Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 84 Shocking Sword (2)

Li Xin's opponent No. 46 also changed his expression when he saw the shining red rose unicorn. His Warcraft partner is a giant bear, the Frost Bear. It can become a level six Warcraft when it reaches adulthood. But now this Ice Bear is obviously still far away from adulthood. It is only about 1.5 meters tall and looks very compact. ,cute. At most, it looks like an intermediate level four.

Charge - Li Xin shouted softly, raised her swords in her hands, stepped down from the rose unicorn and charged towards No. 46 like a bolt of red lightning.

No. 46 gave a low shout and quickly took a step forward. The shield in his left hand was already shining with white light, and the Holy Light Qinshield was released. His Frost Bear was very obediently hidden behind him, a blue light shone, and a small ice wall spell was erected in front of No. 46.

Li Xin was running towards her with her swords raised high, light golden light emitting from the air. From that look, she had the momentum to complete her victory in one battle.

No. 46's face suddenly became tense, and golden rays of light continued to pour out of his body, using various skills of the Guardian Knight to increase his power. He knew very well that facing the Rose Unicorn, he had no chance at all in terms of speed. If he could not block Li Xin's first attack, then he would completely lose the chance.

Three thick ice edges emerged from the ground, trying to block the Rose Unicorn's charge. However, at this time, the gap between Warcraft became apparent.

Rose stepped on the red cloud and faced the ice thorns protruding from the ground. Her hooves flew around without stopping for a moment. Those ice thorns had just emerged from the ground and were melted by the hot fire element emanating from it. It didn't have half the effect.

Just when No. 46 was concentrating all his efforts to resist Li Xin's unstoppable blow, Rose suddenly swerved and passed by him.

This... No. 46 was startled. He had no idea what Li Xin was going to do, but his frost bear was very obedient and hid on the other side in a flash. Don't give Li Xin a chance to attack it.

Rose ran away far away, but the red light on her body continued to increase, exaggerating the spiritual power emitted by Li Xin and gradually turned into a golden red.

A faint smile appeared on Long Haochen's face in the rest area. He closed his eyes again and thought to himself, sister, you have become cunning too! He no longer needed to watch this game and started meditating again.

joint law.

In this process of rushing around, Li Xin completed the connection between herself and the rose. It was in this state that she gave the green double-sword demon a fatal blow. There is no doubt that she is the strongest in this state. Especially after the evolution of Rose, the power of the combined spell has been greatly enhanced.

There was also a rare smile on Ye Hua's face. When did this girl Xin'er become so cunning? Not only did she buy herself time to complete the combination, she also suppressed her opponent and spent all her spiritual power on defense. By this time, the game had no suspense.

When the Rose Unicorn rushed back again, No. 46 found with tears in his eyes that all the defensive skills he used in the first round had ended. All the previous spiritual energy was consumed in vain.

Dozens of ice picks shot out, and the Frost Bear waved his bear paw angrily at Li Xin, who was teasing it and its companions.

Unfortunately, these ice picks had no effect at all, and they vaporized and disappeared as soon as they entered the range of the golden-red light emitted by Li Xin and the Rose Unicorn.

Stab, cross slash, lightning stab, light slash sword...

The tyrannical attack power of the Punishment Knight exploded instantly, and with a set of consecutive skills, No. 46 was defeated step by step. In the joint state, Li Xin's cultivation level has exceeded the fifth level, and he has dual attributes of light and fire, so his attack power is so powerful. Although No. 46's own cultivation level is higher than Li Xin's, there is nothing he can do.

The Punishment Knight already had an advantage in the game, and Li Xin under the combined spell gave people a feeling of invincibility. Break the opponent's defense continuously. When the two swords in her hands were pointed in front of the Frost Bear and No. 46, Rose's momentum came to an abrupt halt.

Looking at the rose unicorn so close in front of him with some envy, No. 46 said helplessly: I lost, but I lost to your mount.

Li Xin nodded to him, took back her swords, made a knight's salute, and turned around.

This is a classic mount suppression battle. The Rose Unicorn is far superior to the Frost Bear in terms of speed, attack and defense. Li Xin completely used Rose's advantage to defeat her opponent.

Number ninety-seven, number ninety-nine, let's go to battle. Li Xin heard these two numbers as soon as she walked out of the trial venue. Her heart was shaken, and she looked at Long Haochen in the rest area in surprise.

There was an unsightly smile at the corner of Ye Hua's mouth, and his cold eyes instantly looked at the ghost figure on the side. Gui Wu reported for duty right next to Long Haochen and Li Xin. There is no doubt that this number 99 is him!

Ghost Shadow looked at Ye Hua, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, No matter what, you can't lose, remember to use what I gave you.

I will definitely win. Gui Wu looked at Long Haochen who opened his eyes and slowly stood up not far away with a ferocious expression, but did not even look at him.

Long Haochen looked at Ye Hua, who nodded to him. He didn't promise anything to the teacher, but he let Ye Hua see his eyes full of fighting spirit.

Summoning his radiant shield and lightsaber from the forget-me-not ring, Long Haochen strode into the trial field and stood to one side.

Oniwu's speed was even a few points faster than him, and he entered the training ground first. He pursed his lips and stared at Long Haochen.

The game begins. Following the referee's order, Long Haochen was still the same as in the previous game, with a circle of light mist shining around his body, gathering momentum.

Oniwu sneered and quickly summoned his red-armored earth dragon. In his left hand is a golden round shield with dark red lines, and in his right hand is the spear used against Sima Xian that day.

If you want to break the charge skill, the best way is to launch an attack immediately so that the opponent cannot complete the charge. But Oniwu made another choice, riding his red-armored earth dragon towards the edge of the field where he was farthest from Long Haochen.

Accumulating momentum is actually a process of compressing spiritual power. The compressed spiritual power can burst out with powerful attack power. Of course, the consumption of one's own spiritual power is several times that of using the same skill. The reason why this skill is said to be a bit useless is because the compressed spiritual power is very unstable. Once the charge is finished, the spiritual power must be released within three seconds. Otherwise, the previously compressed spiritual power will collapse and not only will it be ineffective. , it will also consume all the spiritual energy previously accumulated.

The entire training ground was two hundred meters wide. Guiwu retreated to the edge, and the straight-line distance from Long Haochen had been extended to about one hundred and thirty meters. In three seconds, he can cross 130 meters? I asked you to build up your strength and it was just a waste of spiritual power.

There was a sneer at the corner of Onimu's mouth. The round shield in his left hand was pressed on the back of the red-armored earth dragon. The spear in his right hand was slowly raised, and a sharp golden light flickered at the tip. The armor on his body also exuded a pale golden brilliance. Just stood there and waited quietly.

Faced with this situation, Long Haochen seemed to have the best option to immediately end his preparations and launch an attack. However, he just didn't.

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