Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 832 Prelude to the Holy War (Part 2)

The Demon God Emperor's eyes are still cold. He will not feel distressed if the Demon God dies and can be re-cultivated. However, the Demon God Pillar is the real foundation of the Demon Clan, just like the frame that supports the Demon Clan's building. Three demon pillars have been destroyed. It may not seem like a lot, but what if it continues? What about ten or twenty years? How many demon pillars will be destroyed?

Vashak. The Demon God Emperor cast his gaze on the Star Demon God next to the Moon Demon God.

Vasak nodded and said: After receiving the news, I immediately used the prophecy technique, just to see whether Austin and Griffin would appear. It should be accurate. The one who destroyed the Demonic Pillar should be Long Haochen. But. I don’t know why, but I felt the breath of life appearing on him, and he was not an undead body like the life prophecy.

After hearing what Vasak said, the Demon God Emperor relaxed, nodded, and said: This is the right thing to do. Long Haochen rescued Ye Xiaolei, who was the clone left by the goddess of nature. , can be said to be the most vital being on the continent. With her here, maybe Long Haochen's heart can really recover. At least she will also give Long Haochen a strong breath of life.

Vasak suddenly said: So that's the case, then it's no wonder.

After the last life prophecy, the Demon God Emperor's confidence in the Star Demon God's prophecy has greatly increased. Now with his accurate judgment, the Demon God Emperor's face also looks slightly better.

As long as the original Austin and Griffin were really dead, he wouldn't even notice that they were just Long Haochen. However, Long Haochen must die. He has some of the blood of Austin and Griffin. Once he grows to an uncontrollable level, it will be a fatal blow to the demons.

Your Majesty, do we still proceed as planned? Samikina, the Undead Demon God, asked respectfully.

The Demon God Emperor frowned, Are you ready?

Samikina nodded and said: In three days at most, the army can be reorganized. Although the number cannot be compared with the last holy war, the millions of troops integrated this time are elites from all ethnic groups. With His Majesty's leadership, It will definitely be overwhelming.”

The Demon God Emperor nodded and said: Okay, everything is going as planned for the time being. Agares, I will get accurate news from the north within three days.

Yes. Moon Demon God Agares replied respectfully.

Let's all disperse. You all get ready. The Demon God Emperor stood up, waved his sleeves, turned and walked towards the back of the Demon Emperor's Palace. Abao, who was standing beside him, hurriedly followed, but he heard Long Haochen's voice again. After naming, Abao couldn't help clenching his fists again.

As soon as the Demon God Emperor left, all the Demon Gods present immediately relaxed, and their faces were no longer as tense as before. The familiar demons greeted each other and left the Demon Palace.

Naturally, Star Demon God Vasak and Moon Demon God Agares walked together. The two demon gods slowly walked out of the Demon Palace, their faces looking a little solemn.

Third brother, what do you think? Agares asked Vasak beside him as he walked. Although this was in the Demon City, the conversation between the two was still through sound transmission. With their cultivation, even the Demon God Emperor could not overhear their conversation.

Vasak frowned and shook his head gently.

Agares was so familiar with him that he couldn't help but be surprised when he saw his expression. Aren't you optimistic about our army's actions this time? There is still a fundamental gap between the overall strength of human beings and us. Your Majesty, this time He is even more determined. Isn’t it possible to defeat humanity?”

Vasak sighed and said: Second brother, do you still remember what I said to Long Haochen after the big prophecy operation with Austin and Griffin? The existence of Long Haochen has completely threatened the survival of our clan. Dominate. And that time was the only chance.

He deliberately emphasized the word only, which made Moon Demon God Agares take a breath.

You mean, Long Haochen has become a climate now?

Star Demon God Vasak nodded and said: According to the news from the north, Long Haochen has probably obtained the recognition of the first of the six divine seal thrones of the Knights Temple, the divine seal throne of eternity and creation. And this divine seal The throne has never had an owner in more than six thousand years. Since its arrival, it has only played a symbolic role among humans. This is enough to prove a lot of problems. Moreover, the one who owns it is Long Haochen. Not only that , I suspect that Austin and Griffin are not dead. If Long Haochen can survive in this form, why not Austin and Griffin? Since Austin and Griffin can be reincarnated, their vitality must be extremely powerful. And , according to my research on the blood contract, if the blood contract ends, even if the main party is alive, the power of the blood contract will gradually weaken. And Long Haochen can rely on the power of the blood of Austin and Griffin to destroy the tree demon Bu Song. Demon God Pillar, will the power of his bloodline be weak? Moreover, during this prophecy, I also felt that there was strong support around Long Haochen.

After hearing what Vasak said, Agares was completely shocked, Third brother, why didn't you say it in front of His Majesty just now?

Vasak smiled lightly, Why should I say it? Even if I say it, can His Majesty believe it? In front of so many demon gods, maybe he will blame me for shaking the morale of the army. I have already died once, and I don't want to die again. .”

When he said this, his eyes flashed coldly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Moon Demon God Agares also fell silent and patted Vasak's shoulder gently, Third brother, go back and have a good rest. Maybe we will set off soon. After saying that, he strode away.

Looking at the back of Moon Demon God Agares, Star Demon God Vasak sighed, Second brother, second brother, do you really think I don't know anything? If you hadn't done it for me...

Shaking his head vigorously, Vasak sighed again and turned around. In the process of leaving, there was always a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Moon Demon God Agares returned directly to his Moon Demon Palace and returned to the palace at the back. Agares sat on his favorite throne and closed his eyes, seeming to be thinking silently.

After a full quarter of an hour, as if he had decided something, he stood up suddenly, went to the bookcase, and pulled out an inconspicuous book from the middle layer of the bookcase.

Suddenly, the bookcase made a slight clicking sound and slowly moved to the left. The sound was very small. In just ten seconds, a portal appeared behind the bookcase. When he walked into the door, the bookcase closed on its own, and the book that had been pulled out returned to its original position.

A faint purple light shone from Agares, illuminating the dark corridor around him. After walking more than ten meters inward, he descended another level of stairs, and then there was light.

Who? A deliberately lowered voice sounded.

It's me. Agares said calmly.

A figure shrouded in black appeared silently in front of him.

How's the situation?

Agares and the man in black walked into a dark room nearby. The layout of the room is very simple, with a bed, a table, and two chairs. There is some food on the table.

Agares did not sit down, but walked to the room and stood still. The situation is very delicate. It's hard to say yet. However, according to Vasak, the Demon God Emperor's action may not be successful this time. Vasak emphasized that the above This plan against Long Haochen and his Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group is the only chance. Long Haochen is still alive, which means that the opportunity has been lost. In other words, the demons are very likely to really leave Downhill.”

Are Vasak's words credible? The man in black asked solemnly.

Agares nodded and said: It should be credible. That's what he said at the beginning. Moreover, Vasak has always had a good relationship with me. I even suspect that he already knows something. I want to find someone It’s a good chance to have a good talk with him.”

Then what should we do? The man in black asked again.

Agares thought for a while and said: According to the Demon God Emperor's original plan, after gathering the army this time, he will directly march westward. Destroy the southeastern fortress closest to the heart of our demon city, and then go all the way west, deep into the human temple. In the hinterland of the Federation, fight directly to the Holy City. Force the Temple Federation to fight us in the Holy City. Long Haochen will definitely come back by then. In one battle, he will completely cripple mankind in the Holy City. At the same time, use the opportunity of this holy war to fight against us in the Holy City. The human world is looting on a large scale, not only to rob property, but also to rob a large number of people. It will drain away the foundation accumulated by mankind for thousands of years. And then it will not destroy mankind. It will withdraw after draining the essence of mankind. . Of course, during the entire war, some strong human beings led by Wei must be killed, and the one he puts first here is Long Haochen.

This is indeed a good method, simple and direct, using conspiracy and absolute strength to suppress human beings. Could it be that the Demon God Emperor wants to change his mind after hearing about the death of the Tree Demon God? asked the man in black.

Agares shook his head and said: At least for now, he has no intention of changing his mind. This method is indeed the most beneficial to the demons. Do you know why Agares summoned more than fifty demon gods to gather in the demon city? What? And let them all carry their own demon pillars.

The man in black was stunned and said: Isn't it to concentrate our strength to launch a holy war against the Temple Federation?

Agares sneered and said: Others don't know it, so why don't I know it? The Demon God Emperor is afraid of Long Haochen. What he fears most now is actually that Long Haochen is just leading him. The Dawn Demon Hunting Group goes deep into the demon clan and specifically targets us demon gods. In that case, it will be impossible to prevent them.


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