Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 853 Fatal Attack (Part 1)

With the spear in the red figure's hand pointing to the sky, the red and green flames suddenly turned into a huge pillar of fire, rushing directly into the camp of the two-headed demon vultures not far away. Hundreds of two-headed demon vultures were in the terrifying A shrill scream came from under the flames. Even if several demon gods wanted to rescue him, it would be too late.

That was a warrior, a warrior whose whole body was covered in fiery red armor. The spear in his hand was also fiery red, and the blazing flames were rising. However, his body looked a bit illusory due to the high temperature around him, and he could not see it at all. Clear appearance.

What a powerful warrior? The four demon gods in the air were all taken aback. Although they were not afraid of such an opponent, the warrior's cultivation still surprised them.

It seemed like it was just a crystal attack, but it clearly used domain skills! Otherwise, how could the long-prepared forbidden curse of the Demon God be resolved so easily?

The Fearful Bull Demon God Hagati roared loudly, and his huge body suddenly skyrocketed to a hundred meters. His weapon was a huge long stick, which also grew in size as his body skyrocketed. Completely protecting the cursed demon Stokes behind him.

The giant stick swept across and bombarded the fiery red warrior.

The warrior snorted coldly, pointed forward with the spear in his hand, and when his body suddenly exploded, the spear brought a circle of fire wheels directly into the air. The fire dragon flew high into the sky while spinning rapidly, and he himself flashed. , fell back to the city, and avoided the stick of the fearful bull demon Hagati.

The fire wheel exploded in the high air and turned into fire blades that flew in all directions. It immediately hit the two-headed demon vulture heavily again, and hundreds more two-headed demon vultures were destroyed by this blow.

The Fearful Bull Demon God was furious. With his strong defense, he didn't care about the magic coming from the city. Behind him, the shadow of a giant bull slowly appeared. The giant bull is brown all over, with only one pair of white eyes. The aura of terror rose instantly, and the thick muscles on Hagati's body began to bulge, mixed with thick blood vessels, making his already huge body even more terrifying. The giant stick in his hand also turned into a pillar of light, with a bright brown light.

Demonic transformation.

As one of the most powerful demon gods among the demons, he showed his most tyrannical power in the sky above the Southeast Fortress. At the same time, he suddenly fell towards the Southeast Fortress. His hand was more than 150 meters long and his chest diameter was ten meters. The giant stick meters away went straight towards the city wall and hit it. If he were to hit him this time, not to mention how many people would die, he would probably open a huge gap in the entire southeastern fortress wall.

At this moment, a yellow figure suddenly appeared in mid-air. This yellow figure looks very strange. He is naked from the waist up, his skin is iron-grey, but his whole body is emitting a strong yellow light. The majestic muscles show strength and beauty, and the weapon in his hand is also a long stick.

The bare head reflects the yellow light emitting from the body, and a pair of eyes are burning with yellow flames.

Faced with such a terrifying stick from the fearful bull demon Hagati, he actually used the long stick in his hand to meet it as if he didn't care. You know, the size and momentum of both sides are completely disproportionate!


There seemed to be a thunderbolt in the sky above the southeastern fortress. The deafening sound shook the bodies of the soldiers fighting on both sides, and the battlefield even came to a momentary stagnation.

A shocking scene appeared. The body of the Dread Bull Demon God Hagati was knocked backwards and flew a thousand meters away. Although the bald warrior was also knocked away, he quickly stabilized in the air. Lived the body.

have equal shares?

Oh my God! A human warrior is as powerful as the feared bull demon Hagati? This is simply incredible. Don't forget, Hagati has already transformed into a demon, and his power has reached its strongest state. Even though he is not particularly good at fighting, his physical strength ranks among the top ten among demons.

Hehe. It's fun. The bald warrior laughed, and with a flash of his body, he took the initiative to ask for a fight, and went straight to the fearful bull demon Hagati.

The fiery red figure from before also reappeared on the battlefield, heading straight for Stokes, the cursed demon god.

There is no doubt that these two warriors are God of War level warriors, and they are not inferior to the Cursed Demon God and the Dreaded Bull Demon God in one-on-one situations, and they even seem to slightly restrain each other in terms of attributes. This He had to let the undead demon Samikina, who was directing the battle from afar, pay attention.

There is such a strong person in the southeastern fortress? Samikina was a little stunned. Just like the Temple Federation understood the demons, the demons also had a deep understanding of the strong men of the Temple Federation. Samikina knew very well how many ninth-level warriors there were in the Warrior Temple. , but in his impression, fire warriors and earth warriors do not seem to be such powerful beings!

It can be seen from his cultivation level that the reason why the bald warrior can compete with the Dread Bull Demon God Hagati in terms of strength is because he is a strong man in the field, and the increase in the field should be strength, so he can compete with The demonic Hagati is evenly matched. Hagati is ranked 48th and does not have his own domain yet. With a ninth-level and second-level cultivation plus demon transformation, he does not have much advantage compared to his opponent. If he is in the demon transformation state, If you can't defeat the opponent, once the demonic transformation disappears, you may be at a disadvantage.

The fire warrior's combat effectiveness is even stronger. Not only does he have a domain, but he also has domain skills. Fire is not as good at restraining curses as light, but fire at the domain skill level is different. It is not easy for Stokes, the Cursed Demon God, to defeat his opponent even though he is afraid of his opponent's approach.

Fortunately, there have been no problems with the monster demon Bifulons and the dark phoenix Phoenix, and a large swath of dark flames has descended on the fortress.

The role of the priest was revealed at this moment. A layer of golden light was propped up above the city, resisting the erosion of the dark flames. Ye Sanmi on the top of the city raised his magic bow again and stared at Phoenix who was casting magic.

The previous scene of instantly killing Jiabo brought great psychological pressure to Phoenix, so much so that his magic was interrupted once, and he quickly dodged behind the monster demon Lord Bifrons, and then his mentality stabilized. Biffrons didn't dare to attack the city just like that. His first priority was to protect Phoenix.

Among the demon gods, ranking determines status. Although Phoenix, ranked 37th, has never had his own domain, his status is much higher than that of Biffrons, ranked 46th.

It can be said that Ye Sanmi single-handedly killed one demon god and effectively restrained two demon gods, which reduced the combat effectiveness of the Phoenix Demon God Phoenix a lot and made the monster demon Biffrons dare not attack the city easily.

Until this moment, most of the Eternal Heroes in the southeastern fortress have not taken action yet, hiding their power.

Palace Master Qiu, do you want to use our arrangement? An old man asked in a low voice next to Qiu Yonghao, who had just killed a large number of enemies with his sword domain.

This old man is also an eternal hero. There are two people beside him. Although their bodies are covered by big cloaks, the elemental fluctuations around their bodies are extremely sticky.

No, we can't launch it now. The demon clan hasn't launched yet. Qiu Yonghao said in a deep voice.

At this time, his mentality has completely calmed down. After seeing the powerful strength of the Eternal Heroes, Qiu Yonghao's confidence has been greatly enhanced. With these eternal heroes sitting around, how many chances does the Undead Demon Samikina have?

As he spoke, Qiu Yonghao stood up and fully devoted himself to the battle.

As the former master of the Warrior Temple, he has understood the secrets of the sword and the domain of the sword, and is extremely lethal on the battlefield. In order to avoid more casualties, Qiu Yonghao led a warrior with a cultivation level of over six levels into the air and stood with the bird demon and the two-headed demon eagle.

The battlefield situation fell into a stalemate. As the priests resisted magic, human casualties gradually increased.

Samikina looked at the situation on the battlefield coldly. For some reason, he always felt that he had missed something. From the beginning of the war to the present, he has invested 150,000 troops. Although they are not the strongest race under his control, they are still close to one-third of the power.

Judging from the current situation, it is quite favorable for them. The southeast fortress battlefield is in a stalemate. He believes that as long as there is more investment, the war situation will inevitably develop one-sided.

But he is not in a hurry now. He doesn't have much pity for the elite army under his command. All he cares about is his own people. What does the life and death of other races have to do with him? The more they die, the more their people will gain from plundering human resources.

Most of those who are not sent to the battlefield now, except for the 100,000 demon army, are races with demon gods as their totems. Although Samikina has a high and powerful position, he must give some face to other demon gods, otherwise everyone will not look good when the Demon God Emperor comes to him.

It's already started over at the southeastern fortress. Long Tianyin said to Long Haochen.

The grandfather and grandson were in a small conference room. In addition to them, everyone from the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group was also there.

Long Haochen nodded and said: The information sent by Yue Ye is very accurate. For us, this is a sure battle. Samikina has already fallen into the trap. What about the other side?

Long Tianyin said: Enemy traces have also been discovered on the other side. It is estimated that within one to two days, the army led by the Hell Demon God Marbus and the Bear Demon God Walliver will arrive at the Pass of Ten Thousand Beasts. The Hell Demon Clan and the Bear Demon Clan The cooperation is even more troublesome. But although that old guy Chen Hongyu is usually very stingy, he does hide a lot of good things. It may not be easy for Malbus and Walliver to take advantage of him.


On the night of the 30th, BJ, cool down, everyone pay attention to your health.

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