Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 899 Haoyue’s Counterattack (Part 1)

Long Xingyu and Long Haochen, father and son, faced each other. What Long Haochen saw was the light of relief in his father's eyes. There was even a faint smile on the corner of Long Xingyu's mouth. Even with the protection of the Divine Seal Throne of Doom and Killing, he would not be able to block the attacks of Austin and Griffin, let alone the power brought by the decomposition of the Divine Seal Throne to reach Long Haochen's side. . Completely losing any protection, under the attacks of Austin and Griffin, it was impossible for him to have a second ending.

But at this moment, Long Xingyu was smiling. He had no regrets at all, and was even filled with excitement because he could finally do something for his son, even if it cost him his life.

No - Long Haochen roared, and the nine purple-gold lines on his forehead suddenly lit up, causing him to break free from Haoyue's restraints in an instant. He suddenly raised his arms to hug his father, and his body instantly spun a hundred times in the air. Eighty degrees.

The smile on Long Xingyu's face froze instantly, and the next moment, the purple light ball hit Long Haochen's back hard.

Boom - Long Haochen's whole body trembled violently in the air. At the same time he was hit, he had already pushed Long Xingyu out and pushed him back to the ground. And without the support of the Divine Seal Throne, it was no longer possible for him to escape from Haoyue's pressure.

The Armor of Eternity and Creation shone with fierce white light, while the purple light groups emitted by Austin and Griffin seemed to be instantly integrated into this purple light. Violent roars continued to come from Long Haochen. Finally, with a violent roar, fine cracks began to appear on the armor of eternity and creation.

If you continue to allow the purple light full of destruction to rage, then this super artifact will probably be completely destroyed! One can imagine the terrifying strength of Austin and Griffin. Just like what the Moon Demon God Agares said, even a real god cannot be an opponent of Austin and Griffin.

Long Haochen's body suddenly broke away, and the power of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, including the Sword of Eternity and Creation, instantly turned into thirteen rays of light and returned to their origin, and was instantly inhaled into Long Haochen's body. He couldn't let this super artifact be destroyed. Perhaps, at a certain moment, this will be his last hope.

Long Haochen exploded when he took back the Divine Seal Throne. His arms were spread out at his sides, and two purple-gold rays of light quickly spread out from his hands, turning into two heavy swords. This is completely transformed by his own spiritual power. And this spiritual power not only has the aura of Haoyue, but also his purest power of light. At this moment, it turned into the strongest weapon that Long Haochen could condense with spiritual power.

The next moment, Long Haochen's body turned into a ray of purple light in mid-air, heading towards the bright moon. At this time, the brilliance on his body had completely turned purple-gold. The pressure released by Haoyue could no longer affect him at all. That's right, in order to fight against Haoyue, Long Haochen completely activated the power that belonged to Haoyue in his body. Only with the help of Haoyue's bloodline can he compete with Haoyue.

After Haoyue evolves into the ninth head, Long Haochen will actually receive a huge improvement due to the blood contract. However, this improvement was suppressed by Austin and Griffin. At this time, as soon as Long Haochen activated the blood in his body, this part of the power seemed to burst out, making his aura at least seventy-nine similar to Austin and Griffin.

With his body flashing, Long Haochen arrived in front of Austin Griffin like lightning, and what appeared was the Eye of Brahma in the Three Brahma Styles.

A huge purple-gold vertical eye opened in the air, and thousands of purple-gold rays of light merged into one, bombarding Austin and Griffin.

Long Haochen had already understood the moment Austin and Griffin took action against him. Haoyue is no longer there, it can even be said that it has been swallowed up by Austin and Griffin. Now in front of him, there are only the God of Scourge, Nine-Headed Chimera Austin and Griffin who want to destroy everything, but there is no bright moon anymore. Therefore, he would not let Austin and Griffin succeed under any circumstances. He knew he was outmatched, but he still attacked. At this time, Long Haochen felt extremely calm, because his attack was definitely meaningful.

Austin and Griffin frowned slightly, as if he still couldn't do anything to Long Haochen after all. He allowed the Eye of Brahma's attack to fall on him, but he didn't even dare to dodge.

The purple-gold light shone on Austin and Griffin, creating only a dazzling halo and not causing any harm to him at all.

The next moment, the purple-gold giant eye instantly turned into a purple-gold stream of light, passing over Austin and Griffin. It is the second of Brahma's three postures, a moment of youthfulness that contains Long Haochen's own ingredients. Previously, he used this technique to destroy the Star Demon God Vasak, but now he used it on Austin and Griffin.

Austin and Griffin stood still, and Long Haochen's attack seemed not to have even the slightest impact on them. He just frowned and turned to look at Long Haochen.

At this moment, a huge purple light shone behind Long Haochen. It was a strange six-pointed star, and the six-pointed star glowed with purple-gold light. All the elements in the air, even the auras of Austin and Griffin, were converging towards the six-pointed star at an alarming speed. Long Haochen's body began to glow with intense light. That powerful aura seemed to tear his own body into pieces.

Austin and Griffin's expressions finally changed, and his body finally moved. In a flash, he arrived in front of Long Haochen and slapped Long Haochen on the chest.

Long Haochen smiled, he had been waiting for this moment. The purple hexagram behind him shone brightly, and the ultimate attack of Brahma's three movements, Heaven and Earth Wuji finally appeared.

The purple six-pointed star suddenly became illusory, spiraling in distortion and turning into a huge purple vortex, in that moment of change. The sky and the earth are pale, and everything seems to be reduced to one. At the same time, in a world that had lost the light of the sun, moon and stars, a ball of nine-color golden light shot out from the wrist of Long Haochen's left hand. It merged with the purple light that instantly merged into one, and then blasted towards Austin, who was only a short distance away. , Griffin.

Long Haochen's body was slapped to the ground by Haoyue, creating a deep pit. But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Austin and Griffin did not release much attack power against him at all. Although Long Haochen hit the ground, he bounced up from the ground the next moment.

However, the situation of Austin and Griffin seemed to be a little bad. Their bodies were filled with a layer of nine-color light, and a small hole appeared on their chests.

The super-artifact-level attacks of the Heaven and Earth Wuji plus the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield brought all the power that Long Haochen could possess to the extreme. This powerful power, even with the power of the God of Punishment, the Nine-Headed Chimera, Austin, and Griffin, was actually injured along with it.

However, just when everyone showed surprise, the wounds on Austin and Griffin's chests healed quickly like water waves, as if nothing had happened.

He looked coldly at Long Haochen on the ground, My master, it seems that you really don't miss the old relationship? Unfortunately, your power is far from enough. I said that in this plane, there is no What can threaten me? Just you?

There was a bit of sadness in Long Haochen's eyes, and he sighed, Yes! Of course I can't hurt you with my power. However, you have devoured Haoyue's soul. No matter what the price, I will still kill you. Destruction. You said that I am the chairman of the Temple Federation, the Knight of the Seal of Glory and Leader. As the leader of mankind, I must protect mankind and protect this plane from being destroyed by you. Let’s get started, my grandfather.”

Hearing Long Haochen's grandfather call, the Demon God Emperor was shaken physically and mentally. He looked at Long Haochen in disbelief, and what he saw was the determination in Long Haochen's eyes.

The Demon God Emperor instantly raised the Heaven-defying Demon Sword. With his demigod cultivation, Austin and Griffin were naturally unable to suppress him with just their pressure.

The moment the Demon God Emperor raised the Heaven-defying Demon God Sword, it seemed to light up the entire world. The purple color in the sky finally changed. The expressions of Austin and Griffin also changed drastically. It finally felt an existence that could threaten him. Immediately afterwards, all the demon pillars in the distance lit up. The Demon God Emperor swayed, and his body disappeared instantly, while the black-golden sky-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar grew at an alarming speed.

Not only him, but the Moon Demon God Agares also unleashed the power of his Demon God Pillar with all his strength. For a moment, in front of the Yulong Pass, the demon pillars lit up one after another and flew into the air quickly. Even the Demon God Pillars, which no longer have the Demon God, are still releasing their most brilliant light at this moment.

Long Haochen's previous attack was not to defeat Austin and Griffin, because he knew very well that he did not have the strength at all. Through the communication with the Demon God Emperor's eyes and soul, he knew exactly what he should do. His attack on Haoyue was to provide cover for the Demon God Emperor and buy him enough time to prepare.

Who would have thought that the powerful humans and demons, who had been sworn enemies before and had been fighting against each other for more than six thousand years, would join forces at this moment. Precisely because Austin and Griffin didn't expect it, it finally fell into the trap prepared by the Demon God Emperor.



Right, right, I'm right, you can't think of it. The ending later is even more exciting. Who dares to say that my book is bad? I have worked so hard in writing, do you feel like you are being abused? In fact, the first person to be abused was myself! Moreover, I came up with the story, and the only one I’ve been abused by is worse than you! But for the sake of the wonderful story, I had to make sacrifices!

Want to see the ending? I can tell you for sure that there are still six final chapters and nearly 20,000 words of content before this book comes to an end.

Tonight at 12 o'clock, I will deliver all six chapters, and use the final explosion to draw a successful conclusion to the wonderful conclusion of our divine seal. If you think it looks good and worth it, leave your monthly ticket!

At the same time, starting at 12 o'clock tonight, the new book Douluo Dalu II Peerless Tang Sect will also officially start to be updated. Well, actually it has been updated a little. However, after the update officially starts, it will be updated at a rate of two to three times a day. Don’t rush me, I’m quite hurt by what I wrote about Divine Seal. Only by letting my heart slow down can I create more and better content for everyone, right?

I’m asking for a monthly pass for the Divine Seal, I’m asking for collections, recommendations, reviews, and everything else for Peerless Tang Sect.

After one hundred and five months of continuous updates, another seamless connection has begun! ! ! Come on, dear Tang Sect brothers and sisters, let us enjoy this gluttonous feast that only belongs to our Tang Sect at 12 o'clock tonight. I will draw a perfect end to the divine seal, and then open a dazzling door for a peerless beginning. I'm waiting for you, I love you, we're moving!

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