Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 10 The teacher from hell? (two)

In this way, seven days passed. Long Haochen could only last in the owl ant nest for half an hour, but now his time had increased by an additional quarter of an hour.

After soaking in the hot springs, we had dinner. Long Haochen waited patiently for Xingyu's teaching. After this week of training, he no longer just respected Xingyu, but was in awe and feared from the bottom of his heart.

There is no need to continue tonight. You can go home. But the meditation cannot be interrupted. Come back early tomorrow morning. Xingyu threw a bottle of essence-building liquid to Long Haochen and waved his hand, indicating that he could leave.

Long Haochen was relieved. After saluting Xingyu, he ran out of the wooden house like flying. Finally I can go home.

Watching his leaving figure, Xingyu showed a smile that Long Haochen had never seen before, Silly boy, have you forgotten where this place is? Three years, I can only stay here for three years. , I will let you inherit what I have learned all the time.”

The lightness of the body felt so good. Long Haochen felt the changes in his body while running down the mountain.

In just one week, he found that his various senses seemed to be significantly enhanced than before. Although the torture in that owl ant nest was excruciating, he would feel different every time he went there. At least a week has passed, and he is now able to resist attacks from all directions by owl ants in a somewhat systematic manner. The reaction speed is also much faster than when I first arrived.

The biggest change was in the physical aspect. Although he had not tested it, Long Haochen was sure that his spiritual power had definitely increased. It must have increased by at least two points. It’s only been a week!

Although he had to go through such painful training every day and didn't even have time to sleep, after a week, his originally thin body became obviously stronger and his face became much rosier. In addition to eating well, it is naturally because of the hot springs I soak in every day.

Long Haochen didn't know that the function of hot springs and medicinal materials together was called marrow cleansing and bone strengthening.

He was running excitedly down the mountain when suddenly, a faint fishy smell caught his attention.

The week of training against the swarm of owl ants was not in vain. Without even thinking about it, Long Haochen stopped in an instant, jumped to the side, and at the same time drew out a pair of bamboo swords on his back with both hands. .

Whoosh, a dark shadow passed right by the path he must pass. It was almost dusk at this time, and Long Haochen could clearly see what was attacking him at a glance.

It is more than four feet long, and its body is pitch black. It has short and thick limbs that stand on the ground. There are fine scales on its back. Its barbed tail is constantly swinging behind its back. A pair of brown eyes are staring at itself.

Warcraft? Long Haochen couldn't help but whisper, and his mood suddenly became tense.

Xingyu teaches him various knowledge every day, including an introduction to Warcraft. It just happened that I had talked about this kind of monster a few days ago.

Scorpion-tailed lizard, a first-level intermediate monster. It is roughly equivalent to the level of thirty to fifty spiritual powers in various human professions.

Each level of Warcraft is divided into four levels: primary, intermediate, advanced and peak. The biggest difference between them and beasts is that they can use spiritual power to strengthen themselves or attack enemies.

First-level monsters are weak. They generally do not have the ability to use spiritual power to attack enemies. They can only strengthen themselves. This is the case with this scorpion-tailed lizard. It is a carnivorous monster. The scales on its back have a certain degree of defense. Its tail hook is poisonous and its vitals are located in its abdomen. It's just that it usually attacks while lying on the ground, so it rarely exposes its abdomen.

The scorpion-tailed lizard looked at Long Haochen fiercely with its brown eyes, its mouth wide open and its white teeth exposed, as if wondering how long such a small human could last.

Facing the monster for the first time, Long Haochen felt that the hairs on his back had suddenly risen. He held the bamboo sword tightly with both hands but did not move rashly, nor did he turn around and run away. It was already difficult for him, who was only nine years old, to keep calm at this time, because he still remembered that Xingyu said that the scorpion-tailed lizard sprinted very fast in short distances. At the same time, he also taught him that as a knight, he should never leave his back to the enemy.

Whoosh - the scorpion-tailed lizard would not give him any more time to think. It kicked the ground hard with its thick and powerful limbs, rushed straight towards Long Haochen, and bit into Long Haochen's thigh.

At this time, the recent seven days of hellish training came into play. With an almost completely instinctive reaction, Long Haochen took a step to the left, and at the same time slashed out a pair of bamboo swords in his hands, striking the scorpion-tailed lizard on the head.

The reason why he stepped sideways instead of retreating was because Xingyu had taught him not to retreat easily when he was unsure of the terrain behind him. Otherwise, he would easily fall into a passive position once he was affected by the unknown terrain. The side view is different, you can see it from the corner of your eye, and you can dodge it at the same time.

There were two puffs. Although the bamboo sword was tough, it was light in weight and its destructive power was not very good. It fell on the scorpion-tailed lizard and was defeated. But the current Long Haochen is not the same as he was when he first took the squire knight assessment. He had nearly 30 points of spiritual power output and just smashed the scorpion-tailed lizard back to the ground.

But the scorpion-tailed lizard's attack didn't stop there. As its body landed on the ground, its tail with a poisonous hook swept over it.

Also relying entirely on his reflexes, Long Haochen jumped up and raised the sword more than three feet. At the same time, he blocked the sword in his right hand and deflected the scorpion-tailed lizard's attack.

The simple fight gave Long Haochen confidence. After blocking the scorpion-tailed lizard's attacks twice in a row, he was surprised to find that the monster was not that scary after all. At the same time, some of the resentment deep in his heart that had been suppressed for the past seven days also dissipated a lot at this time. Compared with seven days ago, I am stronger and my reactions are faster. There is no doubt that this is what Teacher Xingyu brought to me. Such a speed of progress has never been seen before! Although the experience in the owl ant crypt would always wake him up from nightmares, he had to admit that the effect was really good.

The scorpion-tailed lizard was not one to give up easily. As soon as the attack missed, it rushed towards Long Haochen again. Moreover, this time its body seemed to have expanded a bit.

Because Long Haochen was a little dazed after dealing with its first round of attacks, his reaction this time was a bit slower, but he still had time to slash it with his bamboo sword. However, this time the scorpion-tailed lizard was not smashed to the ground.

No, this is to strengthen its own charging skill. Long Haochen was in shock. The bamboo sword had been knocked away. At the same time, his body also lost its center of gravity and fell backwards.

The vicious mouth of the scorpion-tailed lizard was right in front of him. The strong sense of crisis instantly made Long Haochen's pupils shrink violently, and it seemed as if something exploded in his brain.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the scorpion-tailed lizard that was close at hand seemed to slow down. Its every movement and the angle at which it fell backward were extremely clear.

If someone could see Long Haochen's eyes at this time, they would find that in the center of his blue eyes, the pupils have shrunk to the size of a pinhead, but his eyes are extremely calm, and there is something vaguely hidden that ordinary people don't have. A cold light lit up.

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