unwillingness, but , he now has no second choice.

The purple-gold heavy sword transformed by the power of Haoyue's bloodline was slowly raised, and Long Haochen took a deep look at Austin and Griffin who were struggling desperately in the air. He said coldly: You deprived Haoyue of his soul, then I will deprive you of everything.

As he spoke, the purple-gold heavy sword in his hand flew out and was thrown directly into the air. After the heavy sword rose thirty meters into the air, it turned into a purple rainbow and shot straight down. The target was the top of Long Haochen's own head!

Yes, Long Haochen had already made his decision when he exchanged glances with the Demon God Emperor just now. Through the fluctuations between souls, the Demon God Emperor told him that there was no power in this world that could defeat Austin and Griffin. Even if the original Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation were to reappear, it would be impossible to kill him again if the God of Scourge, the Nine-Headed Chimera, Austin, and Griffin were prepared. The only flaw between Austin and Griffin is Long Haochen. Only Long Haochen's blood contract is the only restriction on him and the last chance.

Therefore, when Long Haochen rose into the air and launched a suicidal attack on Austin and Griffin, he and the Demon God Emperor's plan had already begun. Long Haochen's attack on Austin and Griffin was to buy time for the Demon God Emperor to launch the incomplete Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation. However, the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation was not intended to destroy Austin and Griffin. Griffin kills. Similarly, the Demon God Emperor was also trying to buy time for Long Haochen to commit suicide!

There is a blood contract relationship between Long Haochen, Austin and Griffin. Only when Long Haochen dies and ends the blood contract relationship can Austin and Griffin be killed. This is also the reason why Long Haochen attacked Austin and Griffin with all his strength before, but Austin and Griffin did not hurt him. It was not that Austin and Griffin were so kind, but because the blood contract made him avoid the rat. Don't dare to hurt Long Haochen. It can be said that Long Haochen is the only weakness of this god of punishment.

At this time, the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation restrained Austin and Griffin in order to prevent them from interfering and preventing Long Haochen from committing suicide. This formation concentrates the power of more than 60 demon pillars. It once banned Austin and Griffin. Even if it is now incomplete, it is impossible to regain its original glory, but at least it has enough power. Limit Austin and Griffin to a certain amount of time. And this was enough for Long Haochen.

Long Haochen's heart felt empty at this moment. All the hustle and bustle had gone away from him at this moment. He was about to leave. No matter how reluctant he was to leave, this was his only choice for the sake of all the creatures on the Holy Demon Continent. .

Purple light flashed, and the powerful force with the power of destruction was driven by Long Haochen's all-out effort. As long as it was thrust in from the top of his head, even if the Holy Law God of the Undead and the Scourge of the Undead, Elex, would be resurrected, There was no possibility of saving Long Haochen's life.

Countless screams sounded below. When the strong men of the Temple Federation saw this scene, although only those who were most familiar with Long Haochen understood the meaning of what he did, everyone could feel Long Haochen's self-sacrifice. the spirit of. At this moment, he looked so weak, yet so determined. At this moment, all the strong human beings who had tried to compete with Long Haochen could not help but feel ashamed. As the President of the Federation, he is well-deserved!

Brother, don't-

Just when Long Haochen's heart was calm and the purple rainbow light had reached the top of his head, suddenly, a rapid voice that was extremely familiar to him and full of indescribable intimacy sounded deep in Long Haochen's soul, and that had already The purple gold heavy sword that reached above his head seemed to be grabbed by some force. The tip of the sword had already scratched Long Haochen's scalp, but it did not fall down.

Long Haochen suddenly opened his eyes and blurted out: Haoyue——

Yes, that voice belonged to Haoyue, and definitely not to Austin or Griffin.

No matter how powerful Austin and Griffin were in the God-Destroying Formation of Ten Earths and Nine Heavens, they could not stop Long Haochen at this time. But what stopped Long Haochen from committing suicide was the power of his own blood!

At this moment, Long Haochen clearly felt that the blood in his body belonging to Haoyue was completely boiling. The purple-gold giant sword in the air instantly turned into a ball of purple light and reintegrated into his body. What did he say? Nor would he hurt him. And what shocked him the most was.

High in the sky, the huge 10,000-meter bodies of Austin and Griffin began to twist violently at this moment, and Long Haochen saw a pair of familiar eyes.

Those eyes are golden, representing the golden color of light. And the big head it belonged to suddenly raised up and hit hard on the big gray head in the middle of Austin and Griffin.

Xiaoguang, Xiaoguang.

That's right, the one who called out to Long Haochen was the little light given by Long Haochen's bloodline! At this time, it unexpectedly broke away from the control of Austin and Griffin, and its mind suddenly became clear. It hit the sides of Austin and Griffin's necks forcefully, but its eyes were always looking at Long Haochen.

In its eyes, Long Haochen saw eagerness, worry and deep sadness. And the same emotion also rose from the blood that belonged to Haoyue in his body.

Long Haochen's suicide actually awakened the trace of consciousness left by Haoyue in his blood. It was the existence of this consciousness that prevented the purple gold heavy sword from falling at the last moment when he was about to die, because it was originally Haoyue's. The power of blood!

Could this be Austin and Griffin’s plan? Long Haochen thought of a lot in that moment. What if Austin and Griffin temporarily let Xiaoguang wake up in order to prevent him from dying, and then use all their strength to break through the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation before controlling him? If that was really the case, with the powerful abilities of Austin and Griffin, Long Haochen would not be able to resist them no matter what. In the future, he can only become a puppet controlled by this god of punishment.

However, Xiaoguang quickly used his actual actions to dispel Long Haochen's doubts. Austin and Griffin, who were knocked away by it, roared angrily and turned their heads to glare at Xiaoguang. A layer of intense gray light also covered Xiaoguang.

Xiao Guang did something that even made Destruction Head feel scared. It opened its mouth suddenly and bit the base of Austin and Griffin's necks. A large piece of its scales and flesh were torn off forcefully.

Of course, the evolution of Austin and Griffin cannot be just the evolution of the Destruction Head. All the heads have subsequently evolved to the level of the God of Scourge. And Xiaoguang's sudden explosion can be said to be the backlash of its own body.


The Head of Destruction suddenly let out a roar of pain, and under the impact of the gray light it emitted, Xiaoguang's head trembled violently, as if he was struggling with something.

And at this moment, on the other side of the Head of Destruction, a pair of red eyes broke through the shackles of Destruction, and a strong and fiery aura burst out instantly, biting hard at the root of the Head of Destruction from the other direction.

Little fire, that’s a little fire! Along with Xiaoguang's awakening, Xiaohuo also woke up. Among all the nine heads of Haoyue, Xiaoguang and Xiaohuo are undoubtedly the closest to Long Haochen. One is the life that Long Haochen originally saved, and the other is the life that was born because of the power of Long Haochen's bloodline. At this moment, when Long Haochen was determined to destroy Austin and Griffin at the expense of himself, the consciousness of Xiaoguang and Xiaohuo awakened. In order for Long Haochen to survive, they were willing to do anything to destroy them. The leader launched an attack.


Yes, this is Haoyue's counterattack, not the God of Divine Punishment! This is the ending I want! The bright moon will always be Xiaolong’s bright moon.

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