Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 831 Prelude to the Holy War (Part 2)

Long Haochen smiled slightly and continued: The Demonic Province is the farthest province from the central province in the Demon Clan's territory. Unless the Demon God Emperor only leads his Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan and all the Demon Gods to rush there immediately, Come, otherwise, it will take at least twenty days to lead the army from the central province to our side. After breaking through the defenders outside Yulong Pass, at least five or six nearby demon provinces were exposed to us, and the defense force was extremely limited. . What we fear most now is that the Demon God Emperor will recklessly lead his army to directly attack the southeastern fortress and Ten Thousand Beast Pass, which are closest to the central province. Therefore, we must attract the Demon God Emperor’s attention.

As the first Demon God of the Demon Clan, the Demon God Emperor must be able to feel the damage of other Demon God Pillars. In the Federation, only my power can destroy the Demon God Pillar. Therefore, I believe that the Demon God Emperor can feel the damage of the Tree Demon God. After death, you can clearly know that I am here at Yulong Pass. But the demon army here is completely defeated. It will take at least five days to convey the specific battle situation back. This is still the fastest estimate. In addition, it needs to be rushed Twenty days. Therefore, we now have plenty of time. Within this ample time, we must let the Demon God Emperor know as much as possible about our actions.

Xiao Huo said: Xiaolong, what are you going to do? Kill the demons in several neighboring provinces?

Long Haochen shook his head and said: No. The massacre hurt Tianhe, and among the demons, the truly pure demons are only a part of them. I once came into contact with an organization of the demons. This organization is It is composed of human-demon hybrids. They secretly resisted the Demon God Emperor and accumulated some power. Moreover, I also heard that the leader of this organization is a very important demon god among the demons. This power may not be enough to affect the entire battle. But if we can win over them to help, we will be more certain of victory. If we launch a massacre rashly, it will definitely make this organization afraid to contact us, and it will also create a shared hatred of the enemy.

Shu Yongxiao asked: Will you seek skin from a tiger?

Long Haochen said: Probably not. The ultimate goal of this organization is actually to integrate into us humans. The member I contacted said to me that if humans eventually defeat the demons, they just hope to be able to leave people like them The demon hybrids have a territory where they can govern themselves, and it doesn't need to be too big. Then through interactions with humans, they are gradually assimilated by humans.

Cai'er said: Then what should we do?

Long Haochen said: War is cruel. Even if we don't start a massacre, we must attack the main force of the demons. If we want to inflict sufficient heavy damage to the demons in the shortest time, then we need to divide our troops. .Look.”

As he spoke, his right hand clicked several times on the map, which were all located at the capitals of some nearby demon provinces.

The strongest and most important resources of all the demon clans are gathered in the capital. The demon clan has always been strong on the outside and weak on the inside. The external defense force is strong, but the real internal strength is relatively empty. Didn't the Demon God Emperor transfer a large number of demon gods away? ? We will take this opportunity to destroy their foundation. Therefore, I set the target of attack at the capitals of the six demon provinces closest to Yulong Pass. Kill the main demon forces in these provincial capitals, and carry out certain We don’t need to kill too many people, but plundering or destroying the resources accumulated in these capitals will be enough to make the Demon God Emperor very anxious.”

The demons have a total of twenty-four provinces, and the six northern provinces account for a quarter. According to the characteristics of the demons, most of their resources are concentrated in the capital of each province. If the plan succeeds. It will be difficult for the Demon God Emperor to directly attack the Southeast Fortress and Ten Thousand Beasts Pass. He must consider the instability of the rear while attacking the Federation.

Everyone nodded in agreement to Long Haochen's strategy. In fact, they already had a rough battle plan before setting off for the expedition. Long Haochen just spoke in more detail at this time.

Cai'er said: That's it. After the rest, we will divide our troops into six groups and go deep into the demon clan to fight.

Long Haochen said: The six groups must maintain close contact with each other. Once you find that there is a demon god staying in that province, notify me as soon as possible. I will rush over as soon as possible to destroy the demon god pillar. Compared with resources, the demon god pillar is more It is the foundation of the demon clan’s foundation and the basis of its existence.”

Lin Xin said: The most fearful thing now is the Demon God Emperor's desperate move. If he ignores our actions, he will still lead his army to attack the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass or the Southeast Fortress, and use it as a breakthrough to penetrate deep into our federation to burn, kill and loot. , we will also be very passive. The key is that the resources of the Federation are much richer than those of the demons. If we can rob them, so can they.

Long Haochen nodded and said: I have seriously considered the issue you are worried about. It is possible. After all, it will take enough time for the Demon God Emperor to lead his army. Therefore, I estimate that the Demon God Emperor is most likely to The troops are divided into two groups.

Xiao Huo's eyes lit up, Why are the troops divided into two groups? Long Haochen's four simple words coincided with what he was thinking.

Long Haochen said: The Demon God Emperor wants to get rid of me quickly, and we are causing trouble in the north. He will definitely not miss the opportunity to deal with us. Therefore, I estimate that he will probably lead a group of the strongest demons , came to fight us in the shortest time. These demons are probably part of the fifty-four demon gods he mobilized, as well as part of the heaven-defying demon dragon clan, moon demon clan, and star demon clan. The Demon God Emperor has a certain understanding of his own strength. Absolute confidence, therefore, he will not bring too many powerful demons. The total number may not even exceed a thousand. In fact, under normal circumstances, such a power is enough to defeat us. Because the Demon God Emperor does not I don’t know how many ancestors joined us.”

On the other side of the two separate lines, the Demon God Emperor is most likely to target the southeastern fortress. The Demons may have detected that we are dispatching troops. But for some important deployments within our federation, it is impossible for him to know Too accurate. You must think that the southeastern fortress where the Warrior Temple is located is still the weakest. But you don’t know that we have averaged the occupations of the six temples. Moreover, before departure, we also arranged for the Assassin Temple Part of the force was reinforced to Ten Thousand Beast Pass and Southeast Fortress respectively.

The army mobilized by the Demon God Emperor this time is terrifying in number, and at least twenty demon gods will be left to command the army. If they attack the southeast fortress, they will indeed be a huge threat to us. However, the southeast fortress is not so easy to control. After the last holy war, all the major fortresses have strengthened their defenses. At the same time, once the specific movements of the demon army are discovered, Wanshou Pass and Jialing Pass, which are closest to the southeast fortress, will also send support as soon as possible. The most important thing is , now there are nine ancestors in each major fortress. Once that fortress is attacked, with the strength of the ancestors, they can reach the fortress within one to three days. Concentrate the power of more than forty ancestors. Even if the enemy is strong , led by more than twenty demon gods. But it is not easy to break through our great pass. We may even suffer big losses.

After hearing Long Haochen's analysis, everyone couldn't help but be moved.

There was no expression on Xiao Huo's face, but the appreciation and admiration in his eyes were clearly revealed. I thought to myself, it must be luck that Xiaolong can become the number one person in the Federation at such a young age! Not only is he extremely talented in cultivation, but his mind is also calm and meticulous. With this son in charge of the overall situation of the federation, the victory in this decisive battle with the demons may be much greater. Long Haochen's guess was exactly what he thought, so he didn't say anything more and just watched Long Haochen make arrangements silently.

After the strategy and tactics are determined, the next step is to divide the troops.

The sharp knife army is divided into six groups, commanded by Long Haochen, Cai'er, Chen Ying'er, Wang Yuanyuan, Han Yu and Zhang Fangfang respectively. Each army has three eternal heroes. Sima Xian followed Chen Ying'er in a group, Lin Xin followed Wang Yuanyuan in a group, Duanyi followed Han Yu in a group, and Yang Wenzhao followed Zhang Fangfang in a group. Yating followed Cai'er. The troops were divided into six groups and set off at the same time.

Long Haochen was responsible for the most central one of the six target provinces, so that he could rush to other provinces where the demon god appeared to destroy the demon pillar as soon as possible.

Although Long Haochen's group does not have any companions to follow him, he is the strongest, and with Xiao Huo's assistance, his overall strength is by no means inferior to the other five groups.

After the sharp knife army, which originally numbered only more than 10,000 people, was broken into pieces, it became more flexible, and like six real sharp knives, it penetrated directly into the northern hinterland of the demon clan.

The life-and-death game between the Temple Federation and the Demons has finally begun.

Demon clan, Demon Palace.

The Tree Demon God Bu Song is dead, and his Demon God Pillar was also destroyed. The Demon God Emperor's face looked very ugly.

He felt it the moment the Tree Demon God's Demon God Pillar was destroyed. This is already the third demon pillar that has been damaged.

There were dozens of demons standing densely below. Each one has a powerful aura. They are the foundation of the Demon Clan and the most powerful group of beings in the Demon Clan, the Demon Gods!

However, these are all powerful beings who dominate the demon clan. At this time, they are all standing there quietly and dare not breathe. There are only a few in the front row who even dare to look up at the Demon God Emperor. Just a few.

The tree demon Buson is dead. He is responsible for staying at Yulong Pass. The destruction of the Demon God Pillar undoubtedly meant that Long Haochen took action.

Your Majesty, I have ordered you to go down and get the accurate information there as soon as possible. It's just that the Heart City is too far away from the Samoan Province, and it will take at least three days for accurate information to come. Moon Demon God Agares said respectfully said. He knew very well that what the Demon God Emperor was most eager to know was whether it was Austin, Griffin or Long Haochen who destroyed the Demon God Pillar. If Long Haochen only relied on part of Austin and Griffin's bloodline power to destroy, then the problem would be relatively small. But if Austin and Griffin are not dead, then the problem will be big.


The update tonight will tell you some good news.

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