Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 901 Haoyue’s Counterattack (Part 2)

From the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar, the almost crazy shouts of the Demon God Emperor came out. The jet-black golden light instantly rushed into the sky, as if it really connected to the limit of the sky. A layer of intense black-golden light also instantly covered Haoyue's body, causing his body to stagnate just as he was about to take action.

Immediately afterwards, the purple moon and orange stars in the sky lit up at the same time. That is the power of the Moon Demon Pillar and the Star Demon Pillar.

The three demon pillars instantly formed the core formation of the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation. The three demon pillars locked the bodies of Austin and Griffin in the center.

At the same time, the remaining seventeen Demonic Pillars flew up one after another, and rays of light connected them to each other, forming a cage frame in the air, sealing Austin and Griffin within it. Not only that, each demon pillar shines with a different light. The purple that originally belonged to Austin and Griffin was torn to pieces in this cage.

The Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation was originally created to target the abilities of Austin and Griffin, so everything was naturally created to target it. At the same time, in the distance, rays of light began to shine. One after another, the demon pillars tore open the space and appeared in front of Yulong Pass. Whether it was the Demon God Pillar who stayed behind to guard the demons, or the Demon God Pillar who followed the Undead Demon God Samikina and the Hell Demon God Marbus to attack the Southeast Fortress and the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass, they all arrived at this moment.

This is the preparation of the Demon God Emperor. As the head of the Seventy-two Demon God Pillars, what he has to do is to mobilize all the power of the Seventy-two Demon God Pillars to recreate the original Ten Earth and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation.

Austin and Griffin were suspended there quietly. He seemed to be really affected by the formation and was imprisoned in it. He just watched helplessly as the demonic pillars appeared out of thin air and were combined into the huge cage. Confining its huge body.

This is the real and most terrifying power of the demons! The aura alone has made it impossible for all the strong men of the Temple Federation to compete with it. Only at this moment did Long Haochen understand what a huge loss the Moon Demon God's rebellion was to the demon clan. As the controller of the Moon Demon Pillar. If he defected to the human side, it would mean that even the Demon God Emperor would not be able to launch the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation. Because the launch of this grand formation basically requires the joint efforts of the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon Pillar, the Moon Demon God Pillar, and the Star Demon God Pillar. Once Agares gives up, this formation cannot be formed at all. However, can these Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation really be able to restrain Haoyue?

After all, the seventy-two demon pillars are not complete! As early as when Long Haochen led the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group to fight against the demons, he had already destroyed several of them. Looking back now, I have to say that Austin and Griffin were prepared for a rainy day. Can the incomplete version of the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation really destroy him?

A hint of contempt appeared deep in Austin Griffin's eyes. He slowly raised his right hand, stretched out his index finger, and shook it gently.

I said, what happened in the past will not happen again. Since I dare to stand here and let you complete the formation, I am naturally not afraid of this bullshit Ten Earth Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation. Not to mention that this formation is incomplete, even if So what if it is complete? The reason why I suffered a big loss back then was because I was unprepared, and at the same time, there were a large number of powerful humans in the human race to activate the formation. After so many years, your formation is no longer as good as it was before. The blood energy left by tens of thousands of strong human beings in the formation has long since dissipated. My master, let me give you a great gift and destroy the foundation of all demons first.

As he spoke, Austin and Griffin's gray eyes suddenly lit up. The gray light shined instantly, and at the same time, a layer of purple light spread from his body.

The cage in the sky suddenly grew larger as Austin and Griffin changed. The next moment, the God of Scourge, the Nine-Headed Chimera, Austin, and Griffin allowed everyone to witness his true terror.

In the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation, it seemed as if a purple sun suddenly appeared. The intense purple light instantly covered up all the magnificent colors released from the more than sixty Demon God Pillars. But wherever the purple light passed, there was no sign of shrinking, and an extremely huge and terrifying body also appeared in mid-air, within the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation.

The God of Divine Punishment, the Nine-Headed Chimera, finally revealed its true form. A terrifying and terrifying entity.

It was terrifying enough when the Demon God Emperor revealed his true form as the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon Emperor. However, compared with the scene shown by Austin and Griffin at this time, the Demon God Emperor's body is like a three-year-old child.

Ten thousand meters, yes, that is a huge body with a length of more than ten thousand meters! It was like a city suddenly appeared in the sky.

The huge body is covered with huge scales with a diameter of tens of meters, and the thick limbs seem to be able to cause the earth to collapse at any time.

A pair of huge wings spread out, nearly 10,000 meters wide. The most terrifying thing is the nine giants growing out of the thick neck.

The shape of each huge head was so familiar to Long Haochen, and he witnessed them growing up one by one. But at this moment, the nine big heads appearing in front of him felt so strange to him. Because each of their eyes has lost its original color, and all that remains is the gray color full of destruction and madness.

The center head was the strangest to Long Haochen. When he first saw Haoyue, there was only a small fire. Later, after the fusion of his blood, there was a small light. All along, these two heads have always been at the center of all Haoyue's heads. But now, there is an extra head between Xiao Huo and Xiao Guang. A head that was completely gray and nearly twice the size of the other eight heads. The strong aura of death is constantly reflected from its eyes, and the eyes of the other eight heads will also change with its eyes.

Xiaoguang and Xiaohuo separated on the left and right, and then several others. It is indeed no longer a bright moon. Although Haoyue has a unified body and a nearly unified mind, it is eight souls together after all. But now, there is only one soul of Austin and Griffin, the one that symbolizes destruction.

As soon as the huge bodies of the God of Scourge, Nine-Headed Chimera, Austin, and Griffin appeared, they filled the originally very wide Ten Earth Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation. And every Demon God Pillar of the main formation also lit up completely under the urging of Demon God Emperor and Moon Demon God.

In the sky, terrifying coercion spread out. The powerful oppression suppressed all the strong men below the ninth level and collapsed to the ground unable to move. Even the ninth level could only barely stay standing.

Several hours have passed since the beginning of this holy war. Who could have imagined that the final result would turn out like this. In the end, the most powerful enemy turned out not to be the Demon God Emperor, the leader of the demon clan, but Long Haochen's mount companion.

What an incredible scene, but he did appear. But now the demons are trying their best to seal Austin and Griffin, but the strong human beings can't do anything. The demons working together turned out to be so terrifying. No wonder they have no creative power and cannot produce. It turns out that their origin is not a nation, but a terrifying magic circle composed of seventy-two artifacts!

The Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation was no longer something that strong humans could participate in. At this time, Long Haochen, who was suspended in mid-air, actually no longer paid attention to Austin and Griffin who were trapped in the air, but turned around.

His eyes first fell on his mother. At this time, Bai Yue had fainted because of her previous excitement. It was Cai'er who was supporting her and using her purifying power to protect her future mother-in-law.

Long Haochen turned around, and Cai'er also saw his eyes. For some reason, Cai'er's heartbeat suddenly seemed to skip a beat.

Long Haochen's eyes were very peaceful and gentle, with deep nostalgia and reluctance. Suddenly, Cai'er seemed to understand something, her beautiful eyes were filled with fear, No, Haochen, don't. However, she could not do anything now. Even with her cultivation, she could not do anything at this moment. Break through the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation and the terrifying pressure brought by Austin and Griffin. The tyrannical power suppressed her and she was unable to move at all, and could only barely protect herself and Bai Yue with the power of her domain.

Long Haochen shook his head gently to her, his lips trembled, and he said something to Cai'er. Although he could only see the shape of his mouth, Cai'er understood it immediately, and tears burst out instantly. Under the strong pressure in the air, it turns into countless small water elements and scatters in the air.

Long Haochen's gaze shifted to his father. At this time, Long Xingyu was also unable to move at all. When Long Haochen's eyes fell on him, he also said something to him.

Long Xingyu also understood. He was once such a strong knight of the Divine Seal of Judgment and Judgment, but now he was bursting with tears. However, he can't do anything now either.

Long Haochen's eyes passed over each of the partners of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, and then passed over the strong men and eternal heroes of the Temple Federation. Everyone saw the reluctance in his eyes, but gradually they also saw the determination in his eyes.

Long Haochen, we can't hold on anymore. I didn't expect that you would go to that other world with me. However, I am very happy to hear your call for grandpa.


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