Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 854 Fatal Attack (Part 2)

Long Haochen said: There are less than two days left before the three days the Demon God Emperor said. I believe he is also paying attention to the battlefield over there. Even if the news is not as fast as ours, it will not be too far behind. Just let him Be happy for a while. I'm afraid he thinks we haven't learned about the situation over there, and the Southeast Fortress and Ten Thousand Beasts Pass are also at a loss.

Long Tianyin sighed and said: It's a pity that too many resources will be consumed this time. However, as long as we can determine the outcome in one battle and defeat the demons, it will be worth it no matter how much we pay. I am not worried about the Southeast Fortress and the beasts Between these two sides, the most critical thing is the Demon God Emperor. Haochen, are you really sure you can withstand the Demon God Emperor's attack?

Long Haochen smiled slightly, but did not answer Grandpa's question. Do you really have confidence? Of course he had confidence, but how could he know whether he could block it before he had fought it? And according to Ye Xiaolei's analysis of the Demon God Emperor, he had almost no chance. Of course, this is without counting Haoyue. And Haoyue was his biggest trump card. Long Haochen would not reveal this card unless he had to, because the appearance of Haoyue would definitely make the Demon God Emperor go crazy.

Cai'er, pay attention to safety. Long Haochen patted Cai'er's hand beside him. Cai'er smiled slightly and said, Don't worry, I will go back soon. After saying this, she turned around and left quietly. go.

Wang Yuanyuan smiled bitterly and said: If the number of places is not too small, I should go. As the master of the Warrior Temple, I am too unqualified.

Long Haochen chuckled and said: Don't say that. The final decisive battle will only be here. What we have to face is the most terrifying power of the demons, and there are many opportunities for you to show off.

Outside Yulong Pass, there is the demon camp.

Your Majesty, the army led by Samikina has arrived at the Southeast Fortress. He immediately launched an attack on the Southeast Fortress. Moon Demon God Agares reported the latest news to the Demon God Emperor.

The Demon God Emperor lay on his side on his dragon bed and smiled lightly, He is very anxious! However, it doesn't hurt if the loss is bigger.

Agares could naturally understand what the Demon God Emperor meant, Your Majesty, should we also put some pressure on Yulong Pass?

The Demon God Emperor shook his head, with a faint smile on his face, There's no rush. The ones who are anxious now should be humans. I want to play a game with Long Haochen. Only conquering slowly will be more fun. Don't kill him His confidence and belief are broken, and he will not surrender to me. Humanity has accumulated for six thousand years, and it is time to hand over some things. You pass my order to Samikina and Marbas. I don’t care about them. How to do it, but we must rush into the Temple Federation in the shortest possible time and launch an offensive against the Holy City.


Agares agreed respectfully and quickly turned around and left the tent.

Except for the Demon God Emperor's tent, Agares frowned slightly, thinking to himself that this time, humans might really have no chance. Everything your Majesty uses is a conspiracy.

after one day. Southeast Fortress.

The entire southeastern fortress wall was almost stained with blood of various colors. There were a lot of signs of damage on the wall. Fortunately, the fortress wall was solid enough and protected by a magic circle. The surface is riddled with holes, but the inside is solid.

The battle has been going on day and night. Samikina acted like crazy and mobilized the demon army to launch wave after wave of offensives, without giving the Southeast Fortress a chance to breathe.

Five hundred thousand troops took turns fighting. After the first wave of offensive ended, the second wave rushed forward immediately. Throughout the day and night, apart from being caught off guard at the beginning and causing heavy losses to the Magic Eye Warlock and the Mad Demon Tribe, the Demon Tribe still had an overwhelming advantage overall. Although they were constantly repelled by the southeastern fortress, the losses on the southeastern fortress were not small, and the resistance seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. If the knight corps in the city had not come out to attack several times, the casualties would have been even greater.

However, the losses of the demons were even greater. There was no cannon fodder in this siege, they were all elites. According to statistics, 60,000 of the 500,000 demons had been killed in the offensive and defensive battles. It can be seen how fierce the offensive is. Although the human casualties are not as huge as those of the demons, they are still half the number.

Among them, in the southeastern fortress, the shield warriors with the strongest defense suffered the most casualties. And in most cases, they died to protect magicians, summoners and priests.

Shield warriors use their lives and shields to protect the legal professions. Therefore, until now, some of the 8,000 legal professions have been injured, but very few have died, less than 300. Such a ratio on such a tragic battlefield has to be said to be a miracle!

The magicians, summoners and priests are now red-eyed and fighting desperately. Day and night, as legal professionals, they never went to the city to rest. It was either Qiu Yonghao who refused to let him or they refused to leave. Seeing their comrades dying in battle to protect themselves, the magicians all turned red-eyed. At least half of the more than 300 magic professions who died burned their lives in order to cast magic beyond the level.

The strong men in the six major temples in the entire southeastern fortress have all become red-eyed, and they have been repelling the ferocious attacks of the demons. They are now even crazier than the crazy demons.

At this point in the battle, willpower and fighting spirit are often more important than strength. Under the head of the southeast fortress, there were already piles of people.

Damn it, Samikina is simply a lunatic. Qiu Yonghao stood tiredly at the top of the city and cursed angrily.

One day and one night passed, and it was already noon the next day, but the demon's offensive showed no signs of weakening. Moreover, Qiu Yonghao could clearly see that the demon army was already very tired, and those powerful demons could not even exert 80% of their strength. But even so, Samikina still refused to give up and continued to direct them to attack the city.

You know, this army of 500,000 demons has not rested since it came on a forced march! Always fighting on the battlefield. No human commander would command his army like this, but Samikina did just that. Moreover, he has already killed four tribal commanders who raised objections.

Among the dozen demon gods of the demon clan, except for Jiabo who fell first, the other demon gods also took turns in the battle. Although they were all blocked, they also greatly restricted the power of the southeast fortress.

How long can our arrangement last? Qiu Yonghao asked the eternal hero wrapped in a cloak beside him. The sticky light element is being injected into Qiu Yonghao's body from the hands of this eternal hero, who is obviously a magician. These eternal heroes were all recruited from the Assassin Temple.

There will be no problem within two days. My arrangement can last for up to five days. Excluding the time for advance arrangement, there are at least two more days.

Okay. Qiu Yonghao gritted his teeth, I don't believe that Samikina can attack for two more days and still not get the trap. Even if I risk my life, I will definitely fight until that time.

The number of soldiers and resources gathered in the southeastern fortress is quite large. As long as the strong ones are not suppressed too much by the opponent, the battlefield, which seems to have weakened resistance, will still not collapse.

Samikina was also a little anxious at this time. Days and nights have passed, and human resistance is still tenacious. What surprised him most was not that the six temples in the Southeast Fortress were all strong, but that the Southeast Fortress had five or six more domain-level warriors. Especially the one holding an artifact-level bow and arrow. It was precisely because of his threat that the demon god who rushed forward did not dare to use all his strength and was always careful of his attacks.

On the demon side, the military morale has begun to waver. Except for the demon clan's 100,000-strong army, other races have already taken turns in the battle, and all suffered varying degrees of damage. More importantly, after continuous rapid marches and fighting day and night, the demon army was very tired. The voices of dissatisfaction below are getting stronger and stronger, and even the eyes of the demon gods looking at Samikina are becoming more and more unkind. Even a fool can see what Samikina's intentions are. His demon army has had a good rest for a day and a night, and their energy and spirit have been improved to their best condition. But Samikina refused to let them set foot on the battlefield, lest his direct lineage be harmed.

If Samikina and the four demon kings around him hadn't been too powerful, I'm afraid these demons would have raised different voices long ago.

There is a limit to patience. Apart from Samikina, the highest ranking demon here is the Eleventh Pillar. If this continues, Samikina may not be able to control the situation. After all, he has already made some mistakes. Outrage.

Let's go talk to the Demon God of the Dead. A demon god finally couldn't bear it anymore and stood up suddenly. Twelve of the sixteen demon gods responded to his call and walked towards Samikina together. go.

And at this time, Samikina slowly stood up from his position and said in a deep voice: Send the order, the army in front is to withdraw. All the demon army, attack. I personally go into battle to kill the enemy. As he spoke, a pair of huge The demon wings slowly unfolded behind him, and he turned his head and glanced coldly at the dozen demon gods walking over there. Suddenly, those demon gods stopped moving forward.

The demon army in front receded like a tide, while the 100,000 demon army slowly marched forward.

The big demons above the sixth level all flapped their wings and flew into the air, while those below the sixth level were all infantry or cavalry, arranged in neat formations and slowly advancing towards the southeastern fortress.

The undead demon Samikina finally used his most powerful direct army, the demon clan.

The continuous fighting has put the Southeast Fortress under tremendous pressure. Although the demons have suffered huge losses, the same is true for the Southeast Fortress. The strong ones are exhausted, the warriors have dropped sharply, and the magicians have consumed too much magic power. This is when they are at their weakest. .

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