Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 898 God of Divine Punishment, Nine-Headed Chimera (Part 2)

Until this moment, Haoyue's face was full of pride. But soon, this pride gradually turned into anger, unparalleled anger, But what I never expected was that in that plane that had turned into darkness and fire, all living creatures and plants had perished. Now, undead creatures have appeared. They don't need human food and water to survive. They don't even need light. And they are full of hatred for me, and they dare to kill the noble Austin and Griffin. My reincarnation, Under their obstruction, I failed again and again. And my original power was constantly consumed in the process of reincarnation. I know that if I die again in the ninth reincarnation, then I will be like the creation of the world. , perished in this world forever. I am not willing to accept it, I really am not willing to accept it! Seeing that I only have the last few chances to reincarnate. I am being hunted by those dirty undead creatures again, I was covered with bruises. And at this moment, a light of hope enveloped my body and forcibly brought me to another world. A world full of light.

At that time, I thought I finally had a chance. But who knew, because I had been reincarnated too many times, I had become so weak, and because I had been silent in the dark world for too long, I could no longer adapt to the light. I gained strength. I felt my life passing by, and I felt I was about to die. And at this moment, I saw a pair of eyes, a pair of clear eyes. That little human began to drip with his blood. In me, use his bloodline to change my discomfort. Let me step out of the darkness little by little, empty out all the annoying dark breath, and finally transform it into light. I have his bloodline, and I actually feel Unprecedented warmth and warmth, I felt very comfortable and comfortable in that feeling that I had never experienced before. Then, I grew a second head. The head of light, while my original head retained the fire Attributes. That young human being, my master, fell into a desperate situation because he helped me convert attributes. I unexpectedly injected my noble blood into his body and fed back his body. Especially in that kind of I made a contract with him that I had never imagined before. It was clearly the highest level contract created by Creation, a blood contract! How could this happen? I don’t understand. When I woke up, I recalled Thinking about everything I had with him, I really don’t understand why the noble me would make that choice. However, I am still very grateful to him. After all, he gave me the opportunity to be reborn and gave me the opportunity to become Austin , Griffin's opportunity. And finally, I came back. The young man who gave me the opportunity is you, my master, the owner of the Physique of the God of Light, the controller of the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation, the Temple Federation Chairman, Long Haochen, the Knight of the Divine Seal of Glory and Leader of the Knights Temple.

When my consciousness was shaped with the growth of the ninth head, my body imprinted all the memories deep into my consciousness. I was surprised to find that you had brought me warmth, happiness, and joy. These emotions didn't belong to me at all. This feeling is really novel. Therefore, my master, no matter who I destroy or which plane I destroy, don't worry, I will not destroy you. I also hope that you can still bring me those feelings in the future. My reawakened body is actually a little afraid of something called loneliness because of your presence. It seems that compared with last time, this time is really There are many, many differences. I love you, my master. From now on, let us travel the world of creation hand in hand. One day, I will turn all the planes into the world of my destruction. Become the domain of my gods Austin and Griffin.”

You must be wondering why I can evolve so fast. I must also thank my master for this! His growth actually promoted my growth. And during several of the most critical breakthroughs, he even It was you who protected me from those nasty undead. I finally evolved into the eighth head. As for my final awakening, I also want to thank you, my master. It was you who brought me to the eternal place left by creation. In the domain, I found the seed that originally belonged to me, the seed of the Tree of Destruction. In a sense, the Tree of Destruction is an important avatar of my soul. Recovering its seed, after this period After time of seclusion, I finally completed the final breakthrough and awakening. The Demon God Emperor, the ant, was right. If I hadn't been fully awakened, it would have been really difficult to break through their seal with only the power of the eight heads. However, , as for now, everything has become much simpler. There will be no force that can stop me. I have to say that the plane you are in, Master, is better than the one who created the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation. The plane is much different. There is really nothing that can stop me in this plane. The feeling of waking up is really wonderful!

Buzz-- A layer of bright white light emanated from the armor of eternity and creation on Long Haochen's body, forcibly resisting the pressure brought by the bright moon. Moreover, he himself has Haoyue's bloodline, so the pressure brought by Haoyue is the least oppressive to him.

Haoyue, do you want to destroy our plane? Long Haochen asked in a deep voice.

Haoyue smiled slightly and said: I have said so much, master, you should have understood it a long time ago! I am the God of Divine Punishment, not the God of Creation. Now that I am awake, of course I need to get something to operate on. Destroy. What's wrong with leaving this plane? Anyway, three-quarters of this plane is occupied by the demons you hate the most. Don't worry, I will destroy the demons first, and then destroy humans.

Long Haochen's eyes were full of pain, No, you are no longer my Haoyue. You are not...

Haoyue nodded seriously and said: Of course, I am certainly not the Haoyue who only obeys your words. I am Austin Griffin! The God of Divine Punishment. Didn't you hear clearly what I just said? Before I wake up, my body will have eight consciousnesses, and there will be one consciousness in each head. When I wake up, all the consciousnesses will return to one and be under my full control. Therefore, my ninth head is called The Head of Destruction is also called the Head of Divine Punishment. Now I am the real God of Divine Punishment. But don’t worry, the feeling you brought me is still there, and I will not destroy you. But only It's just you. From now on, I will take you to destroy other worlds. As for other humans, I am impatient. I hate humans. Chuangshi can indeed be proud of the humans he created, even I, the great God of Scourge, Nine-Headed Chimera Austin, and Griffin, have all been destroyed by humans once. However, it was only possible once. My master, wake up. You watch first, let me Let’s destroy the demons you hate the most first.”

Long Haochen. At this moment, the Demon God Emperor's voice suddenly sounded, and he also forcibly resisted the power of Austin and Griffin to make a voice.

Long Haochen subconsciously turned around and looked at the Demon God Emperor. Their eyes met. He saw many things in the Demon God Emperor's eyes. The vibrations from his soul transmitted the Demon God Emperor's intentions.

Long Haochen's body trembled slightly, and his emotions also showed slight fluctuations. He suddenly turned around again and raised the sword of eternity and creation towards Haoyue.

Haoyue, I brought you to this world. If you want to destroy the continent, you must step over my body first. As he spoke, the wings behind Long Haochen suddenly flapped, and his body turned into a stream of light. Go straight to Haoyue.

He didn't believe it, he couldn't believe it, that his most trusted and important partner would betray him. He actually wants to become the devil's hand that destroys this plane. Haoyue turned out to be more terrifying than the Demon God Emperor and the demons. After all, there was still a glimmer of hope in Long Haochen's heart. He didn't believe that Haoyue would do anything to him.

There was a trace of contempt in the eyes of Austin and Griffin, My master, aren't you aware of it yet? Do you really think that you can defeat the Demon God Emperor Fengxiu with your power? And you can't even defeat him, and you can't defeat him. How can you compete with me? I respect you as my master, but do you still think that you are really my master?

As they spoke, Austin and Griffin raised their left hands in the direction of Long Haochen. Suddenly, a terrifying aura appeared around Long Haochen's body, imprisoning his body and unable to move at all.

Austin and Griffin said coldly: In fact, I hate this throne of eternity and creation that you own, because there is a trace of creation left on this thing. At the beginning, if it weren't for you to be able to Use its power to protect me from six heads to eight heads. Do you think I will let you gain its approval so easily? Now that it is useless, let me destroy the creation first and leave that guy here. The atmosphere of the plane has improved.

As they spoke, Austin and Griffin suddenly clenched their right hands, and a ball of purple light struck Long Haochen like lightning.

At this time, there was a sudden violent roar on the ground, and the throne of the God of Doom and Killing on Long Xingyu exploded, which also forcibly exploded Haoyue's overall coercive confinement. With a flash of his body, he rushed in front of Long Haochen, hugged Long Haochen fiercely, and used his back to resist the purple light blasted by Haoyue.


The final outcome is about to take place. Who would have thought that the final boss would be Haoyue? But can you guess what Haoyue's final outcome will be?

There will be another chapter at 5pm today. And tonight at 12 o'clock, there will be a historic moment. The new book Peerless Tang Sect will officially begin to be uploaded. At the same time, the Divine Seal will also be updated, but you have the final say on how much it will be updated.

When the new book Peerless Tang Sect hits the list at 12 o'clock tonight, whether it is the member click list or the recommendation list, if any list wins first place, then Lao San will update all subsequent chapters of The Divine Seal Throne on the 19th. I calculated it, and there are probably seven to eight chapters left. Let everyone enjoy the new book.

The third child will meet you at 12 o'clock tonight. Let our two books explode together, using the Divine Seal Throne to promote our peerless Tang Sect, and at the same time, we will also open a new chapter!

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