Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 860 The Seventh of the Seven Ultimate Skills of the God of Death (Part 2)

As powerful as the undead demon, he was actually killed in this war, and he was killed after using the magic of demon transformation and demon disintegration. This is too, too shocking for all the demon gods of the demon clan.

The demons who were still attacking crazily seemed to have taken some medicine that enhanced a certain ability, and the effect of the medicine ended instantly. The four demon kings stopped attacking immediately and flew back first. The target is directed towards the Undead Demonic Pillar.

The Undead Demon God Samikina is dead, and a new Undead Demon God will inevitably be born between the four of them. Such an opportunity may only come once in their lifetime. Who would bother to deal with humans?

Once they retreated, the remaining demons were bathed in the divine rain. How could they still have fighting power? The offensive collapsed instantly, and the remaining less than 5,000 demon warriors quickly retreated, flapping their wings and heading towards the demon army.

The strong men in the Southeast Fortress chased him for several miles and killed nearly a thousand demons before returning to the Southeast Fortress.

Cai'er did not return to the Southeast Fortress. After using the last move of the Seven Death Gods, she fell directly from the sky, fell into the Tower of Eternity and disappeared. The Tower of Eternity just landed out of thin air in front of the southeastern fortress. The hundred-meter-high tower shone with a faint light of purification, purifying the souls of the dead on the battlefield. At the same time, it also transmitted these purifying powers into the tower for Cai'er to heal her injuries. recover.

Retract the troops and set up camp. The remaining demon gods from the distant demon tribe issued orders to all tribes in the army almost simultaneously. Retreat twenty miles and set up camp.

Although they were shocked, they also had their own plans in mind.

This battle was considered a failure, and a huge defeat. The demon clan suffered the greatest losses, with almost their entire army wiped out. Even the commander of their army, the undead demon Samikina, died in the battle. And the responsibility for this defeat naturally belongs to this undead demon.

Obviously, the Southeast Fortress is a tough nut to crack, and they all see that terrifying magic circle! Who dares to lead the army to charge forward again? What's more, the demon army is now exhausted and its morale has dropped to the point of near mutiny. The dozen demon gods could only gather their troops and rest before making plans.

What they can do now is to send the battle report here to the Demon God Emperor as soon as possible and ask the Demon God Emperor to make a decision. At the same time, they also knew very well that this southeast fortress might not be able to be defeated.

On the contrary to the demons, the Southeast Fortress was already a sea of ​​joy at this time. Humans from almost all professions were shouting the names of Long Haochen and Cai'er. The heroes in their hearts saved the Southeast Fortress and killed The undead demon. For a time, these two positive and negative presidents had become almost totems in the hearts of the soldiers in the Southeast Fortress.

Although the losses in the battle in the southeastern fortress were not small, none of the strongest forces suffered too much. The morale of the demons had been exhausted, and it would not be easy to repeat today's battle situation.

Qiu Yonghao's excited cheeks were red and his eyes were filled with tears. This victory truly gave him hope for mankind to break through the darkness.

The eyes of the Eternal Heroes also shone with wonder, and a great victory made them also see the dawn of dawn.

Yulong Pass.

With a muffled groan, Long Haochen woke up from his meditation. The eternal armor on his body turned into thirteen streams of light and merged into his body. With a flash of golden light, Long Yating also transformed from the King's Sword into a human.

Previously, Long Haochen relied on the Sword of Eternity and the Sword of the King transformed by Long Yating to use the Brahma Eye, two divine swords that were close to super-artifacts. Coupled with the fusion of the Eternal Realm and the Light God Realm, This blocked Samikina's final counterattack.

With his face slightly pale, Long Haochen closed his eyes again and immediately entered a meditative state to practice.

Yating came and sat down behind him, pressed her palms on his vest, and poured her pure light element into Long Haochen's body to help him recover.

Traveling through space and continuously using Eye of Brahma and Divine Rain put a huge load on Long Haochen.

Although he did not expect Samikina to be so difficult to deal with, he finally achieved his goal with his backhand and killed the Undead Demon God. The only pity was that he had no colleagues to destroy his Demon God Pillar. However, once Samikina died, the Demon God Pillar was severely damaged again. It would be impossible for the new generation of the Undead Demon God to possess his original power without a hundred years.

Why can Cai'er appear in the southeastern fortress far away from Yulong Pass? This is about thousands of years of savings of the Temple Federation. Among this savings is a space treasure called a positioning teleportation scroll. Only one person can be teleported to a fixed location at a time. There are only three such space teleportation scrolls in total. It was by relying on these scrolls that Cai'er arrived at the southeastern fortress and withstood the most powerful undead demon.

She could have brought more people there with the Tower of Eternity, but Long Haochen took into account the deployment of the southeastern fortress, and the fact that Yulong Pass was under tremendous pressure from the Demon God Emperor, so he finally decided to let Cai'er Go alone.

After Cai'er recovers, she will have to use the second space teleportation scroll to return. Moreover, Cai'er's tasks go beyond that.

And those light magic arrays that played a decisive role in this war and turned the tide and killed the main force of the demon clan were the credit of the eternal heroes.

The Eternal Heroes have been sleeping for thousands of years, and they are not sleeping all the time. After all, they themselves also have an undead lifespan of thousands of years. Among them, some magicians spent a long time studying some elven magic left by the ancient elves. Needless to say, they actually discovered some ways, and the biggest gain was an existence called a magic trap.

The principle of a magic trap is very simple. It is to solidify a magic in a certain location and install a guidance device to trigger it in different ways. It can be triggered immediately when the enemy steps into the trap range, or it can be triggered by remote control.

Relatively speaking, as long as there are sufficient materials, making magic traps is even more convenient than making magic scrolls. But it involves many magical mysteries of the ancient elves, which have long been lost in modern times.

The Eternal Hero brought this magical secret back to the world and also used it on the battlefield. However, there are only three magicians who can lay magic traps. After weighing the situation, Long Haochen decided to let them all place traps in the southeastern fortress. Although the six major professions had been coordinated with each other, the highest-end strength of each fortress still belonged to this fortress temple. The capabilities of the Warrior Temple and the Soul Temple on the battlefield are much worse. In addition, the demon clan under the undead demon Samikina is too powerful. Rather than spreading the three magicians' abilities to lay traps, it would be better to pool their power together to surprise the Undead Demon, thereby completely establishing the battle situation in the southeastern fortress.

Although there were some twists and turns during the period, Long Haochen's combat goal was finally achieved. Under the guarantee of accurate intelligence from Yue Ye, they inflicted unprecedented heavy losses on the demons, which completely destroyed the strength of the demon army. It would be almost impossible for them to break through the southeastern fortress.

In Long Haochen's entire plan to fight against the demons, the battle at the southeastern fortress was the top priority. Only by winning this battle could the foundation for all subsequent strategies be laid. If he wasn't worried that the Demon God Emperor might launch an attack at any time, he even thought about going to the southeastern fortress himself.

As night fell, the southeast fortress was still brightly lit, and the intense celebration even caused fireworks to be released inside the southeast fortress. Under Qiu Yonghao's order, the soldiers even set up a large pot at the top of the city to cook fragrant meat. The soldiers guarding the city were not allowed to drink, but they had enough meat and food.

yes! After experiencing such an unprecedented victory, how could we not reward the three armies?

As for the demons, it was much more miserable.

After long-distance attacks and continuous battles that lasted day and night, the only demon clan that could be considered a viable force was almost completely wiped out. The four demon kings are still fighting for the Undead Demon Pillar. Although the remaining army of more than 300,000 people was large in number, they were extremely exhausted.

More importantly, in order to travel at full speed, and Samikina was absolutely confident that he could attack the southeastern fortress in the shortest possible time, the supplies carried by the army were quite limited.

Seeing that a long-term battle had begun, more than a dozen demon gods had to carefully allocate the limited rations after discussion. While sending people to quickly report to the Demon God Emperor, they also sent people back to the central province to mobilize supplies. And this process will take at least half a month to a month. But the rations they carried were only enough for ten days at most. Also be frugal.

Therefore, even if the demon army was exhausted, after completing the camp, each demon only ate the equivalent of a human bowl of porridge and a steamed bun. Not to mention meat, not even broth.

Having just experienced such a battle, morale was already at an extremely low level, and they still didn't have enough to eat. One can imagine the indignation of all the tribes in the army. However, mutiny will not happen after all. After all, there are more than a dozen demon gods suppressing it here, and the demon army is too exhausted. Therefore, after eating the half-full meal, most of the demons immediately fell asleep in the camp. There are even some demons who don't even have tents and just fall asleep in the wilderness.

Fortunately, this is the southeastern fortress and not the Yulong Pass. Otherwise, the weather alone might cause the demon army to quickly reduce its numbers.

The Demon God Emperor's strategy is actually very correct and effective. The strongest elite force was concentrated in Yulong Pass, but the number was small. With the strength of all eight levels and above, the environment will not have any impact on them at all. Although Long Haochen had attracted the strongest demons from the Demon Clan, including the Demon God Emperor, the Moon Demon God, and the Star Demon God, he also believed that he had also attracted all the ninth-level human beings to Yulong Pass. He was not in a hurry to launch an attack. One of his purposes was to give Long Haochen time to mobilize the ninth-level human beings. The Demon God Emperor definitely has this confidence.


Fifth update! Exhausted fifth update. Asking for a monthly ticket!

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