Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 85 Shocking Sword (3)

Standing there, he was still gathering momentum quietly like Yuan Ting Yue Zhi, his eyes were firm and steady, and his energy was locked on his opponent.

Since the start of the preliminary round, this has been the most peaceful match in the Knights' Proving Grounds so far. Neither side took action and just faced off quietly. However, the tense atmosphere in the field did not diminish due to the confrontation, and the referee did not interfere. The momentum cannot last forever. The moment when the spiritual power is exhausted and all is used to compress, it is the time when Long Haochen must launch an attack.

However, as time went by, Oniwu's expression gradually became unstable.

Long Haochen was still accumulating power, and a full two minutes had passed. As we all know, the longer the accumulating time, the greater the power and the more spiritual energy consumed.

In view of Long Haochen's use of this skill yesterday, Guiying specially explained to his son the characteristics of accumulating momentum. Below the fifth level, it takes up to 500 points of spiritual power to be compressed every minute to accumulate momentum. It has been two minutes. In other words, Long Haochen has already compressed at least a thousand points of spiritual power.

Is he crazy? Could he be preparing to just deliver a blow, but the distance was so far away, how could he possibly do it?

Although Oniwu was filled with confusion, his inner uneasiness also became more intense. However, at this time, he was also riding a tiger with difficulty. He had already lost the chance to break Long Haochen's momentum. The accumulation of a thousand points of spiritual power! What a powerful attack it could unleash. Now he could only choose to wait, never daring to approach Long Haochen rashly.

Time passed slowly like a nightmare, three minutes, already three minutes. Not only Oniwu, but also all the contestants in the rest area held their breath.

One thousand five hundred spiritual powers? This is already at the level of a seventh-level knight. This young man who seems to be not even eighteen years old actually has such strength. More importantly, Long Haochen's momentum continues.

When four minutes passed, there was an uproar in the rest area. Oniwu couldn't help but cast his eyes on the referee and said loudly: This is impossible, he cannot have a fifth-level cultivation level.

Two thousand spiritual power means the knight of the earth, and it also means the spiritual power is liquefied. However, the spiritual power released by Long Haochen clearly showed no signs of liquefaction, but his accumulation of power had lasted for four minutes! This is beyond the scope of Onimu's understanding. How could he know that with the same skill, Long Haochen's consumption would be much lower than that of an ordinary knight due to the physique of the Son of Light.

At the moment when Onimu looked at the referee and shouted that it was impossible, Long Haochen suddenly moved.

He stepped hard on the ground with his right foot and kicked with all his strength. His whole body turned completely golden and he rushed towards Oniwu like a golden arrow. The three-second countdown to build momentum also begins at this moment.

Oniwu's reaction was immediately slowed down because he questioned it. No matter how hard he tried to block this blow, he would win if he blocked it. His spiritual power had been exhausted to the limit.

A flash of scarlet light lit up from the shield in his hand, and the red light sank directly into the body of the red-armored earth dragon. In an instant, the red-armored earth dragon looked up to the sky and let out a wild roar, its eyes suddenly blooming a manic blood red. The whole body's aura suddenly became overbearing.

The shield in Oniwu's hand is a piece of spirit-demon-level equipment with skills and bloodthirsty. Under the influence of bloodthirsty, the red-armored earth dragon's attack, defense and speed will instantly increase by 10% for one minute.

At the same time, a dazzling cold light erupted from the spear in his hand. It was also a spiritual weapon with the piercing skill.

Without staying in place, Oniwu controlled the red-armored dragon to run sideways as fast as possible. He wanted to increase the distance between him and Long Haochen as much as possible to waste time. As long as his momentum-charging skills are in vain, the victory of this game will definitely belong to him.

In one second, just one second, Long Haochen's body almost touched the ground and rushed out 30 meters away. At this time, he was less than 100 meters away from Gui Wu. He pushed his right foot hard on the ground again, using the momentum from just that moment to slightly change direction and rush towards Oniwu at an even faster speed.

Thirty-five meters. This time, in the second second, he actually rushed out of thirty-five meters. The distance between him and Oniwu has been shortened to sixty meters.

There are still sixty meters left, and Onimu's face already shows a smile of victory. For knights below level five, the maximum attack distance is only fifteen meters. At the last second, no matter what, it was impossible for Long Haochen to attack him across forty-five meters, not to mention that he was still running horizontally to create some distance.

Bang, Long Haochen landed with his left foot this time, and stepped into a shallow pit on the ground. His speed increased again, and the distance of forty meters passed by in an instant.

Three steps, three seconds, and a crossing of more than 100 meters. For a fourth-level knight, this is already the absolute limit of sprinting.

However, at this time, he was still thirty meters away from Oniwu who was running wildly sideways.

Three seconds have passed, and the accumulated spiritual power should have collapsed.

The word stupidity appeared in the minds of almost all the spectators. Even some of the big figures in the Knights Temple on the rostrum in the distance thought so.

In their eyes, Long Haochen was already doomed. Isn't it stupid to choose such an attack method?

In the first row of the rest area, the young man in black who had looked at Long Haochen before had a trace of doubt in his eyes, and a slight frown on his resolute face. He murmured: What is he doing?


At this moment, Long Haochen answered everyone's questions with action, and he took the fourth step. The speed hasn't slowed down even one bit.

But, is this useful? The same thought appeared in the minds of every spectator. The accumulated spiritual power has been dissipated, so what if I rush over? It can only become a sandbag for the opponent.

This time, Oniwu stopped running, and the red-armored earth dragon stopped its running pace and suddenly turned its head. The strong body collided with Long Haochen. Two golden halos bloomed from Oniwu in succession, both of which were the amplifying skills of the guardian knight. The spear in his hand also stabbed towards Long Haochen like a golden lightning bolt. The buckler runs across the chest. At this time, his face already showed a victorious smile and deep disdain for Long Haochen.

At the same moment, Long Haochen, who was charging forward, finally made another move. His lightsaber, shining with intense golden light, slashed forward boldly.

The unparalleled dazzling golden light reflected the edge of the field into a rich golden color. A golden blade of light that looked like substance came out of the sword. In Onimu's eyes full of disbelief, he collided with his spear.

Light Sword, the knight's first long-range attack skill. But at this time, the light slashing sword used by Long Haochen had clearly gone far beyond the scope of the light slashing sword.

The substantial golden light blade even exuded a metallic texture, and its sharpness cracked the ground wherever it passed.


Spears were broken, shields were shattered, armor was broken, people flew away...

Oniwu's body seemed to have collided with a giant dragon rushing towards him, and his red-armored earth dragon flew out upside down. It hit the protective light shield raised around the trial field hard, and then bounced back to the ground.

Blood spurted out from the mouths of Oni Wu and the red-armored dragon at the same time.

Including the referee, only a few people watching the battle saw clearly that at the moment when the light sword and the Onimu spear collided, there was a slight deflection, and the side of the light blade was flattened. Oniwu's spear. Instead of cutting with the sharp edge.

Poof, Long Haochen's feet landed firmly on the ground, and the substantial golden light on his body slowly dissipated. On the surface, he was no different from before the game started.

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