Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 9 Teacher from Hell? (one)

Xingyu's voice came again, but he just explained a few simple sword-handling techniques and then disappeared.

Long Haochen, who was only nine years old, had to face the dark cave, the crazy owl ants, and the ever-present severe pain all by himself.

Because of the severe pain, his speed slowed down again and again, but whenever he thought of his mother, new courage would well up in his heart.

The owl ants only brought him severe pain. Gritting his teeth to endure the pain, he swung the bamboo sword in his hand again and again.

Xingyu stood outside the cave, feeling the passage of time, and the expression on his face moved several times. More than once, I raised my hand to push away the boulder in front of me, but I still held back.

If it had been any other child from the Odin Palace, he would probably have been frightened and fainted shortly after entering the cave. However, Long Haochen was still awake and kept fighting hard against the owl ants. Owl ants are not poisonous, but they can easily cause severe pain to people. Their inch-long bodies are not only extremely hard, but also have powerful attack power.

Xingyu's eyes kept changing, and the method he adopted to train Long Haochen was very extreme. However, he was very aware of the benefits of this extreme method. As long as Long Haochen could sustain it, his mental power that was different from ordinary people would be developed as quickly as possible. And, along with it, there are numerous other benefits. The premise is that his mind cannot collapse.

Half an hour, a full half hour, felt like a century to Long Haochen. When his whole body was numb from pain and he could no longer swing the bamboo sword in his hand, his body went limp. Fell into coma.

At this moment, the stone on the roof of the cave opened, and a strong force pulled his body upwards. Countless owl ants were suppressed by a magical force and were unable to fly out.

Even though all this was arranged by Xingyu, when he saw Long Haochen at this time, he still took a breath of cold air and showed a trace of unbearable color in his eyes.

At this time, Long Haochen's clothes were completely torn, his whole body was almost swollen, and his original pretty face was no longer visible at all. Even the pair of bamboo swords had numerous marks of bites from owl ants.

Xingyu quickly stuffed a pill into Long Haochen's mouth, and with a flash of light, he took Long Haochen back to the wooden house almost at a speed many times faster than when he came.

There are three wooden houses in total. In addition to the one where the master and apprentice live respectively, there is another room that Long Haochen has never been to. At this time, Xingyu took him into this wooden house.

As soon as you enter the wooden house, a strong heat hits your face.

On the ground of this wooden house, there is a pond dug out of the stone. To be precise, it should be that the pond was first built, and then the wooden house was built on it.

The pool water is almost overflowing, and the water inside is brown with many drugs floating in it.

Xingyu quickly took off Long Haochen's damaged clothes and carefully put his body into the steaming pool water. Let only his mouth and nose be exposed to the water.

This is a hot spring. Xingyu dug this pool at the eye of the spring. Long Haochen, who was already unconscious, did not know that the medicinal materials soaked in the pool water were not as good as even ten thousand bottles of cultivating essence liquid. the value of.

Half an hour later, when Xingyu saw that the swelling on Long Haochen's body gradually disappeared, he walked out of the wooden house.

The sunlight was gradually blocked by the darkness of night, and before we knew it, dusk had arrived.

It hurts so much. Ugh - Long Haochen screamed and woke up from his coma while soaking in the hot spring.

Naturally, he lost his balance when his body moved. Although the pool was not deep, he still choked on his saliva, struggled out of the pool with a splash, and coughed loudly.

This is where? Long Haochen stared blankly at the water vapor around him and the pool he was in. The original severe pain all over his body was gone. Except that his whole body was clean and without any covering, everything seemed to be normal.

The door opened, and Xingyu walked in from the outside holding clothes.

Put on your clothes and come out. He simply said and walked out.

Long Haochen walked out of the pool in a daze, picked up the towel on the side, dried his body, and put on clean clothes. Everything that happened in the owl ant nest was recalled in his mind.

Thinking of the ever-present severe pain, he couldn't help but shivered intelligently. At that time, he was able to hold on with all his blood and courage, but when he thought about it now, he felt as if the severe pain was coming from his limbs again.

Pushing the door open, he realized that he was in the third wooden house. When he walked into the central main room, another sumptuous meal was already placed on the table.

Eat. Xingyu gestured to the food on the table as if nothing had happened, and started eating himself.

Long Haochen looked at his teacher and muttered: Teacher, I...

Eat first. Xingyu glanced at him sternly.

Long Haochen didn't dare to say anything more and hurriedly sat down and started eating. As if he hadn't eaten for a long time, he was particularly hungry tonight and ate almost three times as much as usual. Except for Xingyu who ate a very small portion, Long Haochen finished all the food in a short time.

Tell me how you feel today. Xingyu asked calmly without letting Long Haochen clean up the dishes.

It hurts. Long Haochen told the truth.

Is this all you have? Xingyu said coldly: This is just the beginning. Come out with me. Take your bamboo sword.


The master and apprentice walked out of the wooden house and came to the top of the mountain.

Two identical bamboo swords appeared in Xingyu's hands, Swords are called the king's way among weapons. They can be used offensively and defensively. If you want to protect everything, you must first protect yourself. Now I will teach you the sealing technique. Watch out. ”

The bamboo sword moves, the light curtain rises, and the dreamlike sword light shines on the top of the mountain. Word after sentence, accompanied by the light of the sword, kept falling into Long Haochen's ears. Today, his hell training has just begun.

For seven consecutive days, Xingyu would teach Long Haochen all kinds of knowledge every morning, including astronomy, geography, and history. There will be an assessment the next day. And this is also the happiest time for Long Haochen every day.

By the afternoon, hell will come. The nest of owl ants is a compulsory course every day, and the ending is the same. The inhuman pain made Long Haochen feel like dying. Whenever he had the idea of ​​giving up, Xingyu would simply remind him that there were only a few days until he returned home.

Every time he was in the Owl Ant Cave, there was no doubt that the training would end in a coma. When he woke up, he would definitely find himself soaked in the hot springs and the pain would be gone.

After dinner, the training will begin again. Xingyu will teach Long Haochen some skills and ask him to memorize some things. The day's training doesn't end until late at night.

The most painful thing for Long Haochen was that Xingyu didn't allow him to sleep. After being exhausted at night, Xingyu taught him a meditation method. In Long Haochen's words, this is called sleeping while sitting. But Xingyu will supervise him. If he does not meditate according to Xingyu's instructions, then there is no doubt that Xingyu's bamboo sword will be drawn on his back to wake him up.

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