Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 813 National Idol (Part 1)

Long Tianyin was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Long Haochen to speak to him like this, and couldn't help but get angry, Okay, I want to see how you invite me out? Do you dare to attack me?

The light in Long Haochen's eyes suddenly shone brightly, and then, his right hand shot out towards Long Tianyin from a distance.

Long Haochen attacked Long Tianyin at the venue. This was such an incredible scene, but this is what happened.

Long Tianyin roared angrily and punched Long Haochen, his face turned red with anger. After all, he is also a veteran of the Knights Temple, and it is his grandson who is so disrespectful to him.

However, a scene once again shocked all the powerful people present. Long Haochen's body suddenly turned into a light golden color, and the soft golden light looked very comfortable. His palm shot out of the void flashed a golden palm print in the air, and when Long Tianyin's angry punch struck, Long Tianyin's body shook slightly under the flow of golden light, and then, his The body was surrounded by the golden light shot by Long Haochen's palm. The next moment, Long Tianyin's body turned into a golden light and disappeared out of thin air.

One move, only one move.

The realm is for me? Li Zhengzheng's low exclamation woke up everyone who was in shock.

What does the field represent to me? Everyone present knew very well that it was level nine and five. Their federation president's cultivation level has actually reached the ninth level and the fifth level?

You know, in the temple competition not long ago, what Long Haochen showed was only the second and third level of the ninth level! In just two short months, his cultivation has made continuous breakthroughs? For many ninth-level experts, this is something they cannot achieve even with the utmost of their lifetime!

For a moment, the federal senior officials couldn't help but have some changes in their expressions when they looked at Long Haochen.

Whether in the Temple Federation or the Demon Clan, strength often has the greatest say.

Haochen, you... Long Xingyu was also shocked and angry. However, when he met Long Haochen's serious eyes, he suddenly couldn't speak any more. He sat there as heavy as water, but stopped making any sound.

Long Haochen looked at Yang Haohan and said solemnly: According to federal laws, if a member of the federation meeting disrespects the president of the federation, the president of the federation can temporarily remove him from the topic at that time. I am not wrong.

Yang Haohan nodded subconsciously. In fact, he was also shocked by Long Haochen's behavior.

Long Haochen smiled calmly and said: Dragon Palace Master is a little tired. I just asked him to take a rest. There is no need to worry.

Of course, no one would worry about Long Haochen actually attacking Long Tianyin, it was his grandfather after all. However, what Long Haochen did just now couldn't help but make the strong men present in the six temples put their minds at ease.

The Temple Federation has just been established, and in fact many people still think in the same way as the previous Temple Federation. Long Haochen and his Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group have never given orders in the Federation. Therefore, many people do not have much recognition for this federal president. I just know that his demon hunting group is very strong. More council members are still the same as in the previous Temple Alliance, mainly obeying the orders of their respective temples.

But Long Haochen's behavior just now undoubtedly told them that he is the real number one in the Temple Federation now. Moreover, he also used his own strength to show everyone how powerful he was. In his fight with Long Tianyin, he did not use the throne of the divine seal of eternity and creation. But he was able to make Long Tianyin lose his fighting power with one move and be teleported away. This strength is obviously no longer inferior to that of Starlight Holy Knight Yang Haoyu. Coupled with the increase in the number one Divine Seal Throne in history. Everyone was shocked to discover that their federation president had actually reached such a high level. This discovery made them gradually forget Long Haochen's age, and they looked at him with more respect.

Where did Long Tianyin go? He was just outside the conference room door. However, now there is no trace of anger on the face of the Knight Temple Master, but a faint smile.

This brat. Let's settle the score with him later. Hehe. As he said this, the powerful divine seal knight of control and restraint turned around and left with the presence of an old god.

How could the stunned council members inside know that Long Tianyin and Long Haochen, the grandson and grandson, had already agreed to use this meeting to establish Long Haochen's authority. Even Long Xingyu didn't know. Facts have proved that both their grandfather and grandson are extremely talented in acting. Otherwise, even if Long Haochen is strong enough, he may not be able to succeed with one strike! And with his character, how could he really be angry at his grandfather?

The large conference room gradually became quiet, and Long Haochen said calmly: The story I told has great significance for everyone's voting later. As I said just now, I hope no one will comment on what I told you. Interrupt me during the process. Otherwise, I will ask him out as well.

You heard it right, the Holy Law God of the Dead and the Scourge of the Undead, Elex. He has the constitution of the Son of Light. The constitution of the Son of Light is the same as mine. In fact, if you think about it from another aspect, you will believe it more. . Necromancers are indeed powerful, but they are just a branch of magicians. Can a necromancer with ordinary talent bring such huge disasters to mankind? The answer is obviously no. The reason why Electrolux can do it is because of him He has strong enough talent and understanding. At the same time, he also has deep enough hatred to support him in doing so. He is a sunken son of light, but why did he sink? After learning the whole story of this incident, I His name must be rectified. The original natural disaster of the undead came from us humans, and it was we who created that disaster for ourselves.

Long Haochen's narration is undoubtedly very attractive. When he said this, he couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart, Senior Electrolux, you saved my life and passed on your power to me and Cai'er. You have awakened at the last moment. In this case, I will clear your name today. Although your soul is gone, I still hope that you can walk more safely.

Both Long Haochen and Cai'er accepted Electrolux's great kindness. No matter whether he recognized Electrolux in his heart or not, the favor could not be changed. What's more, Electrolux's final confession deeply moved them. This opportunity before him was Long Haochen's chance to clear his name.

Everyone must be wondering why I know this. Let me start from the beginning. When our Demon Hunting Group of Dawn of Light was still at the general level, we once received a mission to investigate the terrifying screams found in the demons. Cave. That mission was recognized as a release error after we accepted it, which caused a series of situations in the Demon Hunting Mission Tower. However, we did complete that mission.

Now that Long Haochen is the chairman of the federation, there is no need to hide some things anymore, not to mention, the matter of the Tower of Eternity has been perfectly resolved. He's not afraid to talk about these things either.

At the moment, Long Haochen told how he discovered the Tower of Eternity in the Cave of Fear and Sorrow, and became the inheritor of the Tower of Eternity. Later, he experienced the Tower of Eternity, and gradually discovered the true image of the Tower of Eternity, and In the end, he died in the battle with the demons and was brought to the Tower of Eternity to be resurrected by Cai'er. He told the story in detail.

It can be said that this has always been his biggest personal secret. Telling it now is not only to clear Electrolux's name, but also to explain to all the federal leaders present why their demon hunting group is so young but has such strength.

This is the story of Electrolux. It was precisely because he suffered too much pain and the hatred of genocide that he embarked on the path of no return. His mistake is unforgivable. However, we must ask, Is this necromancer really evil by nature?

Long Haochen's story is very exciting and touching. Especially when he heard that Cai'er carried him on his back and went through life and death in the Tower of Eternity with his partners in the Dawn of Light before finally resurrecting him. It deeply moved everyone present.

Originally, many people thought that Long Haochen's current cultivation level was due to his unique talent, which was entirely due to his Son of Light physique. After listening to his story, I realized how much suffering he had endured in the process of improving his strength. And why has he been missing from the Demon Clan for so long?

Long Xingyu's fists had been clenched so tightly that they turned blue-white, and his nails dug deeply into his palms. Tears flowed down uncontrollably and fell on the front.

Long Haochen saw his father's face bursting with tears, and a strange color appeared in his eyes. At the same time, there seemed to be a slight sense of relief. It's just that no one noticed this small change in his expression.

My story is finished. This is my own story. As the Federation Chairman, I also believe that out of my responsible attitude towards the Federation, I should tell this secret. Regarding the Eternal Heroes, my attitude is that you can please They went to war and exerted their last strength for the Federation. I believe that our ancestors have been waiting for this day for a long time. However, for safety reasons, I will first go to the Holy Mountain of Knights to confirm their situation. Only if they really still have fighting ability and are conscious will they be allowed to go to the battlefield.

They are the true heroes of the Alliance. I believe that this matter should not be hidden from the people, but should be widely publicized. Sometimes, our thoughts are too conservative. What about the undead? They are the heroes of the Federation! Our heroes have already paid the price with their lives for the Federation. Why do they still have to remain anonymous even after they die and continue to contribute to the Federation, and do not even dare to let the tribesmen they protect know their existence? I believe that this matter only needs to be If we do a good job in publicity, people will not fail to understand.


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