Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 859 The Seventh of the Seven Ultimate Skills of the God of Death (Part 1)

The next moment, a glistening white figure stepped out of the silver light. In just one step, he surpassed the six people in front of him. Arriving in front of the fallen Demonic Pillar of the Dead.

A huge golden vertical eye suddenly appeared in mid-air, and thousands of golden lights burst out, turning into countless rays of light, fiercely stimulating the huge undead demon pillar.

The violent explosion and roar threw the bodies of Qiu Yonghao, Ye Sanmi and the other six people back, but the golden vertical eye that was 100 meters high blocked Samikina's desperate move with its dazzling golden light burst.

Eye of Brahma!

In today's situation, there are only two people who know the Eye of Brahma. And there is only one person who can take Cai'er as his position and appear here in time.

Chairman of the Temple Federation, leader of the Demon Hunting Group of the Dawn of Light, owner of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, Long Haochen, the Knight of the Divine Seal of Glory and Leader of the Knights Temple.

Long Haochen asked Cai'er to come here alone to challenge Samikina, so he naturally had numerous back-up preparations. Among them, the most important back-up move is the blow in front of him.

There is a soul chain and life sharing between him and Cai'er. When Cai'er is injured, he is naturally the first to feel it. And being able to appear next to Cai'er instantly is the power of the Flash Realm.

Naturally, the pure Blinking Domain could not teleport Long Haochen so far, but with his strong mental power and the positioning of Cai'er by the Blinking Domain when she left, Long Haochen was able to appear instantly. Activate the power of this blow. It can be said that this blow is a mirror image of himself. After all, the distance is too far, and he cannot really teleport his body here through the realm of flash, and can only temporarily break the space.


Terrifying power exploded in the air, and the Undead Demonic Pillar was forcibly bombarded by the Eye of Brahma and flew upside down.

The light from the giant golden eye slowly converged, and instead, Long Haochen, wearing the eternal armor, descended proudly.

At this moment, the momentum of the Southeast Fortress was suddenly raised to the extreme. Through the promotion of magical images, Cai'er and Long Haochen were their absolute idols! The two idols appeared one after another and defeated Samikina, the undead demon. It can be imagined that the morale was boosted.

Moreover, Long Haochen's attack was not over yet. He raised the golden giant sword in his left hand, and a bit of purple-gold light spread on the sword, and slashed towards the swinging undead demon pillar in the distance.

Suddenly, a purple-gold light blade that seemed to be only more than ten meters in diameter flew straight towards the demon pillar in Samikina's hand. The white eternal sword in his other hand pointed towards the southeast fortress city head with nine-colored light shining.

The sky suddenly turned golden.

It's raining. Golden raindrops fell quietly, softly falling on the southeast fortress. When every warrior and mage is sprinkled with this golden rain, a layer of light golden halo will appear on the body. When the same golden rain falls on the demon clan, bursts of smoke will rise, causing the demons to emit A shrill scream.

Forbidden spell of light, holy rain.

The power of the sacred rain emitted by using the Eternal Sword as a magic staff far exceeds that of when Long Haochen used it across ranks. Golden raindrops almost covered the entire southeast fortress.

The already extremely dangerous battle situation was reversed almost instantly after Long Haochen appeared.

Cai'er had already brought her Tower of Eternity to Long Haochen's side, and the undead demon Samikina in the distance seemed to have woken up from his mad state. The reason for waking up was Long Haochen's purple-gold sword.

The purple-gold light blade accurately hit the Undead Demon Pillar. Even when Cai'er used the Seventh and Sixth Path of Death, the Undead Demonic Pillar had left no trace. It was unexpectedly opened up with a path several meters deep. There was a huge crack, the crack was more than ten meters long, and the terrifying purple-gold color burst out from it.

Only when Samikina felt the terrifying aura of destruction did she finally wake up. In shock, he poured all his remaining strength into the Demon God Pillar.


Amidst the loud noise, the part where Samikina's Demon God Pillar was hit was shattered by his own power to activate the Demon God Pillar. At the same time, he violently threw the Necromantic Demon Pillar towards the demon camp, while he himself rushed towards Long Haochen and Cai'er with his teeth and claws bared.

Even if they were on opposing sides, Long Haochen couldn't help but secretly give Samikina a thumbs up.

As soon as he arrived, he found that Samikina's mood was abnormal. It was obvious that the plan he arranged had worked and completely drove him into madness. After being attacked by the power of Haoyue's bloodline, Samikina was able to judge the real situation at this moment when he woke up. He is not unpowerful!

Samikina apparently discovered that Long Haochen was not the real person, but just a mirror image. That's why he immediately shattered his Demonic Pillar and cut off the warrior's wrist. And he threw the main body of the Demon God Pillar back to the Demon Clan camp, just to prevent Long Haochen from having another chance to destroy his Demon God Pillar. Obviously, his Demonic Pillar will not be completely destroyed after just breaking a section.

Long Haochen secretly thought it was a pity, but the silver light on Cai'er's body had reappeared, and Long Haochen's white figure also became illusory. At this time, Cai'er faced Samikina's attack alone.

Cai'er hated this guy so much. Samikina knew that the situation in front of him would not end well after he performed the Demon Disintegration Technique, but he actually wanted to use self-destruction to save his Demon God Pillar.

Raising the Death Scythe above her head, Cai'er's eyes instantly turned white. Not only that, but even her hair and lips turned the same white color as the purifying power.

Buzz-- The Death Scythe buzzed violently, and then, a huge white figure appeared behind Cai'er. Immediately afterwards, Cai'er herself disappeared.

The huge figure held the death scythe and suddenly raised its head and glanced at the sky.

At this glance, the sky turned into a vast white, and everything on the battlefield froze in an instant.

The white figure gradually turned into reality. It was a tall, handsome man who looked to be in his thirties. He has long gray hair hanging down, his eyes are also white, and he has white armor on his body. There is only a diamond-shaped gray gem on the chest.

Even the demon army in the distance was completely frozen at this moment. This is no longer as simple as coercion, but an indescribable aura of terror. And this aura makes even the demon gods' pillars tremble.

The huge figure held the death scythe and let out a cold snort in front of Samikina who was frozen in mid-air. Then, the death scythe brought out a white electric light in the air. It seems that within this space, only he can take action. And this cut was so swift. It was as if the heaven and the earth were broken apart by this slash.

The undead demon Samikina had a white mark from his head to his lower body, and a large amount of gray air began to emerge from it, while Samikina's unwilling eyes were full of fear.

The man in white raised the Death Scythe high in his hand, and all the gray air currents rushed toward the Death Scythe, instantly turning into circles of white light that stagnated in the air.

This process seemed very slow, but when Samikina's body completely collapsed in the air and a dead gray demon crown appeared in the hands of the man in white, the stillness disappeared. Everything was like memory fragments, and at the same time It breaks into the hearts of everyone who sees it.

Suspended in the air is Cai'er. But the corpse of the undead demon Samikina was split into two halves and falling from the sky.

Yes, this is the last of the seven skills of the God of Death that Cai'er realized when she let out that shrill scream and instantly broke through the final barrier, the God of Death!

When Cai'er became the favored one of the God of Death, she possessed the seven unique abilities of the God of Death. However, even if she had to pay a terrible price for using the Seven Souls of Death at that time, only the first six skills could really be used, and there was always a gap between her and the seventh skill. This barrier is due to her own lack of cultivation and her lack of understanding. And at this moment, she was done, she was finally done.

After the Holy Law God of the Dead and the Scourge of the Undead, Elex, took Cai'er as his disciple, the real greatest help to Cai'er was not to improve Cai'er's cultivation, but to help her eliminate all the negative effects and backlash attached to the death scythe. All eliminated. That was what Electrolux did with his demigod power!

The seventh of the Seven Ultimate Skills of Death, the God of Death!

This is no longer borrowing the power of the God of Death, but a blow that allows the God of Death to truly come to the world. And if Electrolux helped Cai'er get rid of the backlash, the price for her to use this attack would be her life.

This is the terrifying ability of the God's Favorite. If Long Haochen has always been the God's Favorite of the Goddess of Light, then when his cultivation reaches a certain level, he can also induce the body of the Goddess of Light to condense and descend into the world.

The God of Death attracted by Cai'er was not a real form, but the aura of the God of Death was instantly summoned from the entire plane to condense into shape and launch the devastating blow.

However, the current Long Haochen obviously does not have such ability, because his own physique is already that of a god, and the goddess of light is no longer enough to become his belief, so naturally he cannot summon her to come, but there is no doubt that Long Haochen His own potential is even more terrifying, both the power of the Eternal Armor and his own burning power can reach this level.

Among the seventy-two demons of the demon clan, Samikina, the undead demon who ranked fourth, died!

When Samikina's body fell from the sky, fell into the dust, turned into dust and dissipated in the air, both the enemy and ourselves could not help but fall into a daze.


The fourth update. I’ll finish the updates first and then ask for monthly tickets. Please keep them for me!

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